Top Brand Monitoring Tools and Strategic Tips for 2024

Top Brand Monitoring Tools and Strategic Tips for 2024

Hark, ’tis a simple task to observe, analyze, and optimize the discourse surrounding thy brand, known as “brand monitoring” – a realm made more accessible with the aid of these tools.

Behold, the hour is upon us: all that restless night-time dread of whispered words behind thy back is nigh to yield its fruit.

‘Tis the essence of brand monitoring – to keep vigil over the tidings of the world concerning thee.

At times it may be clandestine, spoken in hushed tones. At times it may be bold and direct, with thy name emblazoned for all to see. At times, a gross misspelling may necessitate a laborious deciphering. Yet, brand monitoring is crucial for maintaining thy online presence and relevance – for verily, thou dost desire to know.

Fortunate are those curious about brand monitoring, for never before hath it been so effortless to observe, dissect, and enhance the dialogue encircling thy brand. With these insights and tools, thou shalt discern how best to employ thy discoveries in thy social media strategies and safeguard the reputation of thy brand.

What, then, is brand monitoring?

‘Tis the act of heeding mentions and discussions concerning thy brand. Be it on Twitter, in television broadcasts, or even emblazoned upon sassy bumper stickers.

In short, brand monitoring is a comprehensive survey of the discourse concerning thee, yet also extending to thy industry and competitors.

Ah, social media monitoring – an aspect of brand monitoring, yet focused solely on social media coverage relevant to thy brand.

‘Tis a realm wherein thou must monitor brand or product mentions (be they tagged or not), relevant hashtags and keywords, or industry trends across platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Linkedin.

Witness the multitudes discussing Cheetos. Though none hath tagged @CheetosCanada or @ChesterCheetah on Twitter, it seems all and sundry art abuzz about the brand.

Mayhap Cheetos keep watch for untagged references to their name, lest they overlook this affirming and adorable chatter.

Social media monitoring also encompasses surveillance of conversations regarding thy competitors… and indeed, any discourse pertinent to thy enterprise.

‘Tis an opportunity to track vital social metrics, measure brand awareness, and derive insights. Such data not only aids in tracking ROI or testing social campaigns but also provides a means to uncover trends and revelations.

Let us ponder social listening – for ’tis the next step following the harvest of data from social media monitoring.

Aught one seek a thorough exploration of social listening, its nature, and initiation at no cost, mayhap thou should view this visual masterpiece:

TLDR? Social listening entails the examination of the intelligence gathered from social media monitoring.

What be the prevailing online sentiment? How fare the hearts and minds towards thee?

Forsooth, on Instagram, myriad souls partake in discourse concerning pugs… yet dost the majority truly hold them dear? A more profound inquiry reveals: aye.

Once thou understandeth the hearts of the people, thou art then poised to craft a plan of action. Verily, it is akin to “social strategizing” – having gleaned insights, what shall thou undertake?

Anon, let us contemplate social mentions – an acknowledgment of one’s name.

Should some soul mention a person or brand on social media, whether in a laudatory tone (“@SimonsSoups are delectable!”) or a disparaging manner (“I shan’t feed @SimonsSoups to my feathered companion!”), or betwixt the two (“@SimonsSoups art moist.”).

Wherefore is brand monitoring of import?

Should thee be a recluse or akin to Tilda Swinton, untroubled by the opinions of others, thou may overlook the significance of reputation and public perception.

Maintaining thy repute

Brand monitoring renders thee vigilant and poised to address quandaries (or bask in acclaim!) – for if someone doth extol thy virtues in a tweet yet thou remain oblivious, doth it truly occur?

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By heeding the discourse, thou canst respond promptly. Behold the example of the official Duolingo account, which swiftly retorted to a history jest in a clever, albeit historically inaccurate fashion.

Analyze customer sentiment

‘Tis not sufficient merely to know that people speak of thee; ’tis essential to comprehend how they speak of thee. Brand monitoring permits thee to gauge the pulse, perceiving how customers feel and evaluating the social sentiment.

Alas, thou canst not dispatch a note akin to those exchanged in the realm of adolescence – “If thou dost favor me, encircle one: yes/no/maybe,” but this may serve as a semblance thereof.

PS: In thy sentiment analysis, be wary of abrupt shifts or spikes, and ensure thou dost discern their origins. Should a plummet in brand sentiment stem from aught thou hast published, a crisis may loom, meriting a perusal of our guide to managing a social media crisis.

Engage with thy customers

Monitoring holds value for thy social customer service strategy. Whilst monitoring thy brand, watch not only for tagged social mentions but also for covert comments, and be ready to respond – as Vitamix doth.

Source fresh content

Hath someone scribed a blog post about thee, or fashioned an Instagram Story yearning for a nuptial bond with thy brand?

Assuming it be laudatory, thou art bestowed with new content to disseminate across thy channels. Simply watch and wait, forsooth.

Indeed, the quality of content need not ever be “good” – witness the viral notoriety of TikTokker Emily Zugay for her comically disastrous redesigns of corporate logos.

Brands sharing such content may accrue views, likes, and business, yet may also forge enduring bonds with creators – Windows’ swift acknowledgment of Zugay’s logo reconstructions and continued interaction have birthed valuable collaborations.

Watch thy competitors

Bide not solely in thine own affairs – spy also upon the dealings of others! Observing thy competition to discern both their virtues and vices is an integral aspect of holistic brand monitoring. Such insights may be employed in a competitive analysis.

Keep vigil over old content

The digital realm is fleet-footed, and oft doth content attain virality within days (or even hours) of its release – yet there are times when a post harkens back to months or years past, only to seize the entirety of the internet’s attention. Witness, for instance, the trend of Britney Spears’ 2007 song “Gimme More” on TikTok in the year 2022. Brand monitoring ensures thou dost keep watch over all thy posts – not solely the recent ones – that should an ancient creation suddenly ascend to virality, thou may seize upon it.

What ought thou monitor?

Thine eagle eye must scan all key conduits – from print and digital publications to social media platforms, broadcast media, online forums, and review sites.

But what doth thou seek, precisely?

Mentions of thy brand, products, and services

This, indeed, be the most overt and paramount facet to monitor: direct mentions and tags of thy brand name or products. Art folk discussing thee? What say they? Hast thou been named? The same applies to thy competition – observe the discourse swirling around brands akin to thine.

Critical keywords

Keep a watch for content or posts employing thy brand name (along with its variations or errata!) sans a direct tag. Also, include hashtags or marketing slogans within thy search purview.

‘Tis an illustration: Harry Styles’ crew should be alert for any mentions of “Harry Stiles” – a common misspelling.

C-suite shout-outs

Those in leadership or public-facing roles may find themselves at the forefront of publicity at times… and thou shouldst be prepared.

When the founder of Oh She Glows penned an Instagram story empathizing with a white supremacist-driven demonstration, the internet erupted. Though an extreme example, all social media managers would fare well to track the online musings of their executives and gauge public reactions. Whilst the past cannot be undone, and errors immortalized on the internet, swift response through crisis management may alleviate the aftermath.

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Influencers and creator partnerships

In akin manner to the above, should thy brand collaborate with creators in any capacity, thou must keep a watchful eye upon them. Aligning thyself with an individual entails condoning their actions and words both online and off; hence, ’tis vital to ensure that creators uphold thy brand’s image in a positive light. Many a luminary hath lost endorsement deals following media controversies – for instance, myriad brands reevaluated associations with Travis Scott post the Astroworld tragedy in 2021.

Inbound links

Peer into thy website’s analytics to trace incoming links. Some may lead thee to a reference lurking in the depths of the world wide web unbeknownst to thee.

Industry insiders and lingo

No brand exists in solitude – not in this day nor age. Is there a tempest brewing that may spill over to besmirch thy reputation? Might thou ride the tide of a trending topic?

The dialogues within thy industry may wield influence upon thee as well – for better or worse! Aye, immerse thyself in the greater discourse to remain abreast of the conversation.

Consider the case of 2022, where dietitians took to TikTok advocating against dieting. Should thy labor be within this sphere and fail to keep pace with the linguistic shifts, thou dost risk disseminating content out of touch or directly deleterious.

5 brand monitoring tools for 2024

In days of yore, brand monitors scoured news outlets and intercepted every town crier to stay attuned to the world’s buzz. But lo, we dwell in these modern times, wherein a plethora of digital brand monitoring tools lie at thy fingertips.

1. Moyens I/O

Engage Quick Search to uncover trending hashtags, brands, and events worldwide, or delve deeper for personalized insights regarding thy brand.

Thou canst track the discourse surrounding thee, thy prime competitors, thy products – monitoring two keywords spanning all realms over the preceding 7 days.

– Private messages and DMs
– Public messages and posts across thy profiles
– Dark and organic comments
– Mentions
– Emoji reactions

… and more.

The all-encompassing agent workspace eases thy burdens to:

– Track the historical interactions any individual hath had with thy brand on social media (across assorted accounts and platforms), furnishing thy team with the requisite context to tailor responses.
– Append annotations to customers’ profiles (Inbox integrates seamlessly with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics)
– Manage messages as a collective, with intuitive queues, task allocations, statuses, and filters
– Monitor response times and CSAT metrics

Moreover, Inbox brings forth nifty automations, including:

– Automated message routing
– Auto-responses and pre-saved replies
– Automatically triggered customer satisfaction surveys
– AI-powered chatbot features

2. Talkwalker by Moyens I/O

Talkwalker’s trove of social data surpasses 150 million sources. Armed with over 50 advanced filters, thou canst segment thy social data and pinpoint the audience most worthy of thy monitoring.

This robust social listening tool empowers thee to grasp the full impact of thy online conversations by measuring engagement volume, reach, sentiment, and beyond. It incorporates an exclusive AI engine (dubbed BlueSilk) trained on a treasury of over 3 trillion data points – verily, a manifold of information!

3. Google Alerts

Select thy keywords and receive email alerts whenever they surface across the web. It’s as though Google becomes thy correspondent via email – albeit with a surface-level analysis! No special privileges or linked social media accounts are necessary for access to Google Alerts, rendering it an apt choice for monitoring thy competitors.

4. SEMRush

SEMRush can unravel the keywords employed by thy rivals and concoct varied keyword permutations for optimal outcomes. Furthermore, they shall conduct an SEO audit of thy blog and oversee thy performance on Google’s search engine.

5. Mentionlytics

Mentionlytics stands as a comprehensive web and social media monitoring solution. Employ it to unearth every whisper regarding thy brand in the digital realm, along with insights into thy competitors or any keyword across Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Youtube, Pinterest, and all web sources (news, blogs, etc.).

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