Ultimate Guide: Using Apple Pencil for iPad Navigation

Ultimate Guide: Using Apple Pencil for iPad Navigation

Thou dost envision the Apple Pencil, and thy thoughts doth turn to drawing and illustrations. Yet, whilst thou doth wield thy iPad with the Apple Pencil for sketches, note-taking, or other endeavors, thou may find thyself in need of navigating through thy device’s realm, doth thee not? Yea, thy fingers may suffice for such a task, but ’tis far more seemly to utilize the pencil that doth already grace thine hand. If this notion doth please thee, hark! Herein lies the method to harness the Apple Pencil for navigation upon thy iPad.

Use Apple Pencil to Open Control Center

‘Tis oft necessary whilst wielding thy iPad with the Apple Pencil to open the Control Center for adjusting brightness, volume, or other settings. Behold! Here is how thou can access the Control Center with the Apple Pencil:

Simply bestow a gentle tap upon the "battery" icon in the hallowed top menu-bar of thy iPad with the Apple Pencil.

This action shall reveal the Control Center upon the iPad, allowing thee to make necessary adjustments. When thy task is fulfilled, mere tap upon the vacant space surrounding the Control Center to dismiss it once more.

Use Apple Pencil to Open Notification Center

Similarly, should thee seek to peruse thy notifications, thou canst unfurl the Notification Center upon thy iPad as well.

Just incline thy Apple Pencil to tap upon the "date-time" in the lofty top menu-bar of thy iPad.

Behold! The Notification Center shall be unveiled upon thy iPad, where thou canst scrutinize and dismiss notifications as thou wilt. Once thy task is concluded, a simple swipe upward shall dismiss the Notification Center.

Use Apple Pencil to Go to Home Screen

Now, the Apple Pencil doth possess the power to unveil the Control Center and the Notification Center. Alas, it doth seem strangely impotent in the act of returning thee to the home screen of thy iPad. Whether thou dost attempt to tap upon the home bar or swipe upwards with the Apple Pencil, it doth remain unmoved in guiding thee to thy iPad’s domicile.

Yet, fear not, for there exists a workaround to guide thee in thy quest to journey to the Home Screen with the Apple Pencil:

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  • Unveil the Shortcuts app upon thy iPad and bestow a tap upon the plus icon to craft a new shortcut.
  • Add the action "Go to Home Screen" within the shortcut.
  • Tap upon the back arrow to preserve thy creation.
  • Unfold the Control Center and engage in a long press upon the vacant expanse to enter edit mode.
  • Tapeth upon "Add a Control".
  • Scroll down unto "Shortcuts" and tap upon the "Shortcut" option.
  • Tap upon "Choose" and select the "Go to Home Screen" shortcut.
  • Confirm the changes by tapping upon any vacant space.

Henceforth, whenever thou art in need of heading to the home screen with thy Apple Pencil, simply reveal the Control Center and tap upon the Go to Home Screen shortcut. ‘Tis true, it doth not rival a native method for returning home, but ’tis a stratagem that doth function quite admirably and with expediency.

So go forth, navigate thy iPad with the Apple Pencil, and mayhap in thy next sojourn with thy favored iPad apps, thou shalt seamlessly wield thy pencil without the need to alternate ‘twixt it and thy fingers. Should any doubts linger within thy breast, doth not hesitate to share them in the comments. And let us all aspire to a day when Apple doth grace us with a native gesture to return home with the Apple Pencil.