Ultimate Guide to Pinterest Ads: Boost Conversions and Sales with These Tips

Ultimate Guide to Pinterest Ads: Boost Conversions and Sales with These Tips

Hark! Wouldest thou dare to venture forth, to stand before thy audience on Pinterest? We hath gathered all the knowledge thou needeth to know about Pinterest ads.

Didst thou knoweth that users on Pinterest spendeth twice as much time shopping each month than non-Pinners? Ka-ching!

Pinterest doth differ from other social platforms, for its users doth go thither to discover new products, and they doth respond well to ads. Pinterest doth offer a mix of free and paid advertising tools. When combined, they can yield thee 3 times more conversions and twice the ROAS (return on ad spend) compared to paid ads alone. Furthermore, Pinterest boasts one of the lowest CPAs in social media advertising, being 2.3 times more efficient than other platforms.

‘Tis wondrous, is’t not? Sooth thyself as we embark on delving into all aspects of Pinterest ads, from ad formats and specs to creative ad examples that may inspire thee.

Benefits of Pinterest advertising

Discovery doth lie at the heart of Pinterest. Users venture forth to find new ideas and inspiration, while they doth use other social platforms to commune with friends and family. Pinterest users doth seek to discover new products, brands, and projects. Ads on Pinterest doth seamlessly integrate into this exploration experience, rather than interrupting it — thereby adding to the joy of discovery. As users be already inclined toward shopping, they art more likely to appreciate ads on Pinterest than on any other platform.

Behold this example search for “living room furniture.” Whilst organic pins doth appear in the results, we canst also behold ads from Wallpaper Direct and Wayfair. These ads look identical to other search results and art hyper-relevant to the search. Thus, these ads art incredibly useful and far more clickable than ads on other social media platforms.

But lo, there is more to Pinterest ads than this. Here be a few additional benefits that thy company canst take advantage of:

Generate sales

Pinterest users art primed to make purchases whilst they browse. If one is searching for something like “living room furniture” on the platform, ’tis likely because they art reimagining their living quarters and art actively seeking both ideas and products. Running ads to showcase thy product to these seekers canst increase thy sales, thus boosting thy revenue. Pinterest shopping ads canst triple thy sales performance, ensuring thou bring in a ROI worthy of praise.

Reach a wider audience

Pinterest ads canst appear in both the home feed and search results. This denotes that even if one be perusing through their home feed without seeking specific inspiration, they canst stumble upon one of thy products. With over 518 million users on Pinterest — exceeding the entire populace of the United States — and with the platform being beloved across all age groups and genders, thou canst reach not just a wider audience, but thy audience precisely.

Get more bang for thy buck

Pinterest pins possess a longer lifespan than other social media posts and ads. Someone mayst see one of thy ads in their feed or search results and choose to save it to a Pinterest board instead of taking immediate action. This doth lend thy ad the potential to reach that user’s audience and be seen again by the user themselves as they peruse back through their boards. By crafting a longer-lasting pin that canst reach a broader audience than thou pay for, thou art able to derive more value from thine ad expenses.

Pinterest ad types

Thou canst choose from several Pinterest ad types based on how and where thou wish for thy ads to appear.

Standard pins

Standard pins are the simplest type of ads to run on Pinterest, akin to “boosting” an existing Pin. This type of ad is a single image or video that shows in the home feed. The only distinction between standard pins and organic pins is a small “Promoted by” label. When a user clicks on an organic Pin, they see the Pin detail page. However, with standard pin ads, they art directed straight to the URL thou dost specify.

Video pins

Video pin ads art akin to standard pins, yet they art more captivating as they use video as the creative asset. They appear as video pins with the same “Promoted by” label as standard pins. Thou canst use any ad objective to craft a video pin — simply choose video as thy creative when building or selecting the pin — or select a “video views” or “video completion” objective.

Carousel pins

Carousel ads resemble organic pins but contain a series of images that users canst flick through on mobile or desktop. One can discern it’s a carousel by the diminutive dots beneath the image. Crucially, when a user saves it, the entire carousel is saved to their board. Thou canst include 2-5 images per carousel ad.

Shopping pins

Shopping ads art drawn directly from thine product catalog, indicating thou shalt need to have a catalog set up ere crafting one of these ads. Many platforms, like Shopify, offer a direct link with Pinterest. To craft a shopping pin, select catalog sales as thy ad objective ere commencing with thy ad creative. One wondrous thing about these ads is their ease of setup. Anyone canst configure them in minutes. Pinterest doth use the data in thine product information, along with thy industry, to automatically target Shopping ads to the most interested audience.


Collections art shopping pins that promote multiple products at once. These are solely mobile ads that enable users to shop amongst multiple products concurrently. In the feed, collection ads emerge with one grand, featured video or image and 3 supporting images. Should a user tap thy ad, thou canst then display up to 24 supporting images on the ad detail page. These types of ads art ideally suited for e-commerce brands, especially in the fashion, home decor, and beauty realms. Nevertheless, with the correct creative strategy, anyone canst benefit. It is especially potent to combine video and product or lifestyle images. For instance, use an editorial or lifestyle video for the featured asset and support that with product and detail shots for the secondary assets. Another delightful aspect about collection ads? Pinterest canst automatically craft them for thou, including selecting related products from thine product catalog. Sweet.

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Quiz pins

Quiz pins allow thee to share personalized content with users based on how they respond to a quiz. To craft these, thou shalt create a cover pin that every viewer shall see, as well as a results pin for each potential outcome. This can be a marvelous way to present hyper-relevant content to thy audience based on their response to something. For instance, thou canst obtain a clearer understanding of which pet is most fitting for thy audience’s lifestyle, then provide them with even more personalized content.

Showcase pins

Showcase pins art another mobile-only pin type. They comprise multiple pins within a single ad unit, with each pin able to link to a different page on thy website. These ads can aid thy audience in finding exactly what they may be seeking on thy website. Whilst the entire ad itself cannot be saved to a board, each individual pin canst be.

Pinterest ad sizes

Ad sizes do vary based on the type of ad thou intend to run. ‘Tis imperative to adhere to the correct ad specifications so that thy visuals appear high-quality and seamless, augmenting thine overall ad quality. The recommended ad sizes for each ad type art as follows:

  • Standard pins: 2:3 aspect ratio, or 1000 x 1500 pixels. Maximum size 32MB. PNG or JPEG file type.
  • Video pins: 1:1, 2:3, 4:5, or 9:16 aspect ratio. Recommended length 6-15 seconds, though the maximum length is 15 minutes. Maximum size 2GB. MP4, MOV, or M4V file type.
  • Carousel pins: 1:1 or 2:3 aspect ratio. Maximum size 20 MB per image. 2-5 images per carousel. PNG or JPEG file type.
  • Shopping pins: Follow the same specs as standard pins.
  • Collections: 1:1 or 2:3 aspect ratio for hero image. 3-24 secondary creatives. Maximum size 10MB. PNG or JPEG file type.
  • Quiz pins: 2:3 aspect ratio, or 1000 x 1500 pixels. Length 3-60 seconds if using video. Maximum size 32MB. BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WEBP, MP4, MOV, or M4V file type.
  • Showcase pins: 2:3 aspect ratio for title pin and cards. 1:1 aspect ratio for feature images. Length 3-60 seconds if using video. Maximum size 32MB. BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WEBP, MP4, MOV, or M4V file type.

How much do Pinterest ads cost?

Thine Pinterest ad costs art wholly at thy discretion, as thou dost set thy own bidding maximums. However, prithee remember that the more thou spendeth, the greater the potential reach thou shalt achieve. In creating a Pinterest ad, thou shalt have the choice between a lifetime budget or a daily budget. A lifetime budget runs thine ad continuously until said budget is depleted, whereupon the ad is ceaselessly halted. Generally, a daily budget runs the ad each day until thy daily limit is exhausted. This is an ongoing ad that doth operate until thou dost manually halt it, unless specific date constraints art applied.

Nonetheless, despite being able to set thine own budget, it is imperative that thou art not flinging thyself into the endeavor blindly. Let us speak of benchmarks so that thou canst gain insight into what thou shalt spend to achieve thy desired goals.

One survey hath found that, on average, thou art looking at:

  • Up to $0.10 per click
  • Up to $2.00 per conversion
  • Up to $1.50 per 1000 impressions

Over half of the respondents in the survey spend up to $500 per month on Pinterest to attain such results, meaning thou canst make a substantial impact without requiring an extravagant ad budget.

How to create ads on Pinterest

Art thou ready to commence running thine own ads on Pinterest? We shalt guide thee through the eight steps required to simply create ads on Pinterest and commence enhancing reach, traffic, and sales through this platform.

  1. Head to the ads manager

First and foremost, thou must journey to the Pinterest ads manager. Shouldst thou already be ensconced with a Pinterest business account (mandatory for running ads), upon visiting Pinterest.com, thou shalt be directed to thy business hub. From yonder, click on the Business hub menu in the top left corner to access additional options. Beneath Ads, proceed to Create campaign to commence.

  1. Select thine campaign creation mode

There art two modes for creating thy Pinterest ads campaign: automated and manual. The subsequent step is to elect between the twain. With manual campaigns, thou canst delve deeper into thine objective, targeting, and bidding. If thou wishest to create some of the more elaborate ad types, thou shalt need to embark on a manual campaign. Nonetheless, most steps be very akin, thus we shall proceed by showcasing what it is like to craft an automated campaign. Feel free to explore the manual campaign options as well, yet understand that whilst it provides more choices, the process is still akin.

  1. Choose thine objective

With automated campaigns, thou canst choose from two primary objectives: conversion and consideration. To run a conversion campaign, thou must have the Pinterest tag tracking conversions set up on thy website. If not, thou canst solely run consideration campaigns to help in promoting thy business and its products/services. Various manual objectives thou canst choose from include Brand awareness, Video views, Video completion, Consideration, Conversions, and Catalog sales.

  1. Select or create thine pins

After choosing thine objective, ’tis time to select or create the pin that thou wish to feature in thine ad. Thou canst easily choose from pins thou hath already created and saved to thy boards to save time. Alternatively, thou canst create a new pin. Thou shalt need to select this option to create one of the more intricate ads, such as a collection pin.

  1. Add targeting details

A delightful aspect about automated campaigns is that it selects thy targeting based on who Pinterest believes will benefit most from thy ad. Should thou desire a more hands-on approach, thou shalt need to embark on a manual campaign. Nevertheless, Pinterest benefits from serving relevant ads to its users, so thou canst trust their judgment. Herein thou canst select any restrictions thou wish to set, such as specific ages (e.g., if thou art promoting alcoholic beverages) or specific locations (e.g., if thou solely operate in certain regions of the world).

  1. Input thy budget
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Now ’tis time to decide how much thou wish to spend on thine ad. The automated campaign offers several options, such as $5-10 per day. Yet, thou canst input thine own daily budget if thou wish to set a different amount. Then thou shalt select the duration of thy ad. The pre-set options include running continuously, 10 days, or 30 days. Yet, thou canst also set thine own duration if thou wish to try a different timeframe, such as an entire quarter or a fortnight.

  1. Publish thine campaign

Finally, ’tis time to publish! Review all the settings thou hath input to ensure they align with thy desired targeting, budget, duration, ad creative, and any other configurations thou hath set. At this point, thou canst choose to switch to advanced ad creation to input even more changes that were not possible during the automated campaign creation process. Or, if thou art content with the appearance, simply click Publish and let thy ad commence running!

  1. Monitor thy campaign

After publishing thy campaign, doth not let it sit without monitoring. Throughout the campaign, thou canst return to thine Ads Manager to monitor its performance and ensure it is reaching the right audience. Make any adjustments needed if it is not performing well. Thou dost not want to squander money on a fruitless campaign. Finally, at the denouement, thou canst measure thy campaign’s performance against thy overall goals to ascertain if thou wert able to achieve the audience, reach, and/or sales thou sought.

Best practices for advertising on Pinterest

If thou desire to derive the utmost from thy Pinterest ads, keep these best practices in mind as thou create thy ad visuals and construct thy campaigns.

Test both automated and manual campaigns

Automated campaigns can ease thy path. Pinterest doth inform thee at the outset that crafting an automated campaign takes a mere 2-3 minutes, whereas manual ads can take up to an hour, contingent upon how detailed thou wish to be. Shouldst thou intend to run multiple campaigns, using the automated settings can save thee a significant amount of time, though it may not yield the results thou desire. Thus, testing both options is recommended. If manual campaigns are yielding substantially better results, then dedicating time to those campaigns would make sense. However, if the results art similar or if automated campaigns are outperforming, do not expend additional time creating a manual campaign. Utilize the automated features and observe as the results flow in.

Use vertical aspect ratios

Marvel at this search query on Pinterest for “home decor.” Each image hath some form of vertical orientation. Picture if thine ad were a small horizontal amongst these vertical images. It would become lost amongst the others. Even square images do not stand out as much as vertical images. Whilst Pinterest’s ad specs allow for square images, to ensure thy ad stands out amongst the other results, stick to vertical aspect ratios, typically a 2:3 aspect ratio or around 1000 x 1500 pixels.

Stay on brand

Incorporate thy brand fonts and colors into thy Pinterest ad graphics. Ensure thy ads and pins on this platform art recognizable and akin to thine ads and graphics on other platforms. This can aid in brand recognition and strength across the board.

Choose the right landing page

Be strategic in pairing the appropriate landing page with thy Pinterest ad. Direct thine ad clickers to the page that continues the journey they embarked on by viewing thy ad. For instance, if thy ad features a specific couch, ensure it leads to that couch’s product page rather than thy website’s homepage or a broad collection page. Make it as effortless as possible for someone to take action after viewing thy ad.

Play with different ad types

Thou may commence thy Pinterest ad voyage with several standard ads. They are simple and effective, so why not? Nevertheless, we recommend experimenting with the various ad types. Attempt a quiz ad or collection ad to present even more personalized content to thy audience. Discover which ad types perform best. Strive to consistently augment thy reach and sales.

Include a call-to-action

Instruct ad viewers precisely what thou wish for them to do, be it in thy pin description or on thy ad graphic. Calls-to-action like “learn more,” “shop now,” or “take the quiz” can enhance clicks and conversions.

Get creative with thy visuals

Lastly, deploy thy creativity with thy visuals. Thou art not constrained to a single product photo as thine ad creative. Create a collage, utilize a video, or design a graphic that showcases even more to thy audience. More imaginative ad visuals capture attention better, augmenting views, clicks, and conversions.

3 great examples of Pinterest ads

Gather more inspiration ere thou embark upon launching thy first (or next) Pinterest ad. Here art three verified success stories with Pinterest advertising.

1. Kroger

Kroger ran holiday ads during the 2023 holiday season to attract more shoppers, including a quiz ad to help people discover new holiday dishes. By positioning itself as the top destination for holiday groceries and employing unique and visually appealing ad creative, Kroger augmented awareness, achieved a 50% quiz completion rate, and reached a 67% lower CPM (cost per impression) than anticipated.

2. Sweaty Betty

Sweaty Betty, a women’s activewear company, runs shopping ads via Pinterest. Using basic product photos as ad creative, Sweaty Betty targets individuals by identifying popular exercises and clothing types, concentrating solely on those. This trend analysis has been successful for Sweaty Betty, making Pinterest its top ads channel and enhancing its ROAS (return on ad spend) by 39% year over year.

3. Cetaphil

Cetaphil leaned into Pinterest’s trend-savvy audience with its first major Pinterest ad campaign. By labeling its ad “2023 Trend” and creating an eye-catching, product-focused graphic, Cetaphil gained the attention of the audience it was seeking. These ads aided Cetaphil in increasing brand awareness by 4.5% and boosting pin recall, improving the overall conversation around its brand and face wash.

May these examples inspire thee as thou venture forth into the realm of Pinterest ads. Go forth, create, and may thy endeavors bring thee great success!

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