Top 7 Real Estate Social Media Automation Tools for 2024

Top 7 Real Estate Social Media Automation Tools for 2024

Verily, the realm of social media management is a vortex of time, an abyss into which many a realtor hath fallen. But lo, fear not, for real estate social media automation doth offer a glimmer of hope.

Would it not be a wondrous sight to behold, if with but a wave of a magic wand, thy social media marketing be done for thee? Verily, such a wonder is within thy grasp. Realtors need only to invest in real estate social media automation to bring this dream to life.

‘Tis true that a smidgen of work is required, but fret not, for we shall lend a hand. In this ode, we shall extol the virtues of social media automation for real estate agents. Behold, we shall also unveil the seven finest tools to aid thee in automating thy social media marketing.

Benefits of social media automation for real estate

Behold, let us face the truth: social media management can drain thy hours like a tempest. Yet fear not, for real estate social media automation shall be thy savior.

Here lie the foremost reasons why social media automation doth shine brightly upon the realm of real estate.

Save time creating posts and attending to messages or comments

Hark! ‘Tis evident that every minute is precious to a busy realtor. By harnessing the power of automation, thou shalt free thyself from the shackles of time, allowing thee to focus on thy true calling.

Improve thy strategy with better data collection

Dost thou know which platforms yield the most fruit for thee? Which types of posts doth thy audience favor? Doth engagement flourish on Sunday morns or Wednesday afternoons?

If thou art not using an automation tool that doth aid in the gathering of analytics, fret not. The answers to these queries can still be found, though the path be arduous.

When thou dost automate the manual aspects of social media marketing, thou shalt gather data and refine thy strategy with haste.

Increase engagement and brand awareness

Would it not be splendid to respond to DMs from potential clients without the need to glance at thy phone? What if thou couldst share news of a marvelous new listing whilst holding an open house?

Automation tools permit thee to maintain a consistent and professional online presence without being tethered to thy phone or computer.

So go forth, set up thine auto-replies and scheduled posts, and take a well-earned respite. Thy followers (and thy sanity) shalt bless thee.

7 top automated social media tools for real estate agents

To triumph in the realm of real estate, time and effort must be conserved where possible, that thy focus may be redirected to weightier matters. Thus, thou must embrace automated social media marketing for real estate.

Thou art the master of thine own business, and thus, thou needst all the counsel and artifices that small businesses employ to flourish. Behold, the seven finest social media tools for real estate agents shall be revealed.

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1. Moyens I/O

Create and schedule content

This publishing tool doth employ AI learning to proffer relevant hashtags and the Best Time to Publish for thine unique audience.

Desire to save time while repurposing content? Thou canst amend a single post to suit multiple social media accounts and platforms, allowing thee to share thy content without appearing tedious.

And shouldst thou tire of composing social media captions, OwlyWriter AI shall become thy boon companion. Just submit a prompt, choose thy voice, and behold the generated text.

Analyze thy results

One can safely assume that all realtors (thyself included) dost not relish the labor of extracting data from each social platform for analysis.

These bespoke, automated reports can guide thee in thy social media strategy. Witness what doth flourish and what doth wither with but a click.

Psst: Peruse our comprehensive list of general Social Media Marketing tools as well.

Auto-respond to DMs
Improve thy social listening

Utilize Listening Basics to unearth trending hashtags, brands, and events across the globe, or delve deeper for personalized insights on thy brand.

Thou may track the discourse about thee, thy chief rivals, thy wares — monitoring up to two keywords spanning all discourse over the bygone seven days.

Additional details include:

  • Results: Wouldst thou delve into specifics? The results tab doth display a selection of popular posts related to thy search terms — with filters for sentiment, channel, and more.

  • Key metrics: Doth the chatter about thee burgeon this week? What manner of feelings doth these social media missives convey? Moyens I/O Listening surpasseth mere tracking of words spoken, for it employeth enhanced sentiment analysis to reveal true sentiments.

  • Top themes: In what manner doth the people speak of thee? Wherein lie the most prevalent positive and negative posts? In what other conversations art thou entwined?

2. Airtable Automation

Adore the features of Airtable? We, too, hold admiration for its myriad capabilities, making it a splendid choice for thy social media calendar.

3. Facebook Business Suite and Creator Studio

Automated Facebook posts can prove a boon for realtors, saving thee precious time. While thou canst schedule and edit content for thy Facebook Page (as well as Instagram posts and Stories) within Facebook Business Suite, it doth possess certain limitations.

The tool’s editing features be rather rudimentary, yet its scheduling prowess sufficeth for accounts of moderate activity.

4. Peech

Peech canst aid thee in automating thy video editing tasks. This tool is particularly beneficial for realtors creating walk-through videos — adding watermarks or speaking parts becometh a simple affair.

Moreover, Peech canst transcribe and repurpose thy video content automatically, enabling its use in various marketing avenues, such as blogs or social media captions.

For larger real estate enterprises crafting content with their teams, one can automate the creation of title cards for team members, lending thy videos a polished sheen.

5. Grammarly

There exists nary a shame more profound than stumbling upon a glaring typo in thy caption posthaste after publishing.

Employ Grammarly to automate thy spelling and grammar checks. The pro account shall opine on the appropriateness of thy tone and the usage of passive voice. Furthermore, it shall render suggestions on how to condense thy writing, eschew repetition, and craft content for an audience.

6. Pictory

Wise realtors discern that marketing reigns supreme. To secure new and quality prospects on social media and keep thy sales funnel brimming, thou must create, share, and engage regularly.

Pictory doth assist thee in automating the creation of branded videos, alleviating the burden of producing video assets.

With Pictory, thou may input thy text into the tool, whence AI shall conjure forth a bespoke video. For the real estate agent who pens thought-provoking blogs, these can be seamlessly transformed into video assets. ‘Tis also a boon for agents dedicated to forging personal brand assets.

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7. Coffee & Contracts

Coffee & Contracts hath fashioned real estate social media posts on Canva. This service surpasseth the common Canva-template businesses through its realtor-centric community and an extensive array of preformed assets.

Offering a Facebook group, copious guides for neophyte realtors, and prearranged monthly social media content calendars, Coffee & Contracts also presents a plethora of templated digital assets, such as email marketing, blogs, and other printable materials.

Yet, a word of caution regarding pre-made monthly content calendars — tread carefully, for thou risk sharing identical content with thy competitors or straying from a strategy tailored to thy aims and audience. Custom posts and strategies shall ever remain thy finest recourse.

But for a pre-made post template that doth allow ease of customization, Coffee & Contracts can indeed provide automated content creation to the harried realtor.

Real estate automation DOs and DON’Ts

As with any tool, there exists a code of dos and don’ts when employing automation for real estate. Herein lie the best practices to bear in mind as thou embark on automating thy social media.

Do maintain authenticity

Automation shall prove a boon, yet thy followers shall discern if the robots reign supreme over thy account.

Keep thy social media posts authentic and personal. Abstain from sounding mechanical or inundating followers with excess content.

Don’t rely entirely on automation

Automation should augment, not supplant, thy personal presence on social media. Take the time to engage with others, respond to inquiries and comments, and infuse a human touch into thy online persona.

Do invest time in planning

Spare a moment to plan thy posts ahead, heeding guidance from metrics to shape thy decisions.

This shall ensure that the content thou share doth resonate with thy audience and elicit the desired engagement. AI tools can aid thee in planning, but let them not assume the entire burden of planning. They possess wisdom, yet thou knowest thy audience and business best.

Don’t use bots

Though some may tout "bot" services that automate likes and comments, these may besmirch thy reputation and risk being flagged as spam. Verily, we have ventured to purchase followers ere (multiple times, in truth), yet the results have ever been dismal.

Adhere to legitimate automation tools that do not transgress the terms of service of social networks.

Do schedule posts

Don’t ignore the numbers

Regular posting is commendable, yet to elevate thy social media marketing, thou must comprehend the impact of thine posts.

Post not blindly, but employ SMART goals and social media metrics to shape thy content strategy, reviewing thy results with assiduity.

Do keep tabs on thy competitors (and the industry)

Though copying thy rivals be unwise, observing their deeds is prudent.

Stay abreast of the discourse by automating competitive research. Establish alerts for pertinent news, that thou may seize upon trending topics and offer insight into relevant matters.

Don’t trust automation software for critical business decisions

Whilst automation software doth serve in various facets of thy enterprise, do not rely upon it entirely to determine crucial business matters.

Automation hath come far, yet not far enough to supplant the strategic mind of a human. Utilize the data from automation software as a guidepost, but let it not be the sole criterion for decision-making.

Do understand thy target audience before automating communication

Thy tool shall only be as astute as the one who wields it (that being thee). A superior automation tool doth cater to the demands of its user, yet these demands must be founded on data and insights.

Thus shalt thou commence with a comprehension of thy audience on social media. Understanding thine target audience shall aid thee in tailoring thy automations to heighten relevancy and efficacy.

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