Top 19 Black Friday Marketing Strategies 2024

Top 19 Black Friday Marketing Strategies 2024

Verily, we have compiled the finest 19 Black Friday marketing strategies to aid thee in standing out amidst the throng on Black Friday Cyber Monday weekend.

Crafting a Black Friday marketing strategy is the key to shining bright in the midst of a multitude of advertisements. Ponder on it. Every store, be it of brick and mortar or eCommerce, doth advertise bargains. Customers do seek them with keen eyes. So how dost thou catch their gaze?

By being well-prepared and unveiling some killer tactics.

Despair not whilst planning thy Black Friday marketing strategy. ‘Tis simpler than thou dost imagine to stand out on a day filled with bustling sales.

Herein lie 19 proven marketing strategies for thee to try on Black Friday!

### What is Black Friday?

Black Friday, the day following American Thanksgiving, is infamous for its slashed prices in eCommerce and brick-and-mortar establishments, leading to a surge in consumer spending.

Traditionally, Black Friday heralds the beginning of the holiday shopping season. Tales of the chaos faced by brick-and-mortar stores are not uncommon.

The term ‘Black Friday’ hath its origins in Philadelphia during the 1950s. Police officers coined it to describe the dense and disruptive crowds that would flock to the city the day after Thanksgiving. Suburban shoppers and tourists alike would flock ere the notorious Army-Navy football game.

Later on, retailers embraced Black Friday as a way to get “back in the black” ere the fiscal year’s end. Being ‘back in the black’ signifieth earning profit instead of operating at a loss or “being in the red.”

In this day and age, Black Friday hath expanded from brick-and-mortar stores to online sales, with eCommerce establishments leaping onto the holiday bandwagon. Furthermore, it hath extended its time frame. Black Friday is nary a day but a weekend of sales betwixt Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

eCommerce stores art reaping the rewards of online sales, even as global shopping habits shift in an unpredictable market. In the year 2024, Shopify store owners collectively raked in a whopping $6.3 billion USD in sales globally betwixt Black Friday and Cyber Monday, marking a 23% increase from 2020.

During this period, sales were attributed to 47 million unique shoppers who made a purchase from a Shopify merchant. These were naught thy usual bargain bin deals. Indeed, the average cart price exceeded $100 US!

Such opportunities can be seized by thy business as well. All thou needest is a stellar marketing strategy to aid thee in standing out from the crowd.

### 19 fool-proof Black Friday marketing strategies

When it cometh to Black Friday marketing strategies, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Thou dost know thy customers and what shall work best for them. However, there are some tried and tested strategies that can assist thee in thy Black Friday marketing endeavors.

Peruse the list below to uncover these 19 fool-proof Black Friday marketing strategies.

### 1. Use social media marketing to promote thy sales in advance

Some shoppers revel in the thrill of the hunt; others prefer to plan ahead and seize early bird sales. Thou can entice both types of shoppers by employing social media to promote thy sales. Thou canst tease out sales on thy feed by offering ‘mystery deals’ or post explicit details of thy promotions.

By sharing glimpses of exclusive deals, initiating countdown timers, and presenting engaging content, businesses can foster anticipation and drive traffic to their stores on Black Friday. Moreover, social media serves as a splendid avenue to connect with customers and address any queries they may have regarding thy Black Friday sale.

Browse our array of Black Friday social media posts for inspiration.

### 2. Create a sense of urgency

To kindle excitement amidst customers for thy sale items, craft copy that conveys urgency. Fostering a sense of urgency or scarcity in thy Black Friday marketing persuadeth customers to take action.

One rationale for engendering a sense of urgency is that it helps in capturing attention. Amidst a cluttered inbox, for instance, an email that stands out and instigates a sense of urgency is more likely to be noticed than one that doth not.

Thou canst prompt customers to act forthwith rather than tarry. By proffering a limited-time discount or exclusive access to sale items, customers shall feel compelled to avail of thy Black Friday deals ere they vanish.

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### 3. Email marketing campaign

Establish an email marketing campaign and witness thy ROI burgeon ceaselessly. When averaged out, email yields an ROI of $36 for every dollar expended. This exceeds all other channels.

Who doth not relish receiving discounts and deals in their inbox each day? Commence one a few weeks ere Black Friday with offers for thy subscribers.

### 4. Optimize thy website for shoppers searching on Google

Black Friday is rife with eCommerce sites vying for a spot on Google’s forefront. To ascend in rank, thou must optimize thy website for online shoppers.

One method to achieve this is to utilize keywords that shoppers art likely to employ when hunting for holiday deals. Engage in some keyword research, then infuse those words across thy site. Ensure thou dost sound natural and avoid falling into the trap of keyword stuffing.

Moreover, ensure that thy website is amenable to mobile usage, as an increasing number of people art wielding their phones for holiday shopping.

### 5. Install a chatbot on thy website to streamline customer support

With a multitude of shoppers comes a myriad of customer support queries. Thou canst not evade it. Consumers shall reach out with FAQs about orders, shipping, returns, and the like.

By embedding a chatbot on thy website, thou can streamline and automate thy customer support services. The chatbot can address basic FAQs, and when the need for a customer support representative arises, they can intervene and take over the conversation. This process can alleviate the repetitive tasks burdening thy team, affording them time to concentrate on larger-scale issues.

### 6. Implement a chatbot on thy Shopify site as well

‘Tis prudent to facilitate the conversion process for thy customers. Thus, if thou dost utilize an eCommerce platform like Shopify, contemplate incorporating a chatbot.

Shopify chatbots can extract data from thy store to automate tasks such as requisite customer communication, inventory verification, returns processing, and sales encouragement.

During a busy period like Black Friday, ’tis imperative to furnish thy customers with the support they necessitate. A chatbot doth aid thee in achieving this goal.

### 7. Utilize a chatbot to expedite product discovery for shoppers

Beyond automating customer service inquiries, AI chatbots like Heyday can also aid in boosting sales. An aptly programmed chatbot can guide shoppers in discovering the products they seek swiftly and effortlessly.

This can be accomplished by configuring thy chatbot to pose a series of queries to shoppers. Thereby, they can narrow down their search to a select few items. Subsequently, shoppers can procure the product online or locate it in-store.

[Heyday Source]

Additionally, chatbots can proffer personalized recommendations based on past purchases. Amidst the chaos that is Black Friday, thou shall yearn for all the assistance thou canst procure.

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### 8. Extend exclusive deals to long-time customers

Human beings delight in being acknowledged, especially when they possess a bond with thy brand. Black Friday affords thee an opportunity to demonstrate gratitude to loyal, long-standing customers.

Extending exclusive deals and discounts to these customers serves as a sagacious marketing move that can foster customer loyalty and spur repeat business. By showcasing to thy customers that thou value their allegiance, thou shalt encourage them to return on days that are not Black Friday.

### 9. Venture into direct selling on social media

Frequent are the instances when people resort to social media to research a product or survey a brand. Nearly 1 in 2 individuals hath reported scouring for new brands, products, or services on Instagram.

On Black Friday, all shall be in pursuit of deals and promotions. By engaging in direct selling on platforms like Instagram, thou can position thy products right before thy target audience. Vending thy products directly on the app streamlines the conversion process for thy consumers.

Furthermore, social media allows thee to reach a global audience. Denizens of Instagram, for instance, anticipate being marketed to. After all, 90% of individuals follow a brand.​​

### 10. Harness hashtags to reach fresh audiences

Black Friday proffers thee an opening to connect with new audiences on social media. Through the utilization of hashtags, thou can forge connections with individuals who are keen on Black Friday deals and aid them in discovering thy products and services.

Should thee be a retailer, thou can adopt hashtags like #blackfridayshopping or #blackfridaydeals to reach individuals in quest of bargains.

### 11. Follow up with customers post-Black Friday

Verily, ’tis commendable if thou art able to vend a plethora of products on Black Friday. However, the worth of a customer to thy brand escalates over time. Thy desire should be to transmute those one-time buyers into loyal, enduring customers.

A study by Shopify notes that the customer lifetime value is lowest on holidays like Black Friday. It hath been demonstrated that for a staggering 64% of retailers, shoppers acquired during Black Friday or Cyber Monday exhibit a lower lifetime value than those acquired at other times of the year.

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Following up by dispatching a swift thank-you email, a customer service survey, or soliciting feedback on their experience is advised. By enhancing thy customers’ experience, thou shalt reap future dividends.

By deigning to reach out to customers, thou demonstrate that thy brand genuinely values their business and is resolute in furnishing a positive customer experience.

### 12. Referral codes

‘Tis a well-known fact that referral marketing can perform wonders for thy brand. ‘Tis equally efficacious in promoting Black Friday deals.

Dispatch referral codes to thy email subscribers. Offer them gift cards or more generous discounts as incentives. Their referrals possess the potential to draw in new customers whilst concurrently demonstrating appreciation to thy loyal clientele.

### 13. Minimum spend rewards

Propound minimum spend rewards on designated amounts. For instance, if customers finalize a $100 cart, they could become eligible for free shipping.

Minimum spend rewards prove to be an effective means of upturning thy conversion rates and motivating customers to spend more with a business. The efficacy shall be further enhanced should the rewards be tiered. Perchance, a customer who spends $50 might secure a 10% discount, whilst one who spends $100 might obtain a 20% discount.

### 14. Bestow a complimentary gift with purchase

Human beings cherishest the sensation of being rewarded.

Endowing thy customers with a complimentary gift alongside their purchase shall prompt them to act. Furthermore, it fosters goodwill that doth stimulate repeat visitations.

Mindfully select the gift thou bestoweth, ensuring that it aligns with the preferences of thy customer base. ‘Tis crucial to take thy clientele into consideration whilst determining what to offer them.

### 15. Prioritize thy abandoned cart rates

Hast thou ever embarked on a bout of online window-shopping and resolved to forsake thy cart, only to be intercepted by a pop-up? Whether ’tis an offer for a discount code or a survey concerning thy shopping intentions, such pop-ups can prove vexatious, which is, indeed, the purpose.

Pop-ups are designed to seize attention and diminish abandoned cart rates. Grant shoppers an opportunity to express their intentions or proffer them an incentive to conclude their purchase. ‘Tis probable that thou shalt reduce thy abandonment rate.

Be certain to incorporate that pop-up to present thy limited-time Black-Friday-only offer.

### 16. Craft a gift guide

Ah, how we adore Black Friday gift guides.

A gift guide is essentially a meticulously curated selection of thy products, grouped in a manner that renders it facile for shoppers to comprehend. Perchance, thou couldst devise a ‘For thy fashionable friend’ guide that showcases distinctive clothing pieces available for purchase.

Gift guides serve to promote specific products, propel traffic to thy website or store, and kindle excitement for thy brand.

### 17. Conduct a social media contest

A social media contest can steer traffic to thy website or store, generate leads, and elevate brand recognition.

Offer a prize that resonates with thy target audience and encourage individuals to participate in the contest whilst sharing it with their acquaintances and followers. ‘Tis a form of social proof.

When one’s friend recommends a brand, one is more inclined to place trust in that brand. Encourage thy followers to tag their companions or repost thy content on their story for entries.

### 18. Embrace the eccentric

Mark well, thou art already cognizant of the murky marketing waters that Black Friday shall entail.

Retailers shall be clamoring about their low prices, enticing deals, and swift deliveries from every corner of the ring. If thou dost aspire to distinguish thyself, thou must captivate attention. Fear naught to experiment with novel approaches.

Deciem, for instance, forewent Black Friday entirely. They shuttered their site and shuttered their stores as a declaration against the impulse-driven selling Black Friday is renowned for. Thereupon, they proclaimed an extension of their sale throughout November.

[Deciem Source]

### 19. Adopt a stance

Rather than promoting Black Friday sales, ponder on how thine company can adopt a stance. Independent retailers across the globe have begun adopting a stance against Black Friday and its culture of overconsumption, whether through donating profits, shutting down websites, or closing stores.

UK-based sustainable underwear brand Pantee shuts its website to the general public on Black Friday, granting access solely to those on its mailing list. This tactic is devised to combat the unsustainable impulse buying catalyzed by Black Friday promotions. They eschew sales, and they abjure impulsive purchasing.

Their message is to pause and ponder ere purchasing.

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