Users lost their Instagram stories permanently 1

Users lost their Instagram stories permanently


Instagram Stories disappear from your followers 24 hours after they’re posted, but remain accessible indefinitely in an archive from their owners. Many people rely on this feature to preserve their precious photos and videos, but it’s not a foolproof feature.

As CNN reported, some users have permanently lost content they posted on Instagram. “Due to a technical issue, this story is no longer available”then it shows an error message from the app. “We found and fixed a bug that was causing some people’s Stories and Archives to be deleted. Unfortunately, we are unable to restore these stories and will notify users in the app if they are affected.”said a Meta spokesperson.

Instagram Stories and Highlights deleted with no way to recover

Highlights are also affected by this issue. As a reminder, users can designate stories as highlights, which can then be accessed from their profiles without any time limit. In some cases, Highlights can also be deleted through the app, there is no way to go back.

This technical issue reminds us that relying solely on social networks to host your content is at your own risk. Instead of using Instagram’s camera, you can use your smartphone’s native camera and then publish the photos and videos you take to the app. Therefore, you will store your saved content locally, or even in the cloud if you have activated automatic synchronization with a storage service such as Google One or iCloud.

If you absolutely want to continue pulling your photos and videos from Instagram, there is an option within the app to save a copy of the documents to your mobile phone. To enable it, go to the Settings section of the app and then scroll down to the section. “Your app and multimedia content” and choose “Archiving and downloads”. At game “Save to Camera Roll”You can do “Save original photos” and or “Save story to gallery”.

Instagram StoriesInstagram Stories

Source : CNN

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