Why Is Spotify Deleting My Downloaded Playlists?

Why Is Spotify Deleting My Downloaded Playlists?

Alas, hath Spotify forsaken thy downloaded playlists and podcasts, perchance? Verily, there may be myriad reasons for such a fate. Thou mayest find thyself in possession of an outdated app, neglecting to log in with due frequency, or mayhap thou hast breached Spotify’s download limit, among other potential causes.

Let us delve into the most prevalent reasons why thy downloaded Spotify content hath been vanquished so thou mayest navigate around these turbulent waters.

1. Thy Subscription Hath Expired

With Spotify Free, thou art enabled only to download podcasts. Yet with a Premium plan, podcasts, playlists, and albums may be at thy fingertips.

Thus, should thou have canceled Spotify Premium or suffered the expiration of thy subscription, Spotify shall, alas, erase thy downloaded playlists and albums from existence.

2. Thou Hast Surpassed Spotify’s Downloads Limit

Even as thou dost enrich Spotify’s coffers with a Premium subscription, there exists a ceiling upon the number of songs thou mayest download unto thy devices. As per Spotify’s decree, thou art permitted to download up to 10,000 tracks upon each of thy devices. Nevertheless, ye shall not download tracks upon more than five divergent devices.

If by chance thou dost download tracks upon more than five devices, Spotify shall banish the downloaded content from the device which hath the humblest playtime.

Shouldst thou find thyself signed into Spotify upon another’s device, and that person doth partake of Spotify’s offerings more zealously than thou, thou mayest find thyself bereft of downloaded playlists. In such a circumstance, thou ought to remove unwelcome devices from thy Spotify account.

3. Thou Hath Neglected to Log In for 30 Days

As ordained by Spotify, failure to grace thy account with login once every 30 days may result in the deletion of thy downloads. Even if thou dost maintain an active paid subscription, thou must yet deign to log into thine account to safeguard thy downloaded content.

4. Spotify Hath Removed the Content

Should Spotify see fit to expunge certain tracks or podcasts from its realm, thou shalt be denied the pleasure of playing them offline, even if thou hast downloaded them ere Spotify resolved to cease streaming them.

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The removed content may be rendered gray within thy playlists, but Spotify shall effect its erasure once thou dost update the app. Shouldst thou wish to ensure the ability to partake of thy favored songs at any hour, perchance it would be prudent to consider acquiring music online.

5. The Owner Hath Deleted the Playlist

Beyond Spotify’s purview, there may be one who doth hold dominion over thy downloaded playlists. An individual other than thyself who hath created and subsequently erased the downloaded playlists shall compel Spotify to expunge such playlists from thy downloads.

To forestall the loss of thy downloaded tracks, ‘twould be wise to replicate the playlist on Spotify ere downloading the copied version.

6. Thou Hast Reinstalled Spotify

Strange though it may seem, Spotify may decide to annihilate thy downloaded playlists upon the reinstallation of the app. Thus, should Spotify cease to function, thou ought to exert effort to remedy the issue, lest thou lose thy downloaded playlists.

Yet there may exist occasions where reinstating Spotify becomes the sole recourse to restore its functionality. In such an event, ascertain if thou art yet able to access downloaded playlists or re-download them anew, that thou may play Spotify offline.

7. Thou Art Running an Outdated App Version

Shouldst thou have disabled the automatic updates of apps upon thy phone or computer, there exists the possibility that thou art operating an antiquated Spotify version. In such a plight, thou shalt bear witness to sundry glitches and bugs, and perchance lose access to thy downloaded playlists.

Thou may journey to the Google Play Store or App Store to update the Spotify app. To update Spotify upon desktop, unseal the three-dot menu and proceed to Help > About Spotify. Thereafter, select Update Spotify.

Ofttimes, Downloaded Spotify Playlists Aren’t Always Available

Even with a Spotify subscription in thy possession, certainty eludes thee in regard to the accessibility of thy playlists whenever thy heart doth desire. Issues with the app or Spotify’s forfeiture of licensure to stream from thy favored band or artist may render thy playlists inaccessible.

In such circumstances, Spotify ought not to be thy sole musical sanctuary. Fortuitously, thou mayest procure music legally for naught or seek solace in the embrace of a complimentary music streaming service.

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