Hark! Thou may possess a photograph, illustration, or other form of image wherein the subject doth shine brightly, yet the background doth tarnish its beauty. Fear not, for we shall reveal unto thee several methods in Photoshop to rid thy image of its unwelcome backdrop. Thus, thou may choose the method that doth best suit thy noble image.
Lo, there existeth more than one path to part ways with the background in an image in Photoshop. Let us begin by exploring some of the simplest methods, which do allow thee to banish the background with but a few clicks of thy mouse. Then, we shall delve into techniques that require more time and effort, yet grant thee greater control over the outcome.
Use the Contextual Task Bar
One of the simplest ways to rid thy image of its background in Photoshop is through the mighty Contextual Task Bar. This floating toolbar, which doth appear near the bottom of the window by default, doth showcase the relevant steps thou may take on thy image. ‘Tis a most convenient option, indeed.
Step 1: Should this toolbar be hidden from thy view, pray tell, select Window > Contextual Task Bar in the menu. ‘Twill then reveal itself in the Photoshop window, and thou may drag it to a place more befitting.
Behold, if thine image doth boast a prominent subject, as in the photo below, thou should spy Remove Background.
Step 2: Expand the Panels on the right side, if hidden, and in the Layers group, select the padlock to unlock the layer.
Step 3: Opt for Remove Background in the Task Bar, and lo, thy background shall disappear into oblivion.
Use the Quick Actions
Verily, Photoshop doth proffer Quick Actions for eliminating or blurring a background, cropping or altering the image size, and more. ‘Tis another handy option in thy quest to rid the image of its unwanted surroundings.
Step 1: Should the Panels on the right side be concealed, reveal them.
Step 2: Within the Layers group, select the padlock to liberate the layer.
Step 3: Within the Properties group, unfold Quick Actions.
Step 4: Choose Remove Background, and witness the vanishing act of the background.
Use the Object Selection Tool
Another method to cleanse thy image of the background in Photoshop is by wielding the Object Selection Tool. ‘Tis a fine choice when the aforementioned methods fail to capture all the background thou desireth to discard.
Step 1: From the Tools Panel on the left, select the Object Selection Tool.
Step 2: Hover thy cursor o’er the image until the subject gleams, then bestow a click upon it.
Step 3: Venture to Select in the menu, and opt for Inverse. Thus, the background shalt be selected as well.
Step 4: Within the Layers group on the right, select the padlock to unlock the layer.
Step 5: Press the Delete key, and the background shalt dissipate like morning mist.
Use the Magnetic Lasso Tool
Should thou crave complete dominion over the background thou seeketh to cast away, the Magnetic Lasso Tool becometh thy ally. Though it doth require more time, it doth grant thee the ability to minutely outline thy subject, retaining all thou desireth in its wake.
Step 1: From the Tools Panel on the left, grasp hold of the Magnetic Lasso Tool. It doth dwell beneath the Lasso Tool, awaiting thy command.
Step 2: With thy cursor, trace around thy subject with care. ‘Tis crucial to maintain a steady hand and connect the ending point to the starting point in a continuous motion.
Step 3: Upon beholding the small circle at the connection points, release thy hold, and lo, thy subject shall be ensnared within the tool’s grasp.
Thus, shalt thou proceed on thy quest to rid thy image of its unwanted background, using the tools that Photoshop doth so generously bestow upon thee.