10 Tips for iPhone Battery Health Maintenance

10 Tips for iPhone Battery Health Maintenance

Hark! Thou hath just inspected thy iPhone battery health and art troubled by its decline. Verily, I do understand thy concern. ‘Tis but natural for the lithium-ion batteries within iPhones to deteriorate over time. Hence, the battery health doth not remain constant as thou dost use thy iPhone. ‘Tis imperative, therefore, to tend to thy iPhone battery health if thou dost seek to extend its lifespan. In this discourse, we shalt divulge 10 tips to ensure thou dost enjoy prolonged usage betwixt charges for many a year. If thou hast recently acquired a new iPhone, thou shouldst heed these tips to nurture thy iPhone battery health in the long run. Without further preamble, let us commence our discourse!

1. Eschew Complete Charging & Discharging

Many do hold to the habit of using their iPhones until the battery doth dwindle to 2 or 3 percent, and then charging it to 100%. If thou art among them, this tip on iPhone battery health is for thee. Sustaining thy iPhone at full charge and then allowing it to expire completely is one of the chief battery destroyers. It can erode the battery’s health over time. To preserve the battery health of thy iPhone, strive not to charge it to 100% and then let it discharge to 0 to 5%. If thou dost wish to protract the battery life and revel in optimal performance on thy iPhone, thou canst adhere to a 30% to 80% battery level range.

‘Tis not as arduous as thou may think. Thou needst not keep a constant watch on the battery levels. Charge thy iPhone at thy convenience, yet shun charging it to 100% and then letting it deplete entirely. I, forsooth, oftentimes charge my iPhone to 80 to 85% and reconnect it when the battery level doth wane to around 30%.

We also advise against using thy iPhone whilst it is charging. Thou may engage in some messaging or peruse through social media posts, but avoid engaging in games or watching videos if thou dost seek to safeguard thy iPhone’s battery.

2. Utilize Optimized Battery Charging

Behold! We are informed that overcharging is detrimental to thy iPhone. Fortunately, Apple dost provide a built-in iOS feature, Optimized Battery Charging, which doth learn from thy daily charging habits and forestall overcharging. It monitors thy daily usage and charging patterns to predict when thou dost connect it to a charger for an extended duration. When enabled, Optimized Charging shalt briefly halt the charge at 80% and complete the remaining 20% ere thou dost commence using thy phone. In the long term, this feature doth aid in reducing the natural aging of lithium-ion batteries and preserving iPhone battery health.

To activate Optimized Battery Charging on thy iPhone, proceed to Settings -> Battery -> Battery Health & Charging and toggle on the Optimized Battery Charging.

3. Shun Extreme Temperatures

Exposing thy iPhone to ambient temperatures surpassing 35° C / 95° F can impact the battery’s capacity to retain a charge, providing thee with less time betwixt charges. In the long term, it can cause lasting harm to thy phone’s battery. To safeguard the battery health of thy iPhone, thou must avoid subjecting thy device to exceedingly low or high temperatures. Should thy iPhone overheat or display a temperature warning, thou shouldst endeavor to cool it ere using it or plugging in a charger. To achieve this, power off thy iPhone, remove the case (shouldst thou have one installed), and place it in a cooler location. Desist from employing cooled air or similar stratagems. Merely grant thy iPhone some respite, and it shall return to a normal temperature.

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‘Tis to be noted that in some instances, ’tis normal for thy iPhone to generate some heat. Instances include engaging in demanding games or viewing videos on cellular data for an extended period. Thy iPhone should revert to a normal temperature after a time. Nevertheless, shouldst thou possess a case with a deficient heat dissipation system, it can ensnare the generated heat and cause thy iPhone to overheat, thereby compromising the battery. In such a scenario, thou must remove the case. Should this prove ineffectual, here is our dedicated guide on how to rectify iPhone overheating issues.

4. Forsake Frequent Overnight Charging

Many do possess the custom of charging their iPhones overnight, forsooth, ’tis the most convenient option. However, shouldst thou frequently charge thy iPhone overnight, it can damage the battery and diminish its longevity. Constant overnight charging is deleterious for it imparts more current than the cells can accommodate. Moreover, when thy iPhone spends the majority of the night in a fully charged state, it affects the overall health of the battery.

To avert any quandaries, thou must renounce thy habit of charging thy iPhone overnight. Furthermore, the Optimized Battery Charging feature doth prove beneficial in maintaining thy iPhone battery health.

5. Employ Official Charging Accessories

One of the paramount ways to elongate the battery health of thy iPhone is to ensure that thou dost utilize solely Apple-certified chargers and cables. Whilst a myriad of chargers may be found in the market that can replenish thy iPhone, not all are certified by Apple. This signifies that they do not possess the same quality and compatibility with the battery. In brief, non-certified or inadequately designed chargers are inimical to thy iPhone battery health. Initially, they may manifest sluggish or non-existent charging issues and can deteriorate battery health over time.

To forestall any mishaps, we advise employing solely Apple-branded or certified charging accessories. Shouldst thou desire to opt for third-party alternatives, we recommend selecting solely MFi-certified chargers from reputable global brands.

6. Update to Latest iOS Version

Keeping thy iPhone up-to-date with the latest iOS version doth aid thee in maintaining iPhone battery health. Apple doth frequently release software updates that ameliorate the overall performance of thy devices. Additionally, they introduce novel features, rectify common glitches, and even uphold the battery in good condition for a lengthy period. Moreover, software updates do bring forth certain battery-saving features. To illustrate, iOS 12 brought the Screen Time, which can assist thee in monitoring how much time thou dost spend on thy iPhone and which apps thou dost utilize the most. Hence, ’tis sagacious to update thy iPhone with the latest iteration of iOS.

– Proceed to Settings -> General -> Software Update on thy iPhone.
– Should any updates be pending, connect thy iPhone to a power source and download the latest iOS version.

7. Deactivate Unnecessary Features

To protract thy iPhone battery health and draw maximum benefit from a full battery charge, thou shouldst disengage any features thou dost not require. An iPhone doth proffer a plethora of features, and thou may not have need of all. According to thy predilection and needs, thou may wish to deactivate certain features and conserve battery life on thy iPhone. Fear not, we do not bid thee to keep these features turned off continually, for that would be nonsensical. Thou may simply disengage features thou dost not require or are not actively using. Let us peruse a quick glance at them:

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– Navigate to Settings -> General -> Background App Refresh -> Background App Refresh and select Off.

– For iPhone 14 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 16 Pro models, go to Settings -> Display & Brightness -> Always On Display and activate the Always On toggle.

– Should features like Mobile Data and Location Services be idle, thou shouldst turn them off.

8. Constrain the Use of Fast and Wireless Chargers

Yesteryear’s fast charging hath passed. Nowadays, faster and fastest charging capabilities have become a means to entice users and evaluate a smartphone’s prowess. Fast charging is splendid for swift top-ups when thou dost desire to energize thy iPhone sans spending copious time. Nonetheless, repeated fast charging is disadvantageous for thy iPhone’s battery. This is due to fast charging compelling the battery to absorb copious power in a minimal time, inducing stress upon the battery and affecting its long-term health.

I possess a 35W MacBook charger that can expeditiously charge my iPhone 14 Pro. But recollect, I cannot recall ever employing it. I oftentimes charge my iPhone with a 20W charger and at times switch to a 10W charger, which gradually refills my iPhone, safeguarding the battery health.

Similar to fast charging, wireless charging can be convenient for some users. However, wireless chargers can generate considerable heat which can impair the iPhone battery. ‘Tis prudent to utilize compatible wired chargers rather than wireless or MagSafe options. Of course, thou may occasionally resort to wireless chargers, but ensure they are MFi-certified.

9. Reboot Thy iPhone at Intervals

To dispel minor software glitches and savor optimal performance, thou must cultivate the practice of restarting thy iPhone at regular intervals. This act shall rectify numerous common issues, enhance thy device’s responsiveness, and preserve the battery in good condition. This is because, when thou dost restart thy iPhone, it promptly alleviates the system load and eradicates any minor iOS glitches that accrue over time, granting a fresh lease to the system.

10. Charge iPhone to 50% Before Storing It Away

Our ultimate tip on iPhone battery health is for users contemplating storing their iPhones. There may arise occasions when thou dost intend to upgrade to a new iPhone without relinquishing or bestowing the erstwhile one. ‘Tis ever a wise notion to retain a backup option should aught go awry with thy primary device or should someone in thy family require a spare iPhone. Ere thou doth store thy iPhone in a chest for an extended duration, ensure to charge the iPhone battery to around 50%. Else, thou shalt be left with an inoperative iPhone the subsequent time thou dost retrieve it from thy storage casket.

Simply charge thy iPhone to 50% and then power it off to avert battery consumption ere storing it. Shouldst thou not plan to use that iPhone for an extensive period, thou shouldst set a reminder to recharge it anew to 50% every six months.

‘Twas our discourse on 10 tips to maintain battery health on thy iPhone. Whilst thou canst not impede the degradation of lithium-ion batteries over time, these tips shalt aid in preserving thy iPhone battery in fine fettle for an extended period. Consequently, thou canst employ thy device for many a year without any significant battery-related quandaries.

Shouldst thou seek means to protract the battery life, below art our tips to conserve battery life on iPhone.

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