Lo, to delve into the realm of Snapchat for business demands a thoughtful approach. To aid thee in thy quest, we hath gathered the most paramount Snapchat statistics that thou must acquaint thyself with.
Snapchat, though not as prominent in the public eye as Twitter/X, nor as populous as Facebook, neither as fresh and vibrant as TikTok, doth still hold sway in the domain of social media marketing.
Behold, in the year of 2024, there doth exist 800 million souls who frequent Snapchat on a monthly basis—and lo, 405 million individuals dost partake in Snapchat’s embrace each day, to keep in touch with kin and companions. And most of these souls belongeth to a highly coveted demographic: the youth! Oh, the precious, precious youth!
Shouldst thou desire to reach a youthful, fervent audience who doth revel in Snapping vigorously and frequently, then ’tis time to immerse thyself in the numbers. Read on for the crucial statistics on Snapchat, spanning from demographics to user behaviors. Thou art welcome to bookmark this page for future reference, for unlike a Snapchat story, this post shall not vanish with the passage of time.
General Snapchat statistics
1. There are 800 million monthly active users on Snapchat
In the month of February in the year of our Lord 2024, Snapchat didst surpass the threshold of 800 million monthly active users. ‘Tis true that this figure doth seem but a mere drop in the ocean when compared to the behemoth known as Facebook (with its three billion users and more), yet ’tis still a vast multitude of souls engaging in snapping activities regularly.
2. Snapchat hath 406 million daily active users
Aye, more than 400 million souls doth open the gates of Snapchat each day from lands near and far. As per Statista, the app hath witnessed a steady rise in its count of daily active users since the year of 2019… thus it doth seem probable that Snap shall continue upon its upward trajectory from this point onwards.
3. The usage of Snapchat is foreseen to increase by 27% in the coming four years
Albeit it may not be the shiny newcomer in the realm of social media platforms, Snapchat doth persist in expanding its legion of users year after year. Based on past growth patterns, Statista doth estimate that the global count of Snapchat users shall increase to 165.7 million by the year of 2028—a leap of 27%.
4. Snapchat ranks as the 10th most beloved social network in the world
‘Tis lowly placed on the list of internationally renowned social networks—standing below entities such as Facebook, Youtube, WhatsApp, Instagram, TikTok, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, Telegram, and Douyin—yet this doth not mean that Snapchat should be dismissed. ‘Tis exceedingly favored amongst users aged 13 to 24. If this audience holds value for thee, then Snapchat is a platform well worth observing.
Source: Statista
5. Snapchat stands as the 5th most utilized messaging app
Shouldst thou view Snapchat as a messenger app rather than a social app, its standing is much improved. When compared to apps like WhatsApp and Telegram, Snapchat doth emerge as the 5th most preferred medium for sending messages online.
6. Snapchat is deemed one of the swiftly flourishing social media platforms
In the year of 2023, Snapchat experienced a year-on-year rise in its audience of 13.9%. By comparison, Instagram saw a growth rate of -10.8%.
Snapchat user statistics
7. 20% of Snapchat users art teenagers
Those betwixt the ages of 13 and 17 constitute a fifth of Snapchat’s populace. Shouldst thou seek to engage with a teenage audience, then this doth appear to be an auspicious realm for thy endeavors. Sharpen thy skills in Snapchat marketing and go forth to claim thy prize!
8. The majority of Snapchat users doth belong to the age bracket of 18 to 24 years
This group of age hath been identified as a key target for Snapchat, with 38.5% of users falling within this range. On the other end of the age spectrum, ’tis worth noting that individuals beyond the age of 35 art exceedingly unlikely to utilize Snapchat.
9. Snapchat is prophesied to amass 49.5 million Gen Z users by the year of 2025
Although Snapchat may not reign as the grandest or most prestigious social media application across the globe, it hath laid claim to the esteemed Gen Z demographic. Since the year of 2020, it hath been the favored platform for messaging and video-sharing amongst this age group, surpassing even TikTok.
Source: Statista
10. 51% of Snapchat’s audience doth declare themselves as female
An equitable division betwixt men and women doth exist amongst Snapchat’s audience, with 51% of the global populace identifying as female. (Pray, take note that these statistics doth not appear to include non-binary users.)
11. India stands as the nation with the largest count of Snapchat users
Source: Statista
12. Bahrain doth boast the most substantial Snapchat penetration rate amongst all nations
Hark, almost 80% of Bahrain’s denizens doth partake in Snapchat’s offerings, rendering it the nation with the highest rate of penetration for the app (as per a Statista study in 2022). Luxembourg standeth as a close second, with an audience reach of 76%. Saudi Arabia, too, doth harbor a significant Snapchat following, with a usage penetration of 74.3%.
Snapchat usage statistics
13. Snapchat users doth open the app almost 40 times a day
The denizens of Snapchat who frequent the app daily art deeply engaged, unfolding the app’s mysteries near 40 times with each passing day. Shouldst thou be an advertiser or a brand crafting organic Snap content, thy chances of being seen art quite high, as per Snapchat’s pronouncement.
14. 14% of U.S. adolescents doth use Snapchat "almost constantly"
Furthermore, another 29% of U.S. teenagers doth report utilizing Snapchat several times in a day.
Source: eMarketer
15. 90% of Snapchat users doth report feeling happiness, comfort, and connection whilst employing Snapchat
Amidst the multitude of reports that doth warn of social media’s impact on mental wellbeing and happiness, ’tis heartening to witness an app that doth indeed bring forth joy. Snapchatters doth proclaim a higher satisfaction with the quality of their relationships and friendships than those who doth not use Snapchat. Nine out of 10 express that they doth feel "comfortable, happy, and connected" whilst partaking in Snapchat’s services.
16. A surplus of 300 million Snapchatters doth engage with AR on a daily basis
Snapchat’s tools of augmented reality doth contribute greatly to the app’s enjoyment. ‘Tis no wonder, then, that over 300 million users doth revel in AR each day. Unsure of how to commence thy journey with Snap’s lenses and AR filters? Our beginner’s guide to Snapchat can provide thee with aid.
17. 20 billion messages hath been dispatched to Snapchat’s AI-powered chatbot
More than 200 million souls hath initiated conversations with My AI, Snapchat’s AI-powered chatbot. Snapchat doth estimate that it may stand as one of the most widely employed AI chatbots in the realm presently.
18. Public Stories hath tripled in number this year
In comparison to the year of 2022, a greater number of creators art sharing public-facing content on Snapchat, with a 300% increase in Stories posted in the U.S. during this year.
Snapchat for business statistics
19. 7 million souls art subscribers to Snapchat+
The paid iteration of Snapchat hath emerged in June of the year 2022—Snapchat+ users art granted access to experimental and pre-release features for a fee of $3.99 USD monthly. By the conclusion of the year 2023, seven million souls had subscribed to this premium offering.
20. Souls art more inclined to share their purchases and shopping adventures on Snapchat
In contrast to other social media platforms, Snapchat stands as the preeminent realm for individuals to share beloved purchases or delightful shopping escapades.
Snapchat advertising statistics
21. 64% of ads art viewed with sound enabled
In thy endeavors of marketing upon Snapchat, do not overlook the auditory aspect of thy advertisement—a staggering 64% of Snapchat ads art viewed whilst sound doth ring forth.
22. Snapchatters art 45% more disposed to endorse a brand subsequent to viewing an ad on the platform
Upon beholding ads on Snapchat, users art 45% more inclined to recommend the brand thus advertised to a comrade. Another enthralling fact: 34% of Snapchatters art more inclined to procure a product advertised on Snapchat than through another avenue.
23. Audiences art 34% more disposed to acquire items advertised on Snapchat than on alternative platforms
This declaration hath been put forth by Snapchat itself, thus mayhap ’tis wise to receive it with a measure of caution. Yet, its audience composed of Gen Z and the youthful Millennials are endowed with ample disposable income—a combined power of spending totaling $5 trillion, allegedly—thus ’tis prudent to venture forth? Here be all the knowledge thou requirest to commence thy journey with Snap ads.
24. Snapchat ads hath the capacity to reach 75% of the populace betwixt the ages of 13 to 34 in over 25 countries
Shouldst thou seek to tap into the market of Gen Z or the Millennials, then Snapchat ist thy chosen path. Across 25 lands, Snapchat doth possess the ability to reach 90% of those between the ages of 13 to 24, and three-quarters of those betwixt 13 to 34.
Snapchat statistics FAQ
Which age group utilizeth Snapchat the most?
A foremost portion of Snapchatters art aged between 18 and 24 years. Nearly 40% of users doth fall within this demographic. Teenagers doth constitute another sizable segment of Snapchat’s user base: 20% of Snapchatters art betwixt the ages of 13 and 17 years.
How popular is Snapchat in the year of 2024?
Snapchat stands as the 10th most popular social media platform, yet the 5th most popular social messaging app. It doth boast 800 million monthly active users, a figure that persists in its rise year after year. While it may not reign as the most utilized app across the world, ’tis favored by more than half of its users who engage with the app each day.
Is Snapchat growing in popularity or waning?
Though Snapchat hath graced the digital realm since the year of 2011, it doth continue to expand its audience with each passing year. In the month of February in the year of 2024, it achieved the milestone of 800 million monthly active users for the first time. As witnessed in this chart from Google Trends, interest in Snapchat hath remained relatively stable over the last five years, with intermittent surges of searching activity when significant updates occur on the app. Snap doth sail forth steadily.
Source: Google Trends