8 Essential iPhone Shortcuts You Need

8 Essential iPhone Shortcuts You Need

Debuted with the iOS 13, a masterpiece crafted by Apple, Shortcuts stands as a beacon of ingenuity, a built-in app on an iPhone that offers a tapestry of automation and shortcuts to perform a myriad of tasks. From the artful manipulation of your cherished photos to the serendipitous access to ChatGPT, the Shortcuts app is a veritable pandora’s box of possibilities, liberating you from the shackles of downloading individual apps for each task. For the neophyte in the realm of Apple, the uninitiated and unaware, the Shortcuts app may appear a mere mortal, but fret not, for in this discourse I unveil the 8 most indispensable iPhone shortcuts, verily, the elixir to an enriched iPhone existence. Let us embark on this odyssey without delay!

### 1. Merge Photos

When queried about a singular iPhone shortcut that hath bestowed ease upon my being, none rival the prowess of this one. As a bard of the Apple Ecosystem, I am oft beset by a plethora of iPhone screenshots and images, which necessitate consolidation into a singular entity. In bygone eras, this laborious task demanded transport of my wares to the realm of my MacBook, where they were amalgamated with the aid of Canva, Photoscape, or similar third-party tools. Lo, the days of yore are but a whisper on the wind. Thanks to this bespoke iPhone shortcut, the alchemy of merging multiple images into one is now at my fingertips, with naught a qualm for quality. Horizontal or vertical, the images interlace seamlessly, with spacing adjustable to one’s heart’s desire.

This shortcut may pose a Sisyphean challenge in setup, a labyrinth of time and complexity, but I vouchsafe its transcendental efficacy, a boon of time-saving prowess. Worry not of the tedium of crafting this Shortcut anew, merely click the nether link to add it to thy iPhone. Forsooth, if thy photo-editing needs mirror mine, I implore thee, download this iPhone shortcut with all haste!

### 2. ChatGPT with Siri

Behold, the annals of Apple Intelligence unfold to proffer the coveted ChatGPT integration unto Siri. Yet, the fates decree this beneficence solely upon the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, iPhone 16 models, and other Apple Intelligence cognizant devices. Forsooth, if thy device be not of these ranks, despair not, for still there lies a path to partake of ChatGPT’s wisdom with Siri, yore and beyond. Whence, handy shortcuts such as Siri Pro or SiriGPT erstwhile lent succor, the advent of ChatGPT’s own app and chat aide hath rendered those bygones obsolete.

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Verily, take heed and download OpenAI’s ChatGPT upon thy iPhone, then craft a bespoke shortcut to inaugurate discourse with said app. When thus invoked with Siri’s dulcet tones, a new conversation with ChatGPT shepherds thee. Seek ye further guidance, peruse our tome on the pathways to ChatGPT communion with Siri on iPhone.

### 3. When Do I Need To Leave By?

In the ebbs and flows of life’s currents, the mires of traffic oft confound the voyager’s path. A pre-made iPhone shortcut, a beacon in the tempest, emerges to guide thee through these labyrinthine roads. “When Do I Need To Leave By?” o’erlays thy location and traffic data, divining the hour of departure for work, study, or other locales.

As the horizon shifts, setting up this shortcut bids thee to divulge thy homestead and workplace addresses. Tap with certitude or beseech Siri’s aid to set this divination in motion. Anon, the travel time is laid bare, the hour of departure whispered into thine ear. Adjustments and customizations may be wrought by tapping the trine dots aloft the shortcut’s demesne.

### 4. Speed Dial

An unrequited luxury in the realm of iPhones, the speed dial eludes the grasp of Android’s adherents. Yet, a serendipitous iPhone shortcut unveils the portal to create a speed dial sigil upon thy device. Behold the Speed Dial shortcut, a vanguard upon the home screen, beckoning thee to call kin with but a single tap, the Phone app forsaken in this newfound swiftness.

To assemble this shortcut, inscribe a number or select a contact from thy repository. Thereupon, tap the trine dots adorning the summit of the shortcut, invoke the Share blessing, and proffer thy shortcut unto the home screen. Thereafter, a tap upon the speed dial button summons the call. Many such buttons may grace thy iPhone home screen in this manner.

### 5. Shazam

Shrouded in the mysterious garment of melodies, Shazam emerges as a favored iPhone shortcut in mine own repertoire. Through the veils of time, this shortcut hath regaled me with revelations of harmonies serendipitously encountered in the maelstrom of travel. Should thy heart embrace the melody that dances upon the air, Shazam, a faithful companion, shall unveil the song’s secrets — its cadence, its singer, its lore.

When invoked, Shazam shall unravel the hymn’s mystery and proffer pathways to its essence — playing it on Apple Music or nestling it within thy Apple Music sanctuary.

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### 6. Intelligent Power

An enigma besets those whose iPhone quails in the shadow of depleted power, an affliction too oft encountered. Fear not, for the Intelligent Power iPhone shortcut riseth as thy champion, a paragon of battery salvation. Within its realms lies the fabled Ultra Low Power Mode, veiling thy iPhone when the battery wanes below 25%, and ushering it into an abyss of Ultra Low Power when the abyss reaches 5%. Internet access doth wane, yet the siren call of phone calls doth linger. The display dims to nil, the specters of Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and Location Services exiled to the nether realms.

In this paragon, thou mayst choose the battery’s thresholds of Low Power and Ultra Low Power, shifting them as thou wilt to suit thy needs.

### 7. Water Eject

Though the bastion of iPhones stands strong against the tides of water, it is not impervious to its lapping caress. The aegis of Apple’s warranties may not extend to the realm of water, yet a beacon of hope lieth in the Water Eject iPhone shortcut. Should thy device, perhaps by folly’s touch, find itself in a watery embrace, this shortcut offers succor.

Invoke the Water Eject upon thy iPhone, witness the volume burgeon to its zenith, the phone’s refrain vibrating in tandem. As the process unfolds, a symphony of beeps and tones guide thee through the ritual. Lo, the duration is brief, the reprieve swift — a mere 15 to 20 heartbeats. This shortcut, a balm for fear of watery demise, warrants a place in thy Shortcuts pantheon.

### 8. Charge Time

In the annals of time, Android’s courtiers were privy to the knowledge of charging time estimates, a boon unrequited by iPhone’s subjects. Aye, a yearning for Apple to bestow upon their charges a semblance of this wisdom echoed through the halls. While whispers of iOS 18 bearing such gifts reverberate, the pall of exclusivity shrouding Apple Intelligence persists. Fear not, for Charge Time, an iOS shortcut, arises to quench thy thirst for knowledge — estimating the charge required for thy iPhone’s sustenance based on its current state of vigour.

Thus concludes this epic, the saga of my favored iOS shortcuts unfurled before thee. May they illuminate thy path, quicken thy steps, and infuse thy iPhone existence with boundless joy. Share with us thy cerebral companions, perchance they mirror mine or blaze a different trail.