Lo! Word processing software, a tool oft perceived as mundane by the masses, doth find a touch of enchantment in the realm of Google. Behold Google Docs, a word processor of no cost, nestled within the grand ecosystem of thy Google Account. Whilst basic formatting and familiar word processing functions do grace the forefront of Google Docs, the craft of adding doodles, sketches, and other merry media unto thy next Docs file doth require a special touch of wisdom.
Fear not, for in matters of Google Docs, do we wield years of experience. Here doth stand a guide, a beacon to illuminate thy path, revealing how to grasp these joyous and thrilling Google Docs add-ons.
Use the Google Docs built-in drawing tool
Should thy intent be to utilize the drawing solely for the current Google Doc, thou mayst fashion it right within the application itself. Alas, the sketch shall not be stored in Google Drive for external use, yet it shall remain open to thy edits.
Step 1: Venture to Google Docs, forswear not thy credentials, and open thy document or create a fresh one.
Step 2: Plant thy cursor within the document where the drawing shall reside. Embark upon the journey to Insert
> Drawing
in the menu, selecting New
Step 3: As the drawing tool unveils in the pop-up window, wield the tools in the toolbar to craft thy masterpiece.
The Actions
menu doth offer tools as word art for whimsical text and guides for aligning thy creations. With the toolbar, thou mayst choose lines, shapes, text, and images.
To sketch freely, let the Line
drop-down arrow in the toolbar guide thee to select Scribble
Step 4: Upon completion, choose Save and close
Step 5: Lo! The drawing shall manifest in thy document.
Should alterations be needed in the future, select the drawing and opt for Edit
in the ethereal toolbar below, or double-click to rekindle the drawing window.
Use Google Drawings and insert thy sketch
Should ye desire to lavish more time upon the drawing or securely store it in Google Drive for use beyond thy document, Google Drawings beckons thee. Though akin to Google’s drawing tool above, Google Drawings doth offer a distinct path.
Step 1: Hasten to Google Drawings, entwining thy Google account with the pursuit of artistry.
Step 2: Commence by bestowing a title upon thy drawing in the realm of the top left, where by default, it bears the name “Untitled Drawing.”
Step 3: Employ the menu options and toolbar to create thy sketch or illustration. Shapes, images, text, and lines may all find their place in this artful endeavor.
For freehand drawing, opt for Insert
> Line
and select Scribble
, or choose Scribble
from the Line
drop-down arrow in the toolbar.
Step 4: As thy creation blossoms, the file shall be preserved automatically, nestling within thy Google Drive amongst the likes of Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides.
Upon completion, return to Google Docs.
Step 5: Position thy cursor where the drawing shall dwell. Select Insert
> Drawing
, and this time, opt for From Drive
Step 6: Locate thy drawing and elect Select
Step 7: A choice shall present itself: to link to the source or to insert the image unlinked.
- Link to source: Should thee seek the ease of future edits, this path beckons thee.
Open source
may be selected atop the image in Google Docs for changes within Google Drawings. - Insert unlinked: Should changes not be in thy future plans, this choice stands. Should thy mind waver, make edits in Google Drawings and reinsert the refreshed image in Google Docs.
Step 8: Having made thy linking choice, select Insert
, and lo! Thy image shall grace Google Docs in the chosen spot.
If thou hast pondered on how to sketch upon Google Docs, here lie two formidable options for thy sketch or drawing. For more, delve into the art of e-signing documents or uncover the workings of akin applications such as LibreOffice and OpenOffice.