Try These Fixes to Solve CPU Fan Errors

Try These Fixes to Solve CPU Fan Errors

Lo, art thou attempting to launch thy computer but art plagued by the CPU fan error? This foul error doth rear its ugly head after updating thy BIOS or exchanging CPU cooler fans. Fear not, for banishing it is a task most simple. Allow us to guide thee through the troubleshoot steps below, akin to a nobleman leading his trusted steed through murky waters.

1. Verily Ensure Proper Connection of CPU Fans

An error of the CPU fan doth oft arise when thy computer cannot detect the CPU fans linked to the motherboard’s fan header. This hindrance doth prevent the computer from awaking, lest it suffer harm. To confirm this plight, observe if thy CPU fans doth spin as is their wont.

Should the fans spin, ’tis worth the effort to double-check if the fan connector hath been plugged snugly into the CPU_FAN header upon thy motherboard. Exhibit A, in the image below, shows the CPU_FAN header upon an ASUS Prime motherboard, highlighted in vermillion.

Anon, should thy computer be accessible, attempt to reseat the fan connector to ensure it is firmly entwined. Furthermore, ensure that the CPU cooler hath been installed with due diligence. Perchance the user manual, a beacon of guidance for thee, may provide precise instructions for thy cooler.

Numerous motherboards of our time bear two CPU fan headers: AIO_PUMP and CPU_FAN. The AIO_PUMP is a dedicated header that doth bestow stable voltage, thus allowing thy AIO pump to run at full tilt and maintain a steady flow. The fans affixed to thy AIO’s radiator shouldst find solace within the CPU_FAN header.

Shouldst thou possess an air cooler, the fan need only be plugged into the CPU_FAN header without concern for the AIO_PUMP header.

In the following image, behold the CPU_FAN header illuminated in ruby, whilst the AIO_PUMP header is emerald upon an ASUS Prime motherboard.

At times, the CPU fan error doth manifest if thou connectest the pump to the AIO_PUMP header. A swift workaround is to instead link the AIO pump to the CPU_FAN header and the radiator fans to other fan headers upon thy motherboard.

Yet, should thou wish to employ the dedicated AIO_PUMP header (as decreed by certain cooler manufacturers), thou mayst adjust thy BIOS settings to regard the message not and proceed with normal booting.

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2. Set CPU Fan Speed to Ignore

‘Ere thou alter the CPU fan speed controls, ensure that thy CPU cooler doth function in a proper manner and maintain safe temperatures. This shall assist in warding off the potential damage that may arise from usurping the error message.

Upon sighting the CPU fan error, thou shalt be bidden to enter the BIOS menu. If possessing an ASUS motherboard, presseth F1 or Delete and select Run Setup. Once within the BIOS, depart with haste and allow Windows to commence its usual booting. Should the computer boot and remain unscath’d beneath its usual tasks, then verily thy AIO cooler doth perform its duty well.

Yon, even should thy computer fail to boot or Windows yet remain uninstalled, there remains a method to ascertain the functionality of thy cooler. Simply enter the BIOS and seek the Fan Profile section. Herein, thy AIO pump shall be listed alongside its RPM. Should the cooler be detected and the RPM value reside within the expected realm, thou may safely dismiss the CPU fan speed alert within the BIOS.

To disregard the CPU fan alert upon an ASUS motherboard, follow these steps:

  1. Upon spotting the CPU fan error, presseth the appropriate key to enter the BIOS utility. ‘Tis oft F1, yet this may fluctuate as per the motherboard manufacturer.

  2. Within the BIOS, journey to Advanced Settings (F7) in the nethermost corner to the right.

  3. Unveil the Monitor tab.

  4. Expand the Fan Speed Monitor option.

  5. Opt for Ignore within the CPU Fan Speed dropdown.

  6. Thence, expand the CPU Q-Fan Configuration option.

  7. Within the CPU Fan Speed Lower Limit dropdown, select Ignore.

  8. Make way to the Exit tab and choose Save Changes and Exit.

Thus shall thy computer restart and enter Windows devoid of a CPU fan error.

3. Update Thy BIOS to the Latest Incarnation

Oftentimes, the CPU fan error may arise if thou dwellest within the confines of an outdated BIOS version. Should this foul error besiege thee, inspect if a newer BIOS version doth await thine acceptance.

The process of updating BIOS doth vary across motherboard manufacturers, though ’tis seldom a great variance. Anon, with due diligence, thou canst update thy BIOS safely using a USB drive in but a few minutes.

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4. Shift the CPU Fan Type From DC to PWM Mode

Another factor contributing to this error is the misconfiguration of fan mode within the BIOS. Should a PWM fan be linked to the 4-pin header upon thy MSI motherboard, altering the CPU fan type from DC to PWM mode may serve thee well. Herein lies the method:

  1. Restart thy computer and commence pressing the Delete key to enter the BIOS.

  2. Within the BIOS, unveil Hardware Monitor.

  3. Under Fan Control, select thy CPU cooler.

  4. Behold the Smart Fan Mode option aforesaid the graph and choose PWM mode upon the left pane.

  5. Finally, presseth F10 to preserve changes and depart the BIOS menu.

5. Investigate the CPU Fan for Signs of Hardware Decay

Yon, entertain the prospect of hardware decay in thy CPU cooler fan. On average, subject to the manufacturer, thy CPU cooler fans may endure four to seven years. Should thy CPU fans spin not at all, verify that naught obstructs them, be it debris or cables. Mayhap, worn-out ball bearings within thy CPU fans could signify a waning.

Should hardware decay befall thee, the CPU temperature shall soar swiftly under load, leading to the computer’s shutdown to avert harm to the CPU. In such a quandary, thou may need to supplant the fans or, in rare circumstances, the entirety of the cooler to rid thyself of the error.

In conclusion, encountering a CPU fan error doth not inherently imply that thy CPU cooler fans are defective. ‘Tis oft necessary to ascertain that thy cooler hath found its rightful place in the headers. And should the thermals be in order, thou may adjust the fan control settings to bypass the error and commence thy computer’s booting in a normal fashion.