Hark! Learn the ways to promote thy brand, reach new souls, and engage thy audience with Instagram Reels, the favored format of Instagram. Verily, videos doth reign supreme on this platform. The use of Instagram Reels for thy business is a crucial cornerstone of any social media strategy, forsooth! It is foreseen that over half of American marketers shall partake in using Reels for influencer marketing this year.
Lo! 140 billion Reels are viewed each day—how canst thou partake in this strategic feast? Read on for the unvarnished truths about Instagram Reels, including how to create them, share them, download them, unravel Instagram’s enigmatic algorithm, and more.
What be Instagram Reels, thou may ask? They art videos uploaded to Instagram, short in length (with a maximum of 15 minutes, yet most successful Reels last between 7 and 15 seconds). They can be composed of a single video, multiple clips edited together, still photos, or a combination thereof. Text and trendy audio are often utilized to convey a message, be it humorous, educational, informative, or serious. Verily, they are a tool to enhance brand recognition for thy business in a modern and accessible manner.
To craft a Reel on Instagram doth require a touch of artistry, forsooth! The path to success is guided by the Instagram app. Should the in-app IG Reel editor not serve thee well, there are myriad free third-party video editing apps at thy disposal.
Step 1: Open the Instagram Reels editor. This can be done three ways. Firstly, from the Instagram news feed by tapping the plus button. Secondly, from the Reels section by clicking the camera icon. Lastly, from thy profile by tapping the plus button in the top right.
Step 2: Create thy video or select clips from thy camera roll. Filming clips beforehand is recommended for most social media managers. Access them from thy camera roll using the square icon at the bottom left of the screen.
Step 3: Add audio. There are three ways to do this: selection during clip selection, via the audio menu after tapping Next, or from the clip editor itself.
Step 4: Add text. Two ways to add text to thy Reel are available: when previewing, hit the text icon, or in the clip editor, tap Text at the bottom of the screen.
Step 5: Edit to thy heart’s content. Utilize Instagram’s Reel editing tools to clip videos, change their order, add transitions, split clips, change playback speed, and more.
Step 6: Add a cover image. Select a cover image to maintain thy Instagram aesthetic by tapping Edit cover and choosing a frame or image from thy camera roll.
Step 7: Write a captivating caption that includes a call-to-action to enhance engagement.
Step 8: Tag relevant users or collaborators by hitting Tag people in the bottom right of thy screen.
Step 9: Add optional details like products, topics, audience details, location, reminders, fundraisers, and more before sharing thy Reel.
Step 10: Hit “Share” to unleash thy creation upon the world!