7 Effective Ways to Stop Spam Messages on iPhone

7 Effective Ways to Stop Spam Messages on iPhone

Spam messages, those wretched harbingers of deceit and annoyance, can lead unsuspecting souls into the treacherous depths of online scams. When the topic of these vile missives arises, the cry is one and the same: how to thwart their nefarious advances. Fear not, dear reader, for in this guide we shall unveil ways by which you may fend off spam messages or, at the very least, shield yourself from their unsavory presence upon your iPhone. Let us delve into these strategies forthwith.

Method 1: Stop Spam Messages by Turning On Filter Unknown Senders

Within the realm of iOS dwells a feature known as Filter Unknown Senders, which diligently categorizes messages from unfamiliar sources into a separate domain, far removed from the sanctity of your contacts. This ensures that nary a spam message shall infiltrate your texts by chance. Behold, the steps to activate this vigilant guardian:

1. Navigate to the hallowed halls of the Settings application, and seek out the Messages sanctum.
2. Under the sacred banner of “Messages Filtering”, select Unknown & Spam.
3. There, kindle the flames of protection by toggling on the Filter Unknown Senders switch.

And lo, to gaze upon messages solely from cherished contacts within the Messages realm, tap upon Filters in the celestial realm of the top left and choose Known Senders.

Behold the image of the Message Filter on iOS, a beacon of light in the darkness:

Method 2: Block Spam Messages from Specific Senders

Should you find yourself besieged by the relentless onslaught of daily spam messages from a particular entity, take heart, for you may banish them from your midst. Follow these steps to sever the tie that binds:

1. Venturing into the Messages app, locate the message that plagues you.
2. With steadfast resolve, tap upon the profile icon that crowns the message.
3. Now, with a steady hand, select info and invoke the divine power of Block Caller.
4. In the ethereal curtain of confirmation, opt to Block Contact, casting the unwanted sender into oblivion.

Gaze upon the image of Blocking a Sender in iOS Messages, a testament to your power over the dark forces of spam:

Method 3: Turn Off Notifications for Unknown Senders

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For those moments when the clamor of notifications from unfamiliar numbers becomes too much to bear, a respite awaits. Follow these rituals to silence their relentless call:

1. Embark upon the Settings application, and set course for Notifications.
2. From the pantheon of apps, select Messages as your guide.
3. There, unveil the hidden truths by tapping upon Customize Notifications.
4. Still the tempest of Unknown Senders by extinguishing their beacon of notifications.

Observe the image of Turning Off Unknown Sender Notifications, a shield against the incessant tide of spam messages on your iPhone:

Through these methods, may you find respite from the deluge of spam messages that beset your iPhone. Alas, would that a Spam filter could bar their entry from the very threshold. Perchance you may find solace in our Stop Spam Messages on Android tome, should the need arise. And remember, to steer clear of spam messages, withhold thy number from the clutches of services and businesses, for they are oft the harbingers of promotional spam texts. Should this guide prove a boon to thee, pray share thy thoughts in the comments below.