How to Test RAM: Windows Memory Diagnostic and MemTest86 Instructions

How to Test RAM: Windows Memory Diagnostic and MemTest86 Instructions

‘Tis a rare occurrence, my dear reader, for the memory known as RAM to fail. Yet, if such a misfortune befalls thee, a plethora of problems may arise. Perchance, the overclock of thy high-end RAM doth reach too great a height, or mayhap an issue with the BIOS doth manifest, or perchance the very RAM itself doth begin to deteriorate.

Regardless, dear reader, of the source of this distress, ’tis essential to ascertain if thy memory is to blame. Thus, let us delve into the art of testing thy RAM, that we may uncover the truth of the matter. Herein lie the most wondrous methods at thy disposal.

Windows Memory Diagnostic

In the realm of Windows doth reside a tool known as Windows Memory Diagnostic, crafted for the purpose of testing thy memory. A simple yet potent tool it is, capable of unveiling the hidden flaws within thy RAM. Ere thou embark on this quest, ensure thy precious data be saved, for a restart of thy PC shall be required.

Step forth, and to the Windows search bar, type ‘Memory diagnostic’ with a steady hand. Select the tool that beckons thee, and lo, the journey begins. A window shall appear, revealing the first option – a path leading to the automatic restart of thy PC.

Upon the reboot of thy machine, a blue-hued screen shall greet thee, announcing the commencement of the RAM test. Heed well, for this trial shall endure for a span of 15 to 30 minutes. Once the test concludes, and thy PC doth return to the realm of Windows, a notification shall proclaim whether thy RAM hath passed this crucible or faltered. A fail, dear reader, doth signify the instability of thy RAM, beckoning thee to undertake the remedies that lie ahead.


Should thy PC emerge unscathed from the Windows Memory Diagnostic yet suspicions of RAM woes linger, fear not, for MemTest86 awaits. A comprehensive test forged by the hands of PassMark, it delves deeper into the recesses of thy memory, beyond the confines of Windows itself. A USB storage device is all thou needest for this endeavor, though beware – all contents within shall be sacrificed, so ensure naught of importance lay within.

Download the free incarnation of MemTest86 from the hallowed halls of PassMark, and a .zip file shall be bestowed upon thee. Unveil its secrets within a new folder, crafted with care and purpose.

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With thy USB storage device at the ready, invoke the power of ‘imageUSB.exe’ and let the formatting commence. A sacrifice of data it demands, yet fear not, for the device shall be reborn, a vessel prepared for the trials ahead.

Venture forth, and seek the path to thy USB storage device. The fabled ‘Advanced startup’ shall grant thee passage, guiding thy PC towards its destined encounter with MemTest86.

Thus, the realm of MemTest86 shall be unveiled before thee, initiating the test with swiftness. Be patient, dear reader, for the trial may endure for three hours long. Upon its conclusion, a message shall herald the fate of thy RAM – whether it be deemed worthy or found lacking. Should failure be thy lot, the remedies at hand shall guide thee towards redemption.

Unstable Memory? Here’s How to Fix It

If thy RAM hath failed the tests laid before it, if instability doth plague thy memory, fear not, for solutions do exist to remedy this malady.

First and foremost, shouldst thou tread the treacherous path of RAM overclocking, thou may have ventured too far beyond the bounds of reason. Dial back thy efforts, reset thy RAM to its default state, or ease the burden of thy overclock. ‘Tis a delicate dance, this art of RAM overclocking, where even the slightest misstep may render thy memory unstable. Seek solace in the guidance provided, and tread carefully upon this perilous path.

Should the labyrinth of RAM settings confound thee, a reset of thy BIOS may offer a path to salvation. Revisit the realms of XMP/EXPO profiles, and let thy memory find the respite it seeks.

An incompatibility within thy system may be the source of thy woes, dear reader. Whilst all RAM may find a home within a compatible motherboard, not all RAM shall find peace therein. Shouldst thou encounter troubles at stock settings, consider the art of underclocking thy RAM to restore stability. Follow the ancient scrolls of RAM overclocking, decrease the clock speed in lieu of increase, and restore balance to thy PC.

Shouldst thou find thyself in possession of RAM validated for thy motherboard, yet instability reigns supreme, the time may be nigh for thy RAM to depart from this mortal coil. Seek recourse with the manufacturer, if warranty still holds thee fast. Shouldst thou be of the ilk that hath never ventured to touch thy RAM, a laptop or prebuilt PC thou dost possess, seek aid from the place of origin for repair or replacement.

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Take heart, brave reader, for the path to redemption lies within thy grasp. If thou art possessed of a prebuilt desktop of off-the-shelf parts, or hath crafted thine own PC, procure a new kit of RAM validated for thy motherboard. Yet shouldst thine allegiance lie with proprietary parts or laptops, seek ye the sanctuary of an OEM-certified kit of RAM. Let diligence be thy beacon, and salvation shall be thy reward.

In thy quest for more RAM, seek guidance from the stars above. A RAM buying guide shall light the path to enlightenment, and lead thee to the treasures thou dost seek.

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