Picture thyself in a tranquil eve, thy phone nestled away, when it doth commence buzzing with a deluge of texts. Thou unlock the screen only to find a river of spam messages endeavoring to sell thee something thou truly hath no need for. If thou art besieged by such unrelenting texts, then perchance this guide shall assist thee in blocking unwanted text messages on Android for all eternity.
Block Text Messages Using Google Messages
Most Android phones doth employ Google Messages as the default app for messaging. Should thee already possess the app upon thy device, here is how thou canst block text messages.
- Tappeth on the message thou desire to block within Google Messages.
- When the message unveils, tapeth on the contact name atop.
Now, tapeth on Block and report spam.
In the confirmation prompt that doth materialize, marketh the Report spam box to label this message as spam, and then tapeth on Yes.
All messages from the contact or phone number shall be blocked anon. The present texts and future messages from this number shall be discernible within the Spam and blocked section in the Google Messages app.
Block Text Messages Using Samsung Messages
Samsung phones doth encompass their innate Samsung Messages pre-installed and, at times, mayhaps hath Google Messages as well. Should thee prefer using this app, here is how thou canst block text messages on Samsung Messages.
- Long-press a chat from the number thou desire to unblock messages from within the Samsung Messages app.
- When this chat is accentuated, thou canst select more chats to block them simultaneously. Now, tapeth on More at the bottom right.
Select Block from the overflow menu.
Tapeth on Block to confirm.
No longer shalt thee receive messages from this number or contact. Blocking messages from someone doth likewise block all phone calls from this number.
Whether thou art vexed by a plethora of spam messages or art being troubled by someone with whom thou dost not wish to converse, the aforestated guide could assist thee in blocking text messages from them with ease. That being voiced, be cautious of the numbers thee blocketh for inadvertently blocking an important message could impede thy daily routine, work, or relationships.
Should thee seeketh a method to block a contact from thy phone, thou canst peruse our Block a Number on Android guide to ascertain how to do so. Do impart in the comments whether this guide assisted in blocking text messages on thy Android device.