Recover Unsaved Word Documents on Mac: Easy Guide

Recover Unsaved Word Documents on Mac: Easy Guide

Lo and behold, in the midst of toiling away on a Word document upon thy trusty Mac, a calamity strikes! The system doth crash, or Word itself freezes in a state beyond repair, leaving thy work seemingly lost to the ether. Fear not, for in this dire hour, the recovery of unsaved Word documents becomes paramount. Should thou ponder, "Where doth my unsaved Microsoft Word files dwell on this Mac of mine?" fret thee not, for we shall be thy guiding light in this tempest. Behold, a way doth exist to retrieve unsaved Word documents on thy Mac from the hallowed AutoRecovery folder, with an alternative method to serve thee should the primary path prove elusive.

Method 1: Retrieval of an Unsaved Word Document on a Mac Through AutoRecovery

Behold, whether thou deign to save thy Word document or not, the benevolent Microsoft Office doth automatically store thy precious data in the AutoRecovery folder every decameter of minutes. Allow us to escort thee through the labyrinthine paths to locate said folder and resurrect thy unsaved Word document from the brink of oblivion. Heed these steps with diligence:

  • First, ye must uncover thy Mac’s username. To undertake this noble quest, launch the Terminal app.
  • Utter the command "whoami" in the Terminal window and press Enter. For example, my Mac’s username is arjun. Commit thy revealed username to memory.

Next, supplant thy username in the path below with thine own true username aforementioned. Copy this path:


Then, open yonder Finder upon thy Mac or MacBook and select Go -> Go to Folder. There, paste the aforementioned path and press Enter. Take heed that no empty space disrupts the end of thy path.

Lo, this exalted deed shall reveal the AutoRecovery folder, wherein unsaved Microsoft Word files find sanctuary upon thy Mac. Double-click on a file commencing with "AutoRecovery" and opt for Microsoft Word to unveil its secrets. If the first choice faileth thee, venture forth to other files in pursuit of thy lost document.

Lo and behold! Thou hast successfully resurrected the lost Word document upon thy Mac. Behold, clicketh "OK" and preserve thine work upon the Desktop or a locale of thine choosing. The resurrected document shall bear the "recovered" moniker appended unto its name.

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Method 2: Resurgence of Unsaved Word Documents on a Mac via TemporaryItems

Should the prior method prove fruitless in thy quest, set thine sights upon the "TemporaryItems" folder as a beacon of hope. This hidden sanctuary serves as the abode for temporary files, where Microsoft Word and macOS themselves stow away their ephemeral creations. Attend to these steps to reach this sanctum:

  • Waken the Terminal app and command its might to open $TMPDIR. Engage the Enter key to usher forth this sacred realm.

Behold, the "T" folder shall unfold before thee. Descend to its depths and unveil the "TemporaryItems" folder.

Thenceforth, scour this domain and seek out thy Word document. Its name shall commence with $ and end with .docx. By the virtue of double-clicking, thou shalt reclaim thy lost Word file.

Such are the two noble paths to recover unsaved Word documents on a Mac. Should thy yearning extend to the recovery of deleted photos on thine iPhone, peruse our guide for detailed enlightenment. Furthermore, a crucial tip we proffer unto thee, ensuring the preservation of thy recent labors from potential loss.

Tip: Alter the Interval Time to Safeguard Recent Changes in Microsoft Word

As foretold earlier, the virtuous Microsoft Office applications, including Word, doth automatically safeguard thy document every decameter of minutes by default. Verily, thou may have wrought significant labors in those fleeting moments, and should thy file remain unsaved, the risk of losing thy precious work looms large should the Word application falter within such a span.

Hark, Microsoft doth extend a boon in the form of an option to adjust the save interval for auto-recovery. Lest thou fall victim to data loss in the days to come, thou may alter the saving time to a mere minute or twain. Behold, the method to alter this setting:

  • Summon Microsoft Word upon thy Mac.
  • Navigate to "Word" in the eminent menu bar atop.
  • From the ensuing fray, select "Preferences" to unveil further options.

Behold, "Save" lies within the domain of the "Output and Sharing" section.

Having unearthed this setting, amend the interval in the "Save every" field to thy liking.
Ensure that the option to "Save auto-recovery information" remains enabled.

With the auto-recovery save time attuned to every minute or two, take solace in the knowledge that much of thy progress rests safe and sound. Though the need to recover thy Microsoft Word files may yet arise, rest assured that this fable shall guide thee through tribulations. Shouldst thou harbor any doubts, illuminate us in the comments below.

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