Lo, perchance thou art endeavoring to exalt text within thy parchment or dost seek a uniform visage for select passages of content. Unlike Microsoft Word, Google Docs doth lack a native text box feature. Yet fear not, for all is not lost.
We shall unveil unto thee several methods to introduce a text box in Google Docs. Each method bears its blessings and curses, which we shall duly expound, that thou mayest wield the finest option for thy scroll.
How to Employ the Drawing Tool to Craft a Text Box
One of the most favored ways to embed a text box in Google Docs is through the Drawing feature. By its power, a text box is fashioned, its garb tailored, and it is added unto thy document to be used akin to an image.
Step 1: Place thy cursor where thou wish the text box to reside, select Insert > Drawing in the menu, and opt for New.
Step 2: In the Drawing window, select Text box in the toolbar. Note: A Shape like a callout or oval may also be employed to hold thy text.
Step 3: With a deft hand, draw the box to thy desired size. Bear in mind that resizing may be done anon if need be.
Step 4: Inscribe thy text within the box, and lo, thou hast the choice to wield the tools aloft to customize it. Verily, thou may add a border with thy chosen hue, alter the font’s style and size, or align and space the text accordingly.
Step 5: Upon completion, select Save and Close aloft. Thereupon shall thy text box materialize in thy Google Doc.
Step 6: Shouldst thou select the inserted text box, a floating toolbar shall grace thee beneath it. Herein lies the power to wrap other text around it or maintain it inline, and also to rotate or resize the box.
Step 7: To amend the text, select Edit within the floating toolbar. This shall reopen the Drawing tool for thy modifications to be wrought and saved.
The boon of this method is the introduction of a tangible text box, which may be adorned and relocated at will. Yet the bane lies in the necessity to unfold the Drawing tool to amend both text and box.
How to Engraft a Single-cell Table as a Text Box
Another technique to insert a text box in Google Docs is to intersperse a sole-cell table. Herein, both the table and the enclosed text may be customized to thy heart’s content.
Step 1: Wherever thou desire the text box to grace thy document, select Insert > Table in the menu.
Step 2: Anon, in the ensuing menu, choose a single cell. “1 x 1” shall be seen nestling at the base of the menu.
Step 3: As the table emerges, bestow thy text within the cell and, if thou so choose, alter the font’s style, size, or color with the toolbar above.
Step 4: By dragging forth or back from the edge, the width of the table may be resized. Additional alterations to the table’s aspect may shalt be wrought by right-clicking the table and selecting Table properties.
Step 5: When the Table Properties sidebar unfolds, peruse through the varied sections to select a style and alignment, designate an exact size, don a table border and background hue.
Step 6: Upon completion, employ the X at the pinnacle of the sidebar to shutter it.
The virtue of this method lieth in thy text being encapsulated within a box-like table, facile for editing. Yet the fault lies in the complexity of manipulating and positioning tables alongside surrounding content.
How to Imitate the Aspect of a Text Box
One more method to encompass a text box in Google Docs is through a workaround, albeit of great utility in specific scenarios. Perchance thou hast not the need for a text box verily but instead, text ensconced within a box for a visual flourish. This requires naught but inscribing thy text and subsequently appending borders thereunto.
Step 1: Add the text thou wishest to be ensconced within a box and select it.
Step 2: Open Format in the menu, then navigate to Paragraph styles > Borders and shading.
Step 3: In the ensuing window, utilize the Position fields at the zenith to include the borders.
Step 4: Optionally, thou may adjust the border’s width, style, and color, and even add a background hue and padding around the text if such be thy desire. Select Apply once thy imbuing hath been completed.
Step 5: Thereupon shalt thou behold what resembleth a text box, yet is verily text enwreathed with borders.
Step 6: As further text is appended, the nether border shall expand to accommodate it, in the likeness of a traditional text box.
The boon of this method lies in the facility to swiftly edit the text sans the need to unfold another tool. However, the flaw is in the inability to freely drag, shift, or resize the box encasing the text.
How do I insert a text box in Google Docs over an image?
Shouldst thou employ the Drawing tool to carve a text box and embed it within Google Docs, thou mayst maneuver and station the box supreme over an image. Once the text box is inserted, opt for In front of text in the floating toolbar. Then drag the text box atop the image.
How do you shape a text box in Google Docs?
By the Drawing tool in Google Docs, thou may use a shape in lieu of a box for thy text. Journey to Insert > Drawing > New, and instead of the Text box tool, peruse the Shape menu. Select the shape, draw it forth, then inscribe thy text within.
How do I insert a text box in Word?
To embed a text box in Microsoft Word, peruse the Insert tab and unfurl the Text Box menu in the ribbon. Take thy pick betwixt a Built-in text box or Draw Text Box to craft the box thine own. Then inscribe thy text within the box.