Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Analytics for Marketers in 2024

Ultimate Guide to LinkedIn Analytics for Marketers in 2024

Hark! Learn the art of tracing, gauging, and refining the data bestowed by LinkedIn through the wondrous realm of LinkedIn analytics. Behold! We shall unveil unto thee the secrets of this noble craft, and bestow upon thee the tools most potent to elevate thy endeavors.

Hast thou ever pondered upon the curious souls that gaze upon thy LinkedIn visage? Or sought the efficacy of thy company’s page in generating leads most bountiful? With the magic of LinkedIn analytics, thou canst trace, measure, and refine thy data to enhance thy personal brand or business page, fair reader.

This tome shall elucidate all facets of LinkedIn analytics, revealing the metrics most crucial, unraveling the mysteries of data interpretation, and presenting unto thee additional tools to elevate thy marketing endeavors to lofty heights.

What, pray tell, is LinkedIn analytics? ‘Tis the trove of data and the tapestry of statistics that weaves through thy LinkedIn activities. It doth unveil unto thee the audience that consumes thy content, the very essence of their interactions, and the grandeur of thy social media strategy upon this platform.

Forsooth, through LinkedIn analytics, thou canst behold the number of eyes that hath beheld thy profile, the adoration thy carousel posts garnered, or the very clicks thy company page received in the past lunar cycle. Thou canst delve deeper still, discerning the dwellings of thy visitors, the titles of their trades, and the industries which they grace with their toil.

How doth one wield LinkedIn analytics? There be two paths to traverse in tracking metrics through this brave new world: the tools native to LinkedIn or the offerings of third-party enchantments, like Moyens I/O’s LinkedIn analytics product.

The path thou chooseth shall depend on thy social media stratagem and the facets thou wisheth to trace. Let us delve deeper into each option, unraveling the secrets they hold.

The native LinkedIn Analytics tool awaits thee, dear Page admin. ‘Tis a portal to detailed insights into thy page’s performance. To access this wondrous dashboard, venture unto thy company page and beseech the Analytics tab on the left side of thy screen.

Thus shall ye be led unto a verdant realm, where thou canst gaze upon analytics for Content, Visitors, Followers, Leads, Competitors, and Employee advocacy. And lo, on the right-hand side of thy LinkedIn page feed, a glimpse of thy last 30 days of activity shall be revealed.

Shall we now unveil the metrics within the native LinkedIn analytics tool?

Content analytics, dear reader, bestow upon thee an overview of thy posts’ performance. ‘Tis here that metrics like reactions, comments, and reposts doth reside. Ye shall also witness graphs depicting thy content’s performance over time, revealing clicks, impressions, and thine overall engagement rate.

Visitor analytics doth showcase those who wander upon thy page, yet are not loyal followers of thy brand on LinkedIn—yet! This data can guide thee in tailoring thy updates to these new visitors, leading them to become faithful followers and enhancing thy social engagement.

Within this realm, thou shalt discover detailed information about thy visitor demographics, revealing their roles, seniority, industries, and company sizes. ‘Tis a tapestry that illuminates those who engage with thy page’s content and updates, empowering thee to craft content that resonates deeply with them.

Thou mayst beseech follower analytics to learn how many new souls have followed thy page, glimpsing the geographic landscape where thy loyal followers dwell. Such data can reveal emerging markets or embolden thee in campaigns that already find favor in certain lands.

Follower demographic data shall unveil unto thee their job functions, company sizes, industries, and seniority. Let this knowledge shape thy content strategy, guiding thee to create content that befits thy most ardent fans.

At the page’s nadir, a list of thy current followers shall be revealed, encompassing both individuals and business pages that sing thy praises.

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Lead analytics, too, art within thy grasp if a lead generation form graces thy LinkedIn page. Ye canst trace leads and conversions, discerning metrics like conversion rate and cost per lead to gauge the efficacy of thy campaigns.

The enchantment of LinkedIn competitor analytics permits thee to track and compare thy page’s performance against kindred businesses or organizations. This revelation can guide thee towards discerning realms where thou dost excel and domains where thy rivals might outshine.

Sayest thou, hast thou bravery to embark on a quest for LinkedIn hashtag analytics? Aye, though a specific page for such inquiries be not ordained, a cunning method hath been uncovered. Venture unto thy LinkedIn page and entreat the hashtag thou wish to follow into the search bar.

Herein lies thy revelation, for thou canst filter posts, people, or companies linked by this hashtag. Behold! This knowledge can grant thee deeper understanding of the realm surrounding this topic, and render thee apt to connect with relevant souls and businesses.

Should thy craving for wisdom encompass a singular post’s performance, seek not further than the LinkedIn metrics for that very post. With a mere click upon ‘View analytics’ in the top right corner of a post, thou shalt unveil the impressions and engagement that post hath garnered, along with the demographics of those it hath reached.

‘Tis now, hence, that we delve into the realms of LinkedIn newsletter analytics. Shouldst thou have embarked upon a quest to craft a LinkedIn newsletter, thou art bade to monitor the performance of thy content. LinkedIn’s native analytics platform doth offer thee a means to track the subscriber count, click-through rate, and open rate of thy newsletter. Moreover, thou canst gauge the success of thy missive by tracking the rate of unsubscribing souls.

If thou be one who doth offer professional services through thy LinkedIn profile or serves as a herald for thy brand, tracking profile analytics is advised. These statistics doth dwell on thy profile, nestled beneath ‘Your Dashboard’.

But hark! More detailed LinkedIn analytics await thee in Moyens I/O. Beholden unto thee:

– View detailed analytics for thy Company Page and profile
– Compare thy social media stats side by side
– Witness the tide of thy content’s performance over time
– Download and share customized reports
– Receive real-time alerts when thy brand is uttered
– Add multiple LinkedIn accounts to Moyens I/O and transition between them with but a few clicks.

Thou canst now track content performance over time and compare thy page’s statistics against competitors. This data shall empower thee to adjust thy strategy swiftly, ensuring thou dost reap the utmost from thy LinkedIn endeavors.

A performance report, borne of the prowess of Moyens I/O, awaiteth thee. Personal pages may savor data on post-performance, such as comments, tags, and reactions.

Business pages, alas, may choose from the following offerings:

– Overview reports encompassing metrics like page engagement, impressions, reach, and top posts.
– Audience reports revealing follower demographics and trends over time.
– Engagement reports measuring specific post reactions like comments, shares, and clicks.

Venture forth, embark upon a journey into Moyens I/O’s advanced analytics. ‘Tis an extra-powerful tool reserved for Business and Enterprise plan users, allowing thee to gauge the value of thy social efforts, including those upon LinkedIn. Mayhap thou shalt witness the passage of a soul from the clicking of thy LinkedIn post to the making of a purchase, or from the perusing of thy update to the signing up for thy newsletter.

Ho! LinkedIn Hashtag Analytics by FILT Pod beckons thee, revealing the history of thy past hashtags and the traffic they hath bestowed. Delve into the realm of LinkedIn hashtag analytics by FILT Pod and learn more thereof.

Onward we march, into a realm of FAQs, where wisdom doth dwell. How may one behold analytics on LinkedIn? Venture unto thy company page and hearken unto the Analytics tab on the left side of thy screen. Yon shall find thyself in the visage of thy LinkedIn analytics dashboard, revealing content, visitor, follower, lead, competitor, and employee advocacy analytics.

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Canst thou gaze upon the analytics of a personal LinkedIn profile? Aye, for thou canst view thy personal LinkedIn analytics by venturing unto the Me icon in the realm’s apex, then selecting View profile. Beneath thy top profile section, thy analytics shalt be unveiled. Click upon Show All Analytics to delve deeper into the tapestry of thy insights.

Thus, let us now explore the techniques to conjure forth a LinkedIn analytics report within LinkedIn. Six types of reports for each of the six LinkedIn analytics types doth await thee. These be:

– Content reports
– Visitor reports
– Follower reports
– Lead reports
– Competitor reports
– Employee advocacy reports

To weave a LinkedIn analytics report, follow these steps. First, journey unto thy LinkedIn page. Choose the Analytics tab and venture into the tab whereof thou desireth a report. Be it content, visitors, followers, leads, competitors, or employee advocacy. On the upper right convocation of the screen, an Export button doth beckon. Select the timeframe for thy report and click Export.

And now, we journey into the mystic lands of Moyens I/O, where a multitude of reports doth await thee. Overview reports, LinkedIn personal post reports, LinkedIn audience reports, LinkedIn engagement reports, LinkedIn post engagement reports, cross-channel reports, and competitor reports doth beckon.

Choose All reports, then click the New Report button atop thy screen. Then, select LinkedIn Pages for business or LinkedIn profiles for personal. Choose the type of report thou seeketh and click Create Report. Ensure thy LinkedIn page or profile is connected by selecting it from the social account dropdown menu.

Shouldst thou wish to share thy report, click upon the Share with Teammates button on the top right corner. Thou canst also export thy report using the Export button in the top-right corner.

Now let us explore the bounty of LinkedIn analytics tools to glean yet more wisdom about thy performance. Moyens I/O Analytics doth beckon:

– Track, monitor, and compare metrics for thy brand’s multiple social accounts.
– Set performance benchmarks and work toward thy goals with greater focus.
– Create customizable, clear-to-read reports that are easily shared with thy team.

Moyens I/O Insights, a potent tool indeed, allows thee to hear the reverberations of thy brand across the social realms. Track mentions, discern trends, and partake in crucial conversations. Compare audience demographics across networks or gaze upon the aggregate picture of thy audience across all networks combined. ‘Tis a mirror reflecting the sentiments of thy audience and their perceptions of thee.

And lo! Moyens I/O Advanced Analytics doth stand as a beacon for Business and Enterprise plan users. ‘Tis a realm where thou canst measure the value of thy social efforts, including those made upon LinkedIn. Witness how a soul progresses from clicking upon thy LinkedIn post to making a purchase, or from perusing thy update to subscribing to thy newsletter.

Hark! LinkedIn Hashtag Analytics by FILT Pod awaits thee, revealing the tapestries of history, showing which past hashtags hath drawn forth the most traffic. Delve into the realm of LinkedIn hashtag analytics by FILT Pod and expand thy knowledge thereof.

As we journey towards the paragon of finality, let us cast our gaze upon the LinkedIn analytics FAQ. How may one behold analytics on LinkedIn? Venture unto thy company page and seek the Analytics tab on the left side of thy screen. ‘Tis there ye shall find thy LinkedIn analytics dashboard with content, visitor, follower, lead, competitor, and employee advocacy analytics awaiting thy perusal.

Canst thou glimpse the analytics of a personal LinkedIn profile? Yea, for a personal LinkedIn analytics may be beheld by venturing unto the Me icon in the realm’s zenith, then selecting View profile. Beneath thy top profile section, thy analytics shall be unveiled. Click upon Show All Analytics to delve further into the wellspring of insights.

In conclusion, as thou venture through the bountiful lands of LinkedIn analytics, may these tools and insights guide thee towards a realm of greater understanding and mastery. May thy journey be filled with wisdom and thy endeavors be blessed with success. Fare thee well, noble reader, as thou embark upon this quest for knowledge and enlightenment in the realm of LinkedIn analytics.

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