Weibo: The Chinese social network now forces its users to reveal their location 1

Weibo: The Chinese social network now forces its users to reveal their location

The Internet in China has a very different face than what we know in the West. Point of Google, Netflix or YouTube: There, most of the major sites in our country are replaced by their local counterparts. Thus, Chinese users are massively joining Weibo, a kind of Twitter with 570 million members and to which we owe many leaks on future smartphones and other devices. On the other hand, those who say China definitely say very strict regulations.

Indeed, it is not uncommon for various censors to resonate in the Middle Kingdom, as was the case with the TV series Friends, which was recently cut with scenes referring to ‘homosexuality’. Of course, the Internet is no exception, and social networks are strictly monitored. That’s why Weibo has made a new example of this since Tuesday, April 26. From now on, each user’s account shows their location.

You can no longer hide on Weibo

This is an irreversible change. It is impossible to change the parameters to hide this information: it is imposed by the social network. For Chinese residents, the account shows the state and sometimes even the user’s city. For expats, the country where the account is used appears on the profile. In a press release accompanying the feature’s rollout, Weibo said, “reduce bad behavior” on its own platform.

If some protests were heard, the majority of users seem to agree with this decision. “Especially at a time when the COVID situation is still severe, early disclosure of IP addresses can effectively reduce the appearance of obnoxious content by rumorers.”The user writes UltraScarry.

Source : Reuters

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