Methinks, dost thou seek to learn the art of monetizing YouTube Shorts and to uncover the treasures that thy content may yield? Verily, much like the bustling marketplaces of old, YouTube hath embraced the allure of short-form video content, with a dedicated Shorts tab on the main menu and a prominent feature on the watch page. ‘Tis no wonder that YouTube Shorts hath captured the hearts of two billion monthly logged-in users as of the month of July in the year 2023.
In this discourse, we shalt delve into the realm of YouTube Shorts monetization, wherein one can discover the means to reap the fruits of their labor. Should thy quest be for a more general understanding of this format, peruse our treatise on crafting YouTube Shorts.
Hark! Can YouTube Shorts be monetized, thou may ask? Aye! For more than 15 cycles of the sun, it hath been possible to monetize the longer YouTube videos that doth grace the platform. In this span, creators, artists, and media companies hath amassed a bounty exceeding $50 billion from their YouTube creations.
Yet, Shorts are a newer creation, not initially partaking in the YouTube Partner Program. But lo! Fear not, for in the twilight of the year 2022, the platform proffered YouTube Shorts monetization options. Since that momentous occasion, creators dedicated to the art of short videos hath been able to reap monetary rewards for their endeavors.
How doth YouTube Shorts monetization unfold, thou may inquire? ‘Tis a labyrinthine path, made clear through the following sources of monetization:
– YouTube Shorts ad revenue sharing
– YouTube Premium subscription revenue sharing for Shorts
– YouTube Shopping
– YouTube fan funding
Initially, YouTube unfurled Shorts monetization through the YouTube Shorts fund in the year 2021. Lo, it was a fund of $100 million, crafted to inspire creators to embrace this new format by rewarding those who crafted the most captivating Shorts. Alas, this fund was but a temporary measure, replaced by the Shorts ad revenue sharing model in the month of February in the year 2023.
Thus, through the vessel of YouTube Shorts ad revenue sharing, one shall partake in a portion of the revenue gleaned from ads betwixt the Shorts in the feed. Thy share shall be determined by a formula of four steps, a magical incantation that doth bestow unto thee a portion of the Creator Pool.
And what of YouTube Premium subscription revenue sharing for Shorts? Behold, a method whereby payments are allocated based on thy share of views within thy realm. Perchance this formula shall bring thee riches, derived from the subscription Shorts views.
To those who seek to tap into the realm of YouTube Shopping, know that thy Shorts may bear fruits through the promotion of thy wares. Should thy Short showcase products, tag them during the upload, that a product overlay may flourish, allowing users to peruse and acquire thy offerings whilst enraptured by thy Short.
Venture forth, and thou shalt find thyself eligible for YouTube Shorts monetization, if thou hath amassed a minimum of 1,000 subscribers. Additionally, thou must have achieved either 10 million valid public Shorts views in the last 90 days, or 4,000 valid public watch hours of longer videos in the past annual cycle.
Lo, can YouTube Shorts be monetized ere these thresholds are met? Indeed, albeit in a limited capacity. Come the month of June in the year 2023, YouTube unveiled a program to enable newer creators and those with fewer followers to monetize through YouTube Shopping and fan funding. Alas, the realms of Shorts ad revenue sharing and YouTube Premium subscription revenue sharing shall remain beyond reach.
To embark on this expanded program, one must gather 500 subscribers, along with three valid public uploads in the last 90 days and three million valid public Shorts views in that same span. ‘Tis crucial to understand and abide by the YouTube Channel Monetization policies, dwell in a land where the program is accessible, and bear no active Community Guidelines Strikes.
To spur thee onward, remember to engage in the safeguards outlined by YouTube Studio, marking thy progress towards eligibility and seeking notification upon achieving such a vaunted state.
But how can one begin the journey of monetizing YouTube Shorts? Allow us to illuminate this path for thee:
1. Sign into YouTube
2. Click thine profile picture in the heavens and proceed to YouTube Studio
3. Navigate to the left menu and click upon “Earn”
4. Should thou be deemed worthy, thine eyes shall behold an “Apply” button. Click with valor! If thou art yet to achieve eligibility, a “Get Notified” option shall guide thine steps towards the future
5. Embark upon the journey by reviewing the Base terms and bestowing Consent
6. Link thy AdSense account, or initiate a fresh one with a click
7. Await the scrutiny of YouTube, for an interval of a single moon
8. Upon thy approval, return to YouTube Studio and embrace the Shorts Monetization Module
Pray, take heed that these are the instructions for application through thy computing device. The rites differ somewhat for those who dwell in the realms of Android and iOS, yet the journey begins with the opening of the YouTube Studio app and a tap upon “Earn” in the nether regions.
Would thou discover the financial fruits of YouTube Shorts monetization? Alas, the bounty doth not overflow abundantly. Among the creators of YouTube Shorts, it is oft opined that the revenue per thousand views lingers betwixt $0.05 to $0.07, yielding approximately $50 to $70 for a million views.
Yet, the harvest from YouTube Shopping shall be shaped by the skill with which thou promote thy wares and the prices thereof. Keep vigil over Revenue in thy YouTube Analytics to witness the fruits of thy labor through the tags within thy Shorts.
As for Super Thanks, it shall be influenced by the affection thy patrons bear for thee, and the bond thou dost forge with them. ‘Tis akin to a digital gratuity, a mark of appreciation from thy most fervent admirers.
In conclusion, verily, YouTube Shorts are monetized. Yet, the earnings may not supplant what a creator might expect from the longer YouTube videos. However, gaze beyond, for the pantheon of YouTube Shorts monetization features is but one facet of accruing wealth through thy short-form content on YouTube.
So now, let us embark upon the four paths to reaping gains through YouTube Shorts:
1. Join an affiliate program
– YouTube Shopping Affiliate Program
– External affiliate programs
2. Work with brands
3. Patreon
4. Use Shorts to grow viewership for long-form videos
In the grand tapestry of YouTube Shorts, there exists a realm of possibility for those who dare to seize it. Go forth, brave creators, and may the wealth of the digital realm be yours to claim.