Hark! If thou wert contemplating bestowing upon someone an Android Wear smartwatch this Thanksgiving, then lo and behold, the moment to procure one hath arrived. The Black Friday Sale is upon us, and behold, we are witness to some splendid early deals on the marvels of technology. Behold this – where thou canst procure Samsung’s flagship Galaxy Watch 6 at a price heavily discounted.
At this very moment, thou canst acquire the 44mm iteration of the Galaxy Watch 6 on Amazon for a mere $186.01, a price slashed by 44% from its initial sum of $329.99. The LTE model, on the other hand, doth require $209.45 for the 40mm dial, and $237 for the 44mm dial, respectively. As part of Black Friday, thou canst also apply a 12% discount, thus reducing the price by nearly half.
Is the Galaxy Watch 6 a Good Deal Now?
For an early Black Friday offering of $186, the Galaxy Watch 6 reigns supreme as one of the finest Android smartwatches thou canst procure. Samsung doth tirelessly release updates to enhance the device and introduce new functionalities. Should thou be an Android aficionado or intend to bestow it upon one, then verily, this timepiece is an impeccable choice. Despite its age, it shall endure for many moons to come.
Samsung hath carved a reputation for crafting peerless products, and the Galaxy Watch 6 stands testament to this fact. Albeit released last year, it remains amongst the creme de la creme of smartwatches. Boasting a grand circular screen of 37mm, a svelte profile, and operating on the latest WearOS 5 update.
A plethora of sports and fitness features have been imbued within this timepiece by Samsung. Regardless of thy chosen activity, the timepiece shalt not only measure it but also automatically discern the workout. Furthermore, it encompasses vital features such as a heart rate sensor, body composition measurement, and a temperature sensor. We ourselves hath tested some of these features, finding them both precise and comprehensive.
Should fitness not be thy primary concern, fear not, for there is much to cherish here. WearOS granted thee access to the Google Play Store, offering a vast array of third-party applications. Owners of Samsung smartphones may utilize it as a viewfinder for photos akin to the function of the Apple Watch. Additionally, thou canst utilize it to receive and make calls, granting thee a multifaceted timepiece of great utility and allure.