WhatsApp: message responses are finally available, here's how to use them 1

WhatsApp: message responses are finally available, here’s how to use them

Instant messaging platform WhatsApp will launch quick responses feature today. The company owned by Meta had been testing this feature for over three years. It will allow users to reply to messages with six different emojis. It is hoped that in the future, the platform will add. other expressions and other skin colorsAs Android and iOS emojis already offer.

Not surprisingly, reactions to messages are similar to other chat apps and Suggested emojis include thumbs up, heart, “thank you”, smiley, crying face, and surprised face. That’s less than other apps like Telegram, which offers 10 emojis.

Also read : WhatsApp will let you connect to several smartphones at the same time

How to use message reactions on WhatsApp?

The message responses feature is very intuitive to use as it works like any other app. Users just need to tap on any message and the app will display an emoji box. You can then choose from six different emojis, after which WhatsApp will paste your emoji at the bottom of the message.

Note that you can only add one reaction per message. Moreover, If the message is deleted, the emoji will also disappear.. Finally, we know that the recipient can see the reactions to messages until you delete them.

In addition to the reactions, WhatsApp is also expanding the default maximum size for group chats. upper limit goes from 256 to 512. The platform also offers the ability to share files up to 2GB; this is a significant improvement over the previous 100MB single search limit. The update is rolling out gradually, so it will take a few days before it becomes available to all users on the App Store or Google Play Store.

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