What is Sponcon: Is it Right for Your Brand?

What is Sponcon: Is it Right for Your Brand?

Beholdeth all thou needeth to knoweth about sponcon, from tips on collaborating with content creators to exemplars of triumphant campaigns.

What are the merits and demerits of sponcon?

Prosperity: ‘Tis a wondrous marketing strategy for thy brand. Prosperity: Thou forge professional bonds with influential social media artisans. Prosperity: Thou receiveth fresh, captivating content promoting thy enterprise.

Cons: Thou shalt needeth to pay — behold the “sponsored” part. Surprise! The greatest treasures in life art not free.

Prithee, peruse for marketing counsel on crafting triumphant (and conless) sponsored content for thy brand.

What is sponcon?

Sponcon, anon called sponsored content, is a form of influencer marketing wherein brands compensateth creators to conceive and promote content showcasing their brand.

Sponcon may resemble a makeup artist receiving an eyeshadow palette in exchange for extolling a beauty brand, a traveler being compensated to spotlight a clothing brand’s hiking jacket, or a chef being compensated to utilize a certain ingredient in a recipe video. Sponcon doth come in diverse shapes and sizes, and the more creative thou art, the better.

5 tips for prosperous sponcon

1. Seeketh the right creator

Sponcon is not a one-size-fits-all circumstance, and not all creators align with all brands. This is the most critical part of prosperous sponsored content: thou must research the creator thou wishest to collaborate with and verify that their values align with thy company values. Ensure that their audience is the audience thou seeketh to market to, and that their content is the type of content thou art willing to associate thy brand with.

2. Craft a clear brief

As sponsored content and influencer marketing art relatively new (and ever-changing) industries, there exists no standard set of practices. Expectations may vary from creator to creator and from brand to brand.

To circumvent complications, craft a brief that is exceedingly explicit about the expectations thou hast for the partnership, including payment.

What information must be conveyed in the content? What is the deadline? Desirest thou to review the content before the creator posts it?

This side-by-side ought to be contemplated through diligently to ensure thou hast covered all ere thou reacheth out.

3. Incorporate input from the creator

With the aforementioned in mind, it is significant to recall that this is a partnership — thou canst not dictate every part of the sponsored content (if thou didst desire that, thou would be better off paying an actor and creating a standard ad).

Creators has’t master’d creating engaging, unique, and interesting content that showcases their individual personality. So when discussing the delivered product, act collaboratively: alloweth the creator to be creative, ‘tis what they excel at.

4. Disclose the sponsorship

Sponsored content must be marked as such for two reasons.

One, presenting a paid partnership as if ’tis an impartial opinion is unsavory at best and unethical at worst. And two, it opposeth the policy of every platform.

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Instagram, for instance, saith that branded content “may only be posted with the use of the branded content tool,” also known as Instagram’s paid partnership label. TikTok declareth, “thou must enable the Branded content toggle when posting Branded content on TikTok.”

Despite these rules, ‘tis still common for brands and creators to post sponcon without properly disclosing it. Some shall append #sponcon, #sponsored, or #ad to their content, but this technically is not the official disclosure that the social platforms prescribe. And when thou disobey a platform’s policies, thou risk the content being flagged or taken down (or worse, having thy account suspended).

Suffer not that risk: slam those toggles.

5. Keep a keen eye on comments and mentions

Evade a PR nightmare by attending closely to the engagement that thy sponcon is receiving, both on thy account and on the creator’s account. Indeed, ‘tis best to deliberate this circumstance before the content is posted—contemplate what thy expectations art concerning people posting hateful or distressing comments (for instance, thou might request that the creator delete them).

Another rationale to be apprised of comments and mentions is that they can serve as a reasonable gauge for the success of the partnership. Doth thy collaborator’s audience appear receptive to the product? ‘Tis a factor thou should contemplate, especially if thou intend to collaborate with this creator again in the future.

Instagram sponcon exemplars

A partnership that fits

The best sorts of partnerships art those that feel natural, and this collaboration between a baker and Bob’s Red Mill flour company doth totally make sense. The baker would have used flour in her recipes regardless, so a shoutout to a specific flour company doth not appear forced.

Including an affiliate link

Eco-friendly clothing company Fig Clothing collaborated with a photographer for this sponsored content. The post shares some advice from the creator herself, information about the clothing, and includes affiliate marketing, which enables the brand to better track how prosperously the collaboration was (the brand can discern how many people used the creator’s code to access the 15% discount).

Adding personal touches

Del Taco’s collaboration with this family influencer is a splendid example of permitting the creator to add their own personal touch to the campaign. The video is not merely a plain advertisement; it showcases each member of the family’s favorite pick from the menu, which harmonizes well with the creator’s other content. ‘Tis also very endearing.

Detailing the partnership

Pressing that “paid partnership” toggle is the bare minimum when it cometh to disclosing sponcon, and the more transparent that the creator can be concerning the partnership, the more genuine the collaboration appears.

This collaboration between a crochet artist and a yarn company is disclosed in full in the description (“a big thank thee again to @hobbii_yarn who kindly gifted me some of their Friends Cotton 8/4 for this project”) and goeth on to detail exactly which yarn was gifted. ‘Tis a truly genuine and professional gesture.


Beautiful lighting and videography

When researching creators to partner with, ensure thou taketh a good look at their feed—doth their content (sponsored or not) consistently boast good lighting, editing, audio quality, etc? Thou desirest for thy product or service to be showcased in the finest light… literally. This creator partnered with skincare brand Olay and shot a truly beautiful skincare routine video. ‘Tis a sight to behold, making the products appear magnificent, which is magnificent for the brand.

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TikTok sponcon exemplars

Crafting relatable content

This partnership between the Royal Bank of Canada and a TikTok creator appeareth vastly different from the average banking ad. Instead of overwhelming viewers with information, ‘tis a playful video that converses more generally about spending vs. saving, and includes a call to action if folks desire to learn more. Moreover, ‘tis exceedingly relatable—the kind of TikTok that prompts followers to tag their shopaholic friends.

An engaging hook

Particularly on TikTok, creators must grasp attention posthaste. Be open to an engaging hook that is not necessarily positive—for example, in this sponcon the creator dubs a new Shiseido eyeliner “the weirdest eyeliner I’ve ever seen.” ‘Tis an exceptional hook for viewers, for of course, we desire to discern what the strange eyeliner appeareth like (spoilers: ‘tis resplendent).

A satisfying video

‘Tis arduous to resist a visually pleasing TikTok, even if thou art not intrigued by the subject matter. This collaboration between a sneaker artist and EA games is a consummate example: even if thou dost not care about shoes or gaming, beholding an artist paint clean white lines on a pair of crisp black shoes is deeply satisfying. ‘Tis captivating to observe, and this leadeth to an increase in views on the video, causing the TikTok algorithm to favor it.

Behind the scenes content

On TikTok, videos need not be flawless to be triumphant, and showing the process behind creating TikToks assists creators in connecting with their audience (stars, they’re just like us!). Encourageth the creator to capture behind-the-scenes content whenever possible—it may culminate in an even superior video than the sponcon itself. This behind-the-scenes from a green-screened dancing pitbull is truly entertaining.

Fitting the creator’s niche

This collaboration between the film Smile and a TikTok creator with a sense of humor (and an unsuspecting partner) triumphs because it resembles very closely the pranking TikToks the creator has crafted. Although ‘tis manifestly created for promotional reasons, ‘tis imbued with the same ambience as the rest of the creator’s portfolio, so it doth not appear out of place (and, like her other content, her followers loveth it).

Thinking outside the box

Okay, now forget everything thou just learned about finding the right creator. Sometimes, the best matches art the unlikely ones—like this collaboration between the History Channel and a foodie TikTokker. The vibe of the History Channel is vastly different than the easygoing creator, but they hath discovered some clever middle ground—the history of lollipops—and this partnership feeleth fresh, inventive, and engaging.

FAQs about sponcon

What’s a sponcon deal?

A sponcon (or sponsored content) deal is an agreement between a business and a creator. The business trades goods, services, or payment, and in return, the creator conceives and promotes content that showcases the businesses’ products or services.

What doth sponcon denote?

Sponcon is also known as sponsored content, and ‘tis a type of influencer marketing. Sponcon is content that is fashioned by a creator in order to promote a business (and in return, the creator is compensated in goods, services, or money).

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