Hark! We hath been loyal adherents of Nikon cameras, and lo! The Black Friday hath bestowed upon us a bountiful sale. Yet, to truly unlock the potential of thy camera, a fine lens is required, and alas, such lenses doth come at a price. But fear not, for during this Black Friday merriment, one of Nikon’s most esteemed lenses, the NIKKOR 50mm, doth now grace us with a halved price.
Verily, the Nikon NIKKOR Z 50mm f/1.8 may now be obtained for a mere $426, a tremendous 50% discount from its former glory of $819. This lens doth stand as a beacon for Nikon owners seeking the pinnacle of prime lenses.
Why, thou may inquire, should thou procure the NIKKOR 50mm lens?
The current cost of $426 is the most modest it hath ever been. As a member of the illustrious S-line, it doth boast sharpness unparalleled and a delightful bokeh owing to its f/1.8 aperture. The autofocus doth perform with alacrity, and the lens doth rest comfortably in hand. For the Nikon neophyte yearning for excellence, the 50mm prime doth shine as a beacon of merit.
Apart from NIKKOR lenses, a few Sigma prime lenses do also dance in the Black Friday revelry. The 30mm F1.4, erstwhile priced at $399, now abides at $294, a tempting choice for thrifty souls wielding mirrorless and full-frame cameras. Likewise, the 56mm F1.4, once priced at $499, now stands at $414, promising a touch of shallower bokeh.
Pray, what sayeth thou of the Nikon NIKKOR 50mm Black Friday bounty? Share thy musings in the comments below.