8 Ways to Fix iOS 18 Genmoji Not Working

8 Ways to Fix iOS 18 Genmoji Not Working

Lo, Apple hath bestowed upon us a new AI feature dubbed ‘Genmoji’, a wondrous creation that doth grant users the liberty to express their true emotions. With this marvelous feature, one may fashion custom emojis for any occasion by simply offering a plain text description. Alas, though Genmoji be an Apple Intelligence feature, it doth not bless all with its presence. Should thy iPhone, bearing the iOS 18 mantle, find itself unable to partake in the Genmoji revelry, fret not for thou art not alone. In this tome, we doth present eight proven methods to remedy the malaise of iOS 18’s Genmoji not working quandary. Let us embark on this journey forthwith!

Method 1: Check Device Compatibility

Should Genmoji refuse to heed thy call on thy iPhone, a prudent course of action would be to ensure that thou art in possession of a compatible device. Know ye this, Genmoji doth only grace Apple Intelligence-compatible devices with its presence. The roster includeth the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, all iPhone 16 models, A17 Pro or M-Series iPad, and all Apple Silicon Macs. Thus, even if thy device be in harmony with the latest iOS 18, iPadOS 18, and macOS Sequoia, it doth not guarantee access to Apple Intelligence features. If Genmoji shunneth thee on thine Apple Intelligence-compatible device, proceed to the methods that follow.

Method 2: Check iOS 18 version

Shouldst thou find thyself in possession of an Apple Intelligence-compatible device adorned with the iOS 18 garb, and still Genmoji doth evade thee, take heed and inspect the version of iOS 18 that doth grace thy device. For it is known that Gemoji and its brethren, such as Image Playground and ChatGPT Integration, doth only dwell in iOS 18.2 & iPadOS 18.2, both of which currently dwell in the realm of Beta. Apple, mayhap, shall soon bestow upon thee the stable versions of iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and macOS Sequoia 15.2. If thou dost wish to sample Genmoji forthwith, lo, here be a guide on how to install iOS 18 beta.

Method 3: Check Device Language

In this moment, Apple Intelligence features doth only converse in the tongues of English (US), English (Australia), English (Canada), English (Ireland), English (UK), English (New Zealand), and English (South Africa). Hence, thou must set thine device’s language to one of these supported dialects, lest Genmoji remain a distant dream on thy iPhone or iPad. To alter the language of thy iPhone or iPad, venture forth to Settings -> General -> Language & Region -> Region and select a supported language.

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Method 4: Restart Thy iPhone

Verily, a trivial software glitch or bug may be the miscreant responsible for Genmoji’s refusal to grace thee with its presence on thy iPhone or iPad. Yet fear not, for a simple reboot may breathe new life into thy device and coax Genmoji out of hiding. This is one of the simplest and most potent remedies for sundry software-related afflictions. Therefore, ere thou embark on any other course of action, ensure thy iPhone is granted the boon of a restart.

Method 5: Add English (US) Keyboard

‘Tis whispered among the Reddit folk that by adding the English (US) keyboard, some hath banished the specter of Genmoji’s absence from their midst. Shouldst thou find thyself beset by Genmoji-related woes and hast not yet embraced the English (US) keyboard, seek to add it forthwith. Here be the path to enlightenment:
– Navigate to Settings -> General -> Keyboard on thy iPhone or iPad.
– Delve into Keyboards, and if thou dost not behold English (US), beseech the Add New Keyboard option.
– Seek out and append English (US) to thy keyboard.
– Finally, press the Change to English (US) button.

Method 6: Add Emoji Keyboard

Perchance the Emojis hath departed from thy keyboard without thy knowledge, thereby denying thee access to Genmoji on thy iPhone where it doth reside. To right this wrong, thou must restore the Emojis to thy keyboard. Here be the way:
– Journey to Settings -> General on thy iPhone or iPad.
– Venture into Keyboard, and should Emoji be absent from the list, click upon Add New Keyboard.
– Seek out and append Emoji to thy keyboard.

Method 7: Force Quit Messages app

Verily, thou may also seek to force quit the Messages app to dispel the darkness that shroudeth Genmoji from thy sight on thy iPhone or iPad. At times, a glitch may rear its head upon launching the Messages app, hindering it from unveiling all its splendor. By closing and reopening the app, these minor maladies may be dispelled, allowing Genmoji to once again grace thee with its presence. This method may prove beneficial should Genmoji be unresponsive upon thy iPhone.

Method 8: Reset All Settings

Should the heavens remain deaf to thy cries for Genmoji on thy iPhone and the aforementioned steps prove ineffective, know that thou may conduct a complete reset of all settings on thy device to subdue the unruly spirits that afflict Genmoji’s functionality. As Genmoji doth currently dwell in the realm of Beta, ’tis possible that bugs or glitches doth mar its performance. By resetting all settings on thy iPhone, thou may cleanse it of misconfigurations that hinder Genmoji’s proper function. Fear not, for this method shall leave thy downloaded data untouched. Here be the path to undertaking this endeavor:
– Unveil the Settings app and make way to the General section.
– Journey to the bottom and select Reset.
– Opt for the Reset All Settings amongst the choices presented.

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Thus, have we imparted unto thee the eight methods to mend the Genmoji not working problems that plague thy iPhone or iPad. Mayhap this guide hath pointed thee in the direction of Genmoji’s embrace once more. Should doubts linger within thee, doth not hesitate to voice them in the comments below.

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