Lo, dost thou ponder upgrading to the latest Pixel phone? Then doth the Black Friday sale cometh to thy aid, rescuing not only the day but thy purse as well. Many an offer and discount hath graced our presence during the early sales for Pixel smartphones. But now, verily, the time hath come for the true bargain. Be it the coveted Pixel 9 Pro Fold or the venerable Pixel 8, all stand listed here. Join us as we traverse the realm of the best Black Friday deals upon Google Pixel devices.
#1. Google Pixel 9
Behold, the all-new Pixel 9 awaits thee. In the early sales, this compact flagship did grace us at $549 for the 256GB variant. Alas, should thou have missed that opportunity, fret not, for the 128GB variant beckons at the same price. Aye, tis more than $250 off its original price, making it a most splendid deal this sale season. For such a fare, thou shalt receive a 6.3-inch 120Hz flat display, a new elegant design, 12GB of RAM, and Google’s latest AI wonders at thy service.
#2. Google Pixel 9 Pro
This year hath seen the advent of the Pixel 9 Pro, a surprise from Google that doth bring the might of the larger model in a compact frame akin to the regular Pixel 9. Tis adorned with a higher resolution LTPO display, a 42MP selfie camera, and an additional 48MP telephoto shooter at the rear. Currently, it doth grace us at $799 for the 128GB model, a $200 deduction from its usual price.
#3. Google Pixel 9 Pro XL
#4. Google Pixel 9 Pro Fold
#5. Google Pixel 8 Pro
#6. Google Pixel 8
#7. Google Pixel 8a
#8. Google Pixel Tablet
In conclusion, these are the offerings we present to thee on this Black Friday sale for Pixel devices. Should thou already possess a Pixel smartphone, thou may revel in hefty discounts when thou dost trade in thy device at Google. Look ye, also, for more such deals during this Black Friday sale at Moyens I/O.