Top 6 Social Media Dashboards for Automated Data Tracking

Top 6 Social Media Dashboards for Automated Data Tracking

Hark! Behold the 6 social media dashboards thou dost need to conveniently track thy performance across myriad channels and receive insights on how to accelerate thine growth.

The heart of a nimble and effective social media strategy doth lie in social media analysis and reporting. A social media dashboard, verily, is the key that doth make reporting manageable. ‘Tis a tool that doth allow thee to track, analyze, and adjust thy social media activity across diverse accounts and platforms in a single abode.

Social media managers do bear a heavy burden. A social media dashboard is amongst the most useful tools for streamlining workflow. ‘Tis also a source of critical insights to ensure thy social marketing plan doth reach its full potential.

Continue reading to delve deeper into the realm of social media dashboards and uncover how to employ them to worketh smartly, not laboriously.

What is a social media dashboard?

A social media management dashboard is a tool wielded to track, measure, and analyze the performance of thy social media channels, all within a singular dwelling. ‘Tis a companion to help thou understand all, from follower growth to competitor intelligence to social sentiment.

Ideally, thy social media analytics dashboard should include visual representations of thy data. This doth permit thee to glimpse at a glance the shifts over time. Comparisons made easy be the name of the game.

How thou dost employ a social media dashboard shall depend on thy social goals and the expanse of thy team. They can serve as a high-level overview of thy social performance or thou canst delve deep into extreme detail. Reviewing and sharing thy social media dashboard be a pivotal means to learn what works and guide thy social media strategy.

How to craft (and utilize) a social media dashboard

Employing a social media dashboard doth furnish thee with a clear picture of thy social media performance. Thou canst effortlessly discern what doth thrive and what doth falter. ‘Tis also a means to track thy progress and comprehend how thy content doth fare.

Here’s how to fashion — and leverage — a social dashboard that bolstereth thy social media goals.

Understand thy goals

Before thou canst track and analyze thy goals, thou must ascertain precisely what they be. Strive to be specific in thy aims using the SMART goal-setting framework: Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound.

Thus, rather than merely stating thy goal be to increase social media followers, thou couldst proclaim that one of thy goals be to augment thy Instagram follower count by 5% monthly. Partake in industry benchmarking as part of the goal-setting journey to ensure thy goals be relevant and feasible.

Determine thy metrics and KPIs

Thy metrics and KPIs be the numbers thou shalt use to measure thy progress toward thy goals. Thus, the metrics and KPIs thou dost choose should align with the essence of the goals themselves. For instance, if thy goal be to boost thy Instagram followers, the obvious metric be—well, Instagram followers.

Prithee, do ponder on metrics that can yield profound insights as well. Instead of solely counting thy followers, ’tis beneficial to track follower growth rate. This doth reveal how swiftly thy follower count doth rise.

Should thy aim be to increase engagement, ’tis wise to utilize social listening to track the sentiment of mentions and interactions. This enables thy understanding of whether the engagement thou doth witness be positive or negative. Thou may also wish to specify certain types of engagement to enhance, like link clicks or comments.

Set up a data tracking system

A social media analytics dashboard should streamline the tracking of thy performance across all social media channels. The more data thou canst amass, the better thou shalt comprehend what works and what doth not.

Thou hast several data tracking options at thy disposal. The choice thou dost make shall hinge on the expanse of thy team, the maturity of thy social presence, and the time and funds thou art willing to invest.

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Manually track thy data

In the initial stages, a manual dashboard can be a cost-effective manner to track social media performance. Albeit, ’twill necessitate more effort than the other options.

A social media report template doth aid in tracking thy social data. To retrieve the data, thou shalt need to log into the native analytics tools within each social media platform (like Meta Business Suite and Twitter Analytics). Additional data regarding conversions can be gleaned through Google Analytics.

As thou dost gather thy data, simply insert it into the pertinent columns on the template. Ensure to utilize the same time period in each set of reporting tools to craft a meaningful report.

Set up a Google Looker Studio Report

Formerly known as Google Data Studio, Looker Studio be a data visualization platform that can aid in understanding thy social performance.

Thee canst employ partner connectors in Looker Studio to link thy social channels to a report and receive visualizations of some key social KPIs. If thou hast not ere used Google Analytics reports, this may seem a tad overwhelming. Nonetheless, ’tis a viable option for those conversant with Google’s reporting tools.

Many of the partner connectors utilized to automatically import data from social channels bear a monthly fee. Another option be to use Google Looker Studio to craft a visual report from the data in thy Google Sheets social media report template.

Utilize a social media management tool

Simply connect thy social media accounts, and the data shall be readily available when thou dost wish to access thy social media dashboard. With a few clicks, thou canst perceive visual representations of thy data for thy chosen time period. ‘Tis the finest option for substantial social teams. (Indeed—see how we compare to other social media management platforms.)

Check in on thy progress regularly

A social media management dashboard dost add considerable value to thy marketing endeavors only when thou dost use it regularly. The social landscape doth alter swiftly, and thou canst not assume that which works today shall toil tomorrow. Regular check-ins shall aid thee in grasping how well thou dost meet thy goals. ‘Twill likewise function as an early warning system when things begin to shift. Thereupon, thou canst adjust thy strategy accordingly.

‘Tis also advisable to establish a regular schedule for reporting on thy progress. The reporting schedule ought to align with the timeframes in the goals thou dost set. Should thy goals bear a monthly timeline, monthly reports art evidently the optimal reporting option. Nevertheless, the principal stakeholder should likely check in more frequently to ensure all proceeds as planned. A weekly—or even daily—review of thine overview reports be the ideal means to respond to emerging victories and challenges in real time.

Extract insights from thy data

A social media metrics dashboard doth showcase all thy metrics in one place. Thou canst promptly perceive what doth thrive and what doth not. ‘Tis seizing that subsequent step of translating thy discoveries into action that be the genuine boon of solid social reporting.

For instance, should thy social media posts engender copious engagement but scant clicks, thou may wish to focus on crafting more shareable content.

Or perchance thou dost notice that thy audience be most engaged during certain times of day. Thou canst adjust thy posting schedule accordingly.

Imagine thou discernest that social sentiment be trending downward. Or mayhap thy rivals art suddenly outshining thee. ‘Tis time to engage in strategic planning and analysis to unearth the root of the quandary ere it spirals out of control.

When thou dost comprehend thy social media metrics, thou canst utilize that data to generate profound insights. Thou canst then mold thy marketing strategy to elevate conversion rates and saturate the sales funnel.

Share thy findings

A social media marketing dashboard should render sharing thy results with stakeholders a simple endeavor. Reporting doth evince the ROI of thy social media efforts and doth aid in advocating for increased resources. Moreover, reporting holds significance for team learning, whether thy path be strewn with triumphs or tribulations.

Consider that not all in thy reporting structure shall require—or even desire—the same level of reporting detail. Thy social media team members like hanker for all the information they can acquire to fuel ideas and discourse.

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Thy customer service team canst benefit from insights concerning inbound messaging and sentiment. Nevertheless, they are unlikely to require engagement numbers for every post.

Conversely, executives and other high-level stakeholders likely covet solely a high-level view of the metrics most vital to ROI, such as conversions and web traffic.

6 social media dashboard templates

We oft contemplate "a social media dashboard" as if ’twas a singular tool. Nevertheless, the verity be that myriad iterations of social media dashboards doth exist. Each doth serve distinct purposes in analyzing and refining thy social strategy.

Herein lie 6 social media marketing dashboards that ought to be part of thy reporting plan.

Awareness dashboard

An awareness dashboard doth grant thee insight into the grand picture of thy brand awareness on social media. Thou shalt perceive how much thine audience doth engage with thy social accounts, and how thy followers and engagement alter over time.

Why thou dost need it: Understand the extent to which thy target audience is cognizant of thy brand. How much do they interact with thy brand across social platforms?

What it measures: Follower growth, impressions, reach, mentions, engagement, link clicks

Where the data comes from: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn

Conversion dashboard

Conversion doth bear significance for it doth evince that thy social media endeavors art contributing to real business outcomes. When folk click through from thy social channels to thy blog or website, they art embarking on a deeper level of engagement with thy brand. They art taking the initial stride toward becoming a customer.

Why thou dost need it: Understand the degree of traffic thy social channels art driving to thy website

What it measures: Link clicks; user profile clicks; and calls, texts, and email clicks from CTA buttons

Where the data comes from: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn

Engagement dashboard

Engagement doth illustrate that folk are not merely perceiving thy social posts but devoting time to interacting with thy brand on social channels. Augmenting engagement rate be a perpetual quest for social media managers. This be the dashboard thou dost need to track and report on related metrics and goals.

Why thou dost need it: Understand how (and how often) thy audience engageth with thy posts

What it measures: Overall engagement, comments, replies, likes, reactions, shares, photo views, engagement by media type, top posts

Where the data comes from: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn

Audience growth dashboard

Ideally, thy social content should unfailingly reach fresh individuals. Audience growth doth aid thee in comprehending how thy social following doth fluctuate over time.

Why thou dost need it: Learn how thy audience is expanding or contracting over time, so thou canst grasp the potential impact of thy social presence

What it measures: Follower count, follower growth, page & profile impressions, page & profile reach, sources of new and lost followers

Where the data comes from: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, LinkedIn

Competitor overview dashboard

Social media doth offer a vast well of competitive analysis. Keeping a watchful eye on thy rivals’ performance as well as thine own doth furnish thee with a deeper comprehension of social trends in thy domain.

Why thou dost need it: Understand how thy social performance compares to that of thy most significant competitors

What it measures: Followers, follower growth, and posts—thine versus thy competitors

Where the data comes from: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

Network-specific dashboards

After gaining a bird’s-eye view of thy social performance from overview dashboards, ’tis judicious to plunge deeper into thy performance in individual channels. This doth enable thee to discern the disparities between social networks. Thou canst then craft a network-specific social strategy to secure the finest outcomes.

Why thou dost need it: Attain network-level performance particulars to guide the specifics of thy social strategy

What it measures: Reactions, shares, follower growth, social sentiment, demographics, when fans are online, clicks

Where the data comes from: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok

May these social media dashboard insights guide thee on the path to digital triumph. Embrace them, and watch thy social media strategy ascend to greater heights!

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