While Telegram and other Signals already allow edit messages after they are sent, such a seemingly simple process is still not possible on WhatsApp. Last week, Meta engineers offered to change their message to Web testers, now it’s iPhone owners’ turn to share their experience.
WhatsApp users on iOS enrolled in Meta’s testing program can now use version of the app from TestFlight. In addition to the ability to modify your messages after they are sent, this iteration also gives you: mute unknown caller numbersto mention groups or even “Community entry points” in conversations.
WhatsApp beta testers on iPhone will be able to edit messages after sending
As the name suggests, “Silence unknown callers” allows users to better control of incoming calls silence unknown callers. To enable it, you will need to go to its settings WhatsApp > Privacy > Calls. It is clear that this tool is intended to help us fight against spam and can also be used by WhatsApp beta testers for Android
To read – According to Meta, if WhatsApp unexpectedly activates your smartphone’s microphone, it’s an “Android bug”.
Group mentions allow Community admins to mention groups that belong to them in postings to a community, so they can be seen by all members at a glance. A feature that can also be accessed by WhatsApp beta users for Android Also, in Community announcements, the Community entry point will be placed under the group header andopen a group chat directly from Community.
Source : WABeta Information