Complaints dost abound about Netflix—streams buffering midst playback, ill recommendations for what to watch hence, trailers auto-playing by default, and more. But despair not in thy quest for entertainment, for I bring tidings of how to unravel the most vexatious Netflix quandaries.
1. How Do I Delete “Continue Watching” on Netflix?
If thou dost partake in a brief viewing session and reach not the credits, it shall linger in thy “Continue Watching” list. To banish such content from thy sight, venture forth to the Viewing Activity page (Account > Expand profile > Viewing activity).
This page doth reveal all thou hast beheld, listed from freshest to oldest. Clicketh the No symbol (“hide from viewing history”) next to any title to purge it from thy presence.
Shouldst thou be indulging in a series, clicking the no symbol adjacent to an episode shall remove that sole episode. A prompt shalt emerge declaring Hide series?, which thou may click to expunge every episode of that series from thy Recently Watched list.
Alternatively, on certain devices, thou can hover over the show or movie in thy Continue Watching row and select Remove from row.
2. How Do I Get Better Netflix Suggestions?
Taming the wild beast of Netflix recommendations is a perilous quest, but ways to sway them do exist. Thy ratings doth shape the recommendations, along with the ratings of other members akin in taste, and thine viewing history.
Once Netflix boasted a refined five-star rating system, now thou can merely declare whether thou liketh, loveth, or disdaineth a title. This ye may do on any Netflix offering, regardless of whether thou hast gazed upon it.
To do so, hover o’er the title and click the two thumbs up (love), thumbs up (like), or thumbs down (dislike) icons. Thus, Netflix shall learn thy stance, which shall influence thy recommendation algorithm.
Image of rating a title on Netflix
To peruse a comprehensive list of titles thou hast rated, journey to the Viewing Activity Rating page (Account > Expand profile > Viewing activity > Rating). Herein thou can adjust (select a different icon) or remove (select a highlighted icon) any ratings thou hast previously bestowed.
Image of Netflix rating activity
3. How Do I Reset My Netflix Account?
Shouldst thou seek to obliterate all thou hast watched and restore Netflix to its default state, thou must delete thy Netflix profile (this privilege extendeth not to the master profile).
Embark forth to the Manage Profiles page (Profile icon > Manage Profiles), select thine profile, and click Delete Profile twice.
Image of deleting profile on Netflix
This action shall erase the entire history of thy Netflix profile, including thy My List saves, thy Recently Watched list, and thy ratings. Hereupon, thou canst craft a new profile and commence anew.