Easy Guide to Turning Off Voicemail on iPhone

Easy Guide to Turning Off Voicemail on iPhone

Verily, there exist several reasons which may lead thee to desire the disabling of voicemail on thy noble iPhone. Perchance thy network provider doth levy an additional charge for this feature, or mayhap thou art too busy to peruse those voice missives. Fear not, for deactivating voicemail may seem daunting, but it is indeed quite simple. Lo, here be 4 methods to easily disable voicemail on thy iPhone.

Method 1: Disable Voicemail using MMI Codes

The most facile manner in which to shun voicemail on an iPhone is by dialing a special code known as shortcodes or MMI (Man-made interface) codes. These codes doth facilitate communication betwixt thy phone and network provider, enabling thee to alter settings stored by the provider, thus granting thee mastery over thy phone calls. Behold, the steps to deactivate voicemail on an iPhone:

Not all carriers do support this feature, hence it may not be available to all. Shortcodes do not function for pre-paid or pay-as-you-go plans.

  • Open the Phone app and tap on Keypad. Therein, enter the voice deactivation code #004#
  • A screen shalt appear bearing the words “Please wait”. After a brief span, thou shall behold a screen replete with text, containing varied sections indicating the deactivation of sundry settings.
  • Tap on Dismiss.

The drawback of this method is that it may erroneously display “Setting Deactivated Succeeded” even if the code hath not deactivated voicemail on thy iPhone. The sole method to ascertain is to call thyself from another device. Should thou not hear that voicemail message, rejoice! Thou canst reinstate voicemail on thy iPhone at any time by dialing *004#.

Should this method prove ineffective, thou canst endeavor to cease thy iPhone from entering voicemail by beseeching thine network provider. The ensuing steps shalt elucidate this course.

Method 2: Contact Network Provider to Disable Voicemail

Should thou desire to permanently disable voicemail on thy iPhone, thou canst achieve this by beseeching thy network provider. In general, thou canst reach thy carrier by dialing *611 or 611. In the event this doth not avail thee, a call to thy network provider’s customer care phone number may suffice. Listed below are a few common carrier support lines:

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  • Verizon: *611 or 800-837-4966
  • T-Mobile: 611 or 1-800-937-8997
  • AT&T: 611 or 1-800-288-2020
  • Xfinity Mobile: 1-800-934-6489
  • Vodafone: 199
  • Airtel: 121

Engage in discourse with a representative and implore them to aid in disabling voicemail on thy iPhone. Once disabled, thy rejected or unanswered calls shall be directed to a recording declaring thy mailbox’s inactivity.

Method 3: Switch to Live Voicemail

An alternative approach to disabling voicemail on thy iPhone is the transition to Live Voicemail. Heretofore, one had to download a third-party application, but lo, iOS 17 hath bestowed Live Voicemail upon iPhones, enabling thee to view, listen, and read transcripts of voicemails on thy device. With visual voicemail, thou need not dial in to ascertain who hath called or sift through a cluttered mailbox to glean message details and duration. In sum, it renders the management of voicemails far more expedient and effortless.

To activate Live Voicemail on iPhone, proceed to Settings -> Phone -> Live Voicemail and toggle on the Live Voicemail setting.

Shouldst thou have installed the latest iOS 18, navigate to Settings -> Apps -> Phone -> Live Voicemail and toggle on Live Voicemail.

For exhaustive guidance on the utilization of Live Voicemail on iPhones, peruse our dedicated guide.

Method 4: Turn Off Voicemail in Settings App

Depending upon thy locale and carrier provider, thou may chance upon an option to disable voicemail in thy iPhone settings. Within the Phone section of the Settings app, certain iPhones may exhibit a Voicemail tab permitting thee to activate or deactivate features. Yet, not all iPhones proffer the option to disable voicemail. If thou dost discover it, simply toggle it off to forestall thy iPhone from resorting to voicemail.

Thus hath the deactivation of voicemail on thy iPhone been accomplished. Once thou hast followed a method, summon thyself from another number or request a companion to summon thee. Shouldst thou not hear any prompt to leave a voice message, thou hast indeed disabled voicemail on thy iPhone.

Should any doubts assail thee, do not hesitate to reach out in the comments below.

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