Lo, there cometh moments whilst thou art engrossed in thy favorite show, that thine iPad doth suddenly drain its battery in a most abnormal manner. Verily, ’tis a vexation when thy iPad battery doth not hold a charge or doth exhibit poor performance, particularly if thou dost use thine iPad daily for extended periods. Ere thou dost conclude that a replacement for thy iPad battery is needful or a new iPad must be purchased, prithee, maketh sure to assay the troubleshoot steps detailed in this guide. Eleven ways have been enumerated that will aid thee in rectifying iPad battery draining quandaries and preserving battery health in the long haul. No more words, let us forthwith delve into the list of solutions.
Method 1: Restart Thy iPad
To restart or reboot is an ancient yet potent method to rectify iPad battery life tribulations. This simple trick doth assist in correcting minor software bugs and glitches that may be causative of the insufficient endurance of thine iPad. Thus, neglect not this step.
To restart an iPad with a Home Button, press and hold the Power button and either of the Volume buttons concurrently. When thou dost behold the "Slide to Power Off" slider, drag it to the right to power down thine iPad. Await for a few moments and then press and hold the Power button until the Apple logo doth appear.
In certain instances, a force restart may be necessary to mend an iPad that doth suffer from an inability to retain a charge. For comprehensive details, peruse our step-by-step guide on restarting any iPad model.
Method 2: Check Battery Usage
Should thy iPad be depleting its battery more swiftly than customary, thou must monitor the downloaded apps and their power consumption. An app that doth consume an exorbitant amount of power can swiftly drain the battery. This doth commonly befall apps that are outdated, corrupted, poorly designed, or trapped in a loop. To resolve iPad battery concerns, thou must ascertain where the bulk of thy battery is being consumed. Once identified, thou canst restrict thy time on these apps or close them when they art not in use.
Fortuitously, iPadOS doth offer remarkable battery settings that can aid thee in discerning which apps and services doth consume the most battery. Here is how thou canst check battery usage on an iPad:
- Open the Settings app and navigate to the Battery section.
- Within, thou shalt find the Battery Usage section that doth proffer a breakdown of foreground and background power usage.
- Thou canst view the battery consumption for the last 24 hours or the last 10 days.
Once thou art aware of where thy battery usage is directed, thou canst endeavor to limit thy time on these apps and ensure to close them when idle. Should a specific app persist in consuming an excessive amount of battery, thou must attempt to update it. If this doth not ameliorate the situation, thou shouldst uninstall the app to preserve battery on thy iPad.