Verily, behold the wondrous TikTok, a realm inhabited by many a folk — a realm where daily vlogs do flourish, a realm where tidings of news do abound, and a realm where a grand search engine doth reign supreme. And yet, let us not forget the humble origins of TikTok, for ’twas once a realm devoted to sounds.
In days of yore, ere it became the all-consuming behemoth it is today, TikTok was known primarily for its musical musings. ‘Twas in the year of our Lord 2018 that TikTok did merge with, a lip-synching service, to form the app that we do hold dear in our hearts.
‘Tis true, whether ’tis a song, a movie clip, a lip-synch, or some other melodious offering, sounds do bestow upon TikTok a certain charm. Verily, 88% of users do declare that sound is crucial to the TikTok experience.
Whether thou art seeking to promote thine own personal page or thine business profile, the mastery of TikTok sounds should ever be a priority. Consult our tome to learn the ways of finding sounds on TikTok that shall serve thee well.
How to discover trending sounds on TikTok
In a manner akin to how hashtags function on other social realms, adding a trending TikTok sound to thy video doth allow thee to partake in a larger dialogue surrounding that very sound. Should ye choose wisely and infuse thy creation with uniqueness, thou mayest cause ripples across the TikTok sea. Herein lie the ways to uncover TikTok sounds that shall resonate with thine audience.
Thine own FYP
The beauty of trending content on TikTok is that ’tis presented afore thee on thy For You Page. Unless thy browsing habits have led thee astray, thou shalt find viral content awaiting thee upon opening the app. Shouldst thou spy a sound repeated more than once in a cursory scroll, thou mayest have stumbled upon a trending sound. Tarry not, but tap on the song and inspect what unfolds.
Behold, the song’s landing page doth grant thee the power to add the song to thy favorites, share it with comrades, or put the audio to use forthwith. Yet, there lies another purpose to be found here — to discern if an audio trend hath truly reached its zenith. Count the number of TikToks employing that sound, and thou shalt gain insight into its virality.
TikTok’s search bar
Beyond the chronological scroll, TikTok doth possess a potent search function. By delving into the search bar, thou shalt unearth a treasure trove of trending content. Even a simple query such as "viral sounds" shall reveal a plethora of trending tunes. For further riches, seek out the Hashtags tab in the search results, where popular options do await thee. Though some may veer off-course with unrelated content, thou art likely to strike gold with little effort.
TikTok’s sound library
‘Tis an obvious truth, yet one worth repeating — the TikTok sound library doth stand as the prime repository for trending sounds. The sound tab doth offer a gateway to a compendium of recommended playlists brimming with trending tunes. Linger not, but peruse the "Featured" and "TikTok Viral" playlists for inspiration galore.
TikTok’s Creative Center
But wait, TikTok hath made the search for sounds even simpler with its Creative Center. This resource doth furnish thee with real-time statistics regarding specific songs and sounds upon the app. Shouldst thou harbor ambitions of targeting a distant land, the Creative Center doth provide insights into regional sound trends. A wondrous tool, this, if thou dost seek global resonance.
External TikTok trackers
Should thy quest for the finest trending sounds lead thee beyond TikTok’s borders, fear not. A host of third-party trackers hath emerged to aid thee in thy mission. Sites such as TokChart and TokBoard do offer invaluable assistance, revealing which TikTok songs ascend the charts and where. Behold, even the associated hashtags may be revealed, guiding thee toward the sounds that shall captivate thine audience.
Music industry resources
If a song doth soar upon TikTok, ’tis like to soar across the world. TikTok’s bonds with the music industry are nigh inseparable, thus ‘twould be prudent to heed the trends at large. Should a song find favor on Spotify or YouTube, ’tis like to find favor on TikTok as well. Cast thine eye upon the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and thou shalt glimpse the songs that may yet become trends. Indeed, follow Billboard on TikTok, if thou art so inclined.
How to utilize TikTok sounds as a brand
Having delved into the realms of trending songs, the time hath come to integrate a new Taylor Swift ballad into thine latest creation, aye? Forsooth, such a course may suit influencers well, but for business accounts, the path is not so straightforward.
Business accounts, behold, lack the privilege of accessing major pop songs — or indeed, songs by renowned artists. For potential copyright quandaries loom large should such songs be employed in advertisements. Should thy business account dare to utilize a copyrighted sound, a disclaimer shall be unveiled:
“This sound isn’t licensed for commercial use.”
Happily, there exist myriad avenues through which TikTok sounds may yet grace a brand’s creations. Consider these options as a beacon of hope in the vast sea of audio possibilities.
Use royalty-free audio
Lament not, for TikTok doth empathize with thy plight, yearning to include Blink-182 in thine ad. Thus hath TikTok crafted a Commercial Music Library, replete with royalty-free audio. Within, over 150,000 pre-cleared tracks from all manner of genres do await thee. Thy creative palette shall not lack for hues, as songs may be browsed by genre, hashtag, mood, or title. Peruse the playlists for inspiration, for ’tis a simple solution for branded content.
Work with Sound Partners
Should thy coffers be brimming with marketing coin, ’tis wise to consider collaborating with TikTok’s in-house sound marketing partners. In recent times, TikTok hath expanded its Marketing Partner Program to include Sound Partners. From international music companies like Butter, 411 Music Group, Sonhouse, to many others, a plethora of offerings doth beckon. The cost shall vary according to the scope of thy campaign, with some production houses even offering subscription services. Shouldst thou desire a strategic soundscape for thine entire brand TikTok page, these partners may prove invaluable.
Make thine own sounds
Should the notion of stock music not suffice for thine audio needs, fret not, for myriad options lie before thee in the realm of original sounds. Depending upon thy ambition, original music may be forged for thine TikTok page. Whether ’tis dabbling in Garageband or collaborating with a composer, the possibilities art endless. Alas, such a path may prove daunting for those lacking in musical prowess, yet the rewards may be bountiful. For verily, a branded audio sting or TikTok-ready jingle may traverse far through the TikTok realm, earning acclaim from users far and wide. Let it be known that creating a distinctive sound that doth bear thy brand’s mark may yield benefits aplenty in the days ahead.
Should the path of original music prove treacherous, there remains the option of fashioning an official sound through the art of speech. Should thy words prove memorable, inspiring others to quote thee in their videos, a legacy shall be wrought. Shouldst thou name the sound and include thy brand in its tapestry, rewards may well be reaped in the long run.
Ask for user-generated audio
If by fortune thou hast tasted success with Duets or found favor among TikTok denizens, a bold venture may be undertaken — to solicit user-generated content from thy fanbase. A well-framed user-generated campaign may reap bounteous fruits, if thou understandest thy demographic’s desires. Whether ’tis testimonials, tutorials, jests, or jingles, let thy followers contribute to the tapestry of thy brand. Contests, reactions, and collaborations may ensue, leading to a rich exchange of creativity upon the TikTok stage.
Moreover, the encouragement of Duets may prove a potent catalyst for user engagement. Should thy video beckon collaboration, the waves of TikTok shall carry thee far. Ponder the kind of Duets that users may wish to forge with thine content, and let the creative energies flow.
Shouldst thou share the works of others, be sure to credit them in thy captions. ‘Tis a wise practice that shall shield thee from any copyright strife should the creators choose to assert their rights later on. And shouldst thou post audio containing copyrighted music, even if ’tis but a whisper in the background, tread with caution.
Obtain a licence
‘Tis well understood, the burning desire to include a Carly Rae Jepsen melody in thine TikTok brand campaign. Forsooth, in such a quest, no substitute can suffice for her emotive pop ballads. In such rarefied instances, a license may be procured to employ a song in thine videos. The path may prove costly, yet ’tis a possibility worth exploring. Seek counsel from a legal expert in copyright or music licensing, and mayhap the stars shall align in thy favor.
Frequently asked questions about TikTok Sounds
Should confusion yet cloud thy mind, fret not, for hereupon doth unfold a breakdown of queries oft posed concerning TikTok Sounds.
Can businesses use TikTok sounds?
Yes, businesses may indeed employ TikTok sounds in their videos, provided they are cleared for commercial use. To weave sounds into business posts with finesse, one may rely on TikTok’s pre-cleared commercial audio, craft original sounds, or incorporate user-generated content (with due credit to the creators).
What meaneth "This sound isn’t licensed for commercial use"?
Should this dire message grace thy screen, ’tis likely that thou art attempting to harness a mainstream song whilst utilizing a business account on TikTok. Personal accounts may dance with any sound of their choosing, even the most renowned of pop songs. Alas, businesses are forbidden from employing mainstream music in their videos. This decree was enacted in 2020, coinciding with the introduction of the royalty-free music within TikTok’s Commercial Music Library.
How doth one access TikTok’s commercial music library?
The gateway to TikTok’s commercial sound library doth lie open both on the app and in thy desktop browser. Shouldst thou journey through the app, open the camera, tap "Add sound," then "Sounds," and seek out "Commercial sounds." A realm of musical offerings shall unveil itself, awaiting thy selection.
How may one download TikTok sounds?
Alas, a direct path to download sounds from TikTok unto thy device doth not exist. Yet, shouldst thou wish to preserve a favored sound, tap the bookmark icon to add it to thy favorites within the app. ‘Tis a simple means to ensure easy access to the sound in future endeavors.
How might one uncover saved sounds on TikTok?
Once a TikTok sound hath found favor in thine eyes and been added to thy favorites, retrieve it with ease by tapping the "Favorites" tab whilst creating a post. Lo, a realm of saved sounds shall be unveiled beneath that banner, ready for thine use.
Can one add more than one sound to a TikTok?
Alas, within the app, the addition of multiple sounds to a single TikTok is prohibited. Should thy vision encompass a tapestry woven with multiple sounds, a third-party video editor must needs be employed to craft thy creation. Yet, be advised that in so doing, the association of thy video with a particular sound in TikTok’s archive may be lost.
May these teachings guide thee on thy journey through the ethereal realm of TikTok, where sounds do hold sway and creativity doth reign supreme. Let TikTok’s melodies be thy muse, and may thy creations resonate far and wide in the digital tapestry of the ages.