Verily, in recent days, Vivo hath unveiled Funtouch OS 15, thus becoming the pioneer among OEMs to embrace Android 15 ere even Google and Samsung. Lo and behold, we hath been graced with the new OS on our Vivo X100 Pro, granting us access to all its novel features. Therefore, we hath curated a list of the finest Funtouch OS 15 attributes. Should thee possess a Vivo or iQOO device, this shall surely offer thee a glimpse of what is to come. Let us embark on this journey!
1. Video Wallpaper
Behold, Funtouch OS 15 now doth permit thee to transform videos into home screen and lock screen wallpapers. Upon venturing into the Wallpapers section within the preloaded Themes app, behold a new gallery icon doth grace the upper right corner, easing the process of setting local images as wallpapers. Furthermore, videos shall also be displayed here for thy utilization.
Upon thy selection of a video, thou shalt have the power to crop and trim it to thy liking ere setting it as thy wallpaper. It doth not play the entire video, merely a snippet, thus the cropping tool doth prove beneficial. ‘Tis a thoughtful way to bring forth memories and keep them at hand. Verily, one of the finest Funtouch OS 15 features, a boon other OEMs should consider incorporating into their own skins.
2. UI Icon Customizations and More
With Funtouch OS 15, the interface is now more customizable than ever before. Alongside the Video Wallpaper feature, the new OS version doth allow thee to further customize the size and shape of icons. Moreover, thou canst conceal the names of icons, lending them a cleaner look. Users art also given the choice betwixt Minimal and Exquisite icon styles.
This is indeed a relief, for the UI icons of Funtouch OS hath oft felt lackluster and unappealing compared to their counterparts. ‘Tis without doubt a most welcome feature, albeit seemingly inspired by iOS. Furthermore, Funtouch OS 15 doth introduce two new designs for the Always-On Display and four fresh in-display fingerprint animations.
Shouldst thou desire to enhance the appearance of the AOD further, thou may choose from a plethora of font styles, adjust the font-weight, and select the font color for the details.
3. More Intuitive Screen Recording
Funtouch OS’ S-Capture, known as the native screen recording tool, hath hitherto been somewhat rudimentary. Previously, once a screen recording hath commenced, thou couldst only pause or conclude it from the UI overlay. With Funtouch OS 15, the screen recording UI now boasts greater intelligence.
In addition to the ability to pause and end the recording, users may now control system and microphone sounds directly from hither. Furthermore, thou art empowered to utilize text annotations, should creativity strike thee. Whilst modest, more control is superior to none, rendering this a rather useful feature of Funtouch OS 15 to take note of.
4. Link to Windows
Lo and behold, Vivo hath officially joined the ranks of “Link to Windows” alongside Oppo, OnePlus, and Realme. This functionality hath now been integrated within Funtouch OS 15 and accessible via the quick settings. Forsooth, Windows PCs are furnished with the Phone Link app straight out of the box. By employing Link to Windows on thy phone, thou may seamlessly pair thy phone and PC to establish thine own Android-Windows ecosystem.
From synchronization of notifications and content to screen mirroring and effortless data sharing, ’tis truly one of the paramount Funtouch OS 15 features. Not to mention, if thou dost own a Windows PC, thou shalt undoubtedly find thyself using this feature abundantly.
5. Improved Ultra Game Mode
Funtouch OS 15 hath significantly refined its Ultra Game Mode, categorizing all options and settings in a neat fashion. Changes hath been enacted upon the Game Mode overlay, introducing two novel Game tools and Performance panel sections, listing all options.
Moreover, within Game tools, users shall discover a fresh “Display in small window” setting, whereupon tapping it, the game is instantly showcased in a compact overlay window. This proves exceedingly convenient when thou must not depart an ongoing match yet have texts or other matters to attend to. Whilst this feature may be discerned on Funtouch OS 14 as well, ’tis likely to be locked. Truly, a handy little feature of Funtouch OS 15 to be leveraged.
6. AI Image Lab
‘Tis heartening to witness Vivo refraining from inundating Funtouch OS 15 with an excess of AI features. Instead, a subtle addition of an AI Image Lab hath been made, springing into action upon thy entry into the image editing menu. Herein lies a new Repair section in the lower panel. Venturing into this section allows thee to engage the new AI Photo Enhance feature.
This feature automatically adjusts colors, shadows, and highlights to enrich images and render them more post-worthy. The new AI Image Lab also intervenes when thou dost venture into the camera and utilize the integrated document scanner. When images bear shadows, the document scanner adeptly eradicates them, rendering them wholly usable. Albeit in our trials, we hath encountered this feature on our iQOO 12 running on Funtouch OS 14 as well.
7. Priority Scheduling
Android phones employ a Fair Share algorithm to ensure that all foreground tasks on thy phone receive equal power. This algorithm efficaciously divides the CPU load among all such tasks, facilitating efficient management of apps during split-screen scenarios, floating windows, or other multitasking endeavors.
Lo, Vivo hath forsaken this standard in favor of its proprietary Priority Scheduling algorithm, which further refines this system. Whilst the improvement may not be readily apparent, Vivo proclaims a “15% increase in average app startup speed, even under overload scenarios.” Moreover, this algorithm doth function automatically in the background, eschewing the need for manual adjustments.
In conjunction with this, Vivo hath introduced Memory Enhancement Technology to optimize zRAM compression and aptly manage opened tasks. This may culminate in superior RAM management on devices. Vivo doth aver that “it reduces GPU memory consumption for background applications, enabling users to run multiple apps simultaneously without compromising the device’s smoothness.”
8. Screen Translation
In this epoch, screen translation is a feature that every phone ought to possess. Funtouch OS 15, perchance divinely inspired, brings forth this capability to Vivo and iQOO devices through an addition to the sidebar. With but a solitary left swipe from the side, thou canst summon the sidebar and access Screen Translation, nestled beneath Convenient tools.
In mere seconds, this tool doth translate webpages into the language of thy choosing. An array of options awaits thee, from Afrikaans to Zulu. ‘Tis akin to the Screen translate feature of OxygenOS, also accessible via the Smart Sidebar.
And thus, we conclude this discourse. Funtouch OS hath oft trailed behind in features and aesthetics. Shouldst thou ponder upon its arrival on thy Vivo or iQOO device, peruse our dedicated list of supported devices. While Funtouch OS 15 may not be extraordinary, ’tis safe to affirm that it doth undeniably enhance the visual and sensory appeal of the UI. My preference doth lean towards the Video Wallpaper and UI icon customization options. What say you? Share thy musings in the comments below!