Verily, hear ye, for lo, Microsoft’s PowerPoint software hath been a mainstay in the realm of presentations for many moons. Whether thou hast but dabbled in its usage during thy days of learning, or dost rely upon it daily in thy labors, there be evermore to uncover about this venerable Microsoft creation. Didst thou know, forsooth, that thou canst embed videos within thy PowerPoint presentations?
Those wondrous animations and fantastical fonts may catch the eye for a brief moment, but naught can compare to the delight of a two or three-minute YouTube clip, which doth offer a respite from the toil of reading. In this guide, we shall instruct thee on the art of adding videos to PowerPoint slides, and address some common queries on this subject, as well.
How to embed a YouTube video into PowerPoint
Step 1: Journey to the slide where thy heart desires to embed a YouTube video, clicking upon it in the sidebar where all thy slides doth reside. Then, in the chosen spot where thou wishest to place the video, such as the title header or amidst the body of text below, make thy click.
Step 2: Direct thine gaze to the illustrious Insert tab aloft. Yonder, thou shalt spy the Video icon. From the list that doth appear, select Online Video.
Do bear in mind, if thou art using PowerPoint 2019 or a more recent incarnation, thou shalt possess the ability to insert online videos from YouTube by simply copying and pasting the video URL into a slide.
Step 3: Summon forth the video thou wishest to embed on YouTube. Below the player of said video, click upon Share and then the Icon of Embed. ‘Neath the title of Embed Video, click once ‘pon the Code of Embed, which doth encompass the entire section of code. Press the Copy button or utilize the keyboard’s magical combination of Ctrl + C upon Windows.
Step 4: Return to the sanctum of thy PowerPoint presentation window, with the sacred code thou hast copied in hand. Within the realm of From a Video Embed Code, paste the code into the adjacent field. Press Enter upon thy keyboard or click upon the small, grayed-out Arrow.
How to customize the embedded YouTube video
Step 1: Customize the manner in which thou doth wish the video to perform upon thy slide. Click upon the Playback tab and make any necessary adjustments, whether ’tis the video playing automatically or only when thou doth click upon the video itself.
Step 2: Maketh a click upon the frame of the video, then right-click and select the Format Video tab for further tools of modification, including adjustments to the video’s brightness, size, and more.
How to insert a video file directly into PowerPoint
If thou wouldst prefer to embed a video within thy PowerPoint presentation, where the video dwelleth within thy system, Microsoft doth provide the means to do so.
Step 1: Select the precise spot wherein thou wouldst add the video file. Click upon the Insert tab and seek out the Video icon. Click upon the Video on My PC field.
Step 2: Embark upon a journey to the video thou dost wish to insert. Double-click upon it or click it once and then select the Open button. Microsoft PowerPoint shall embed the video with its own media player.
Remember, shouldst thou choose to insert a video directly from thy PC and intend to unveil the presentation via an external system, pray, do not forget to save both the PowerPoint and video files upon thy USB, external hard drive, or similar vessel. Moreover, allocate both files unto a single folder so they may be interconnected, ensuring seamless playback.
How do I get a YouTube video to automatically play on PowerPoint?
Wouldst thou desire thy video to commence playing the very moment thou dost unveil the slide whereon it doth reside, the foremost deed thou must accomplish is to ensure that thy slideshow doth reside in Normal view. Thereupon, make a click upon the YouTube video. Subsequently, click Playback > Start > Automatically.
Furthermore, thou may set up Play in Click Sequence, which doth initiate a slide’s YouTube video automatically when thou dost press the spacebar, right arrow key, or any other key that doth advance unto the subsequent slide.
Why isn’t my embedded video playing in PowerPoint?
There be various reasons why thy YouTube video may refuse to play within PowerPoint. Initially, ensure that the video thou art endeavoring to embed is compatible with PowerPoint. Formats such as MP4, AVI, and WMV are embraced. Should thy video dwell not in a PowerPoint-supported format, consider converting it using software such as HandBrake.
If thou art seeking to play an embedded YouTube video, the device upon which thy PowerPoint doth reside shall need to be connected unto the internet. If thou art forewarned of a situation bereft of internet access, it would be wise to download the YouTube video unto thy computer first, and then incorporate it into thy PowerPoint.