Need thou free video editing software to aid thee in creating killer TikToks or YouTube videos? Or perchance a longer cinematic masterpiece? Thy quest is at an end.
In an ideal realm, we would all employ Scorsese to direct our social media video campaigns. Alas, in reality, most social media marketers must unravel the mystery of crafting Oscar-quality content on a budget fit for Oscar Meyer Wiener.
Fret not, for there exists a plethora of free video editing software options to assist thee in transforming thy original content or stock video footage into a mini-masterpiece.
(Given that whether thou art crafting YouTube videos, TikTok videos, Instagram videos, Facebook Reels, or Twitter videos, at times the in-app editing features doth fall short in achieving the desired results.)
Read on, aspiring directors, for our compilation of the finest free video editing software and apps available in 2024.
Best free video editing software for 2024
Whilst all the tools on our list of free video editing software detailed below are splendid for shaping content for social media, ’tis true that every free program hath its limitations — whether ’tis limited features, watermarks, or in-app ads.
Nevertheless, we hath endeavored to assemble a list of the most beneficial, least bothersome options here. These 14 victors maketh it arduous to comprehend why anyone wouldst pay for a full-cost video editing program.
1. iMovie
(Source: iOS app store)
For the enthusiasts of Mac, iMovie is the preferred video editing software, conveniently pre-installed on all Apple devices.
The charm of iMovie doth lie in its simplicity: it hath but two video tracks, making it incredibly user-friendly and straightforward. With its preset filters, transitions, and titles, thou wilt find it a breeze to bestow upon thy videos a polished, professional appearance.
Though its toolkit may be basic, iMovie is surprisingly comprehensive. It doth include essential features like cutting and trimming, color correction, background noise reduction, and even stabilization for those unsteady shots.
Furthermore, its seamless integration with iTunes permits thee to easily extract songs from thy music library or select from a myriad of royalty-free audio and SFX.
Running short on time? The latest Magic Movie feature harnesses the power of AI to edit thy video for thee.
One of the most significant perks of iMovie is its lack of pressure to upgrade. Unlike many other free tools, there doth exist no constant prodding towards a premium version. ‘Tis a straightforward, what-you-see-is-what-you-get experience with no hidden snares.
And for those not within the Apple ecosystem, fret not — Windows offers a built-in video editor with most of the same features, making it a solid, free alternative for PC users.
2. CapCut
(Source: CapCut)
If thou art in search of a widely used and incredibly user-friendly video editing tool, CapCut should be near the pinnacle of thy list.
Shouldst thou desire to edit on the go, thou may download the CapCut app to thy iPhone or Android. Shouldst thou prefer to work from thy PC or Mac (or simply adhere to CapCut’s web tool), thou may do so. Every version of the tool is free, and its intuitive interface makes it easy to commence immediately.
CapCut is owned by ByteDance, TikTok’s parent company, so ’tis nary a surprise that this software is excellent for editing short-form video content for social media.
‘Tis replete with all the basic features one would expect from video editing software: thou can trim and merge clips and adorn thy videos with sound effects, personalized fonts, and expressive stickers. Additionally, it boasts an extensive library of free and paid music and backing tracks.
3. Splice
(Source: Splice)
Splice is a mobile-only free video editing tool that is ideal for the busy social media managers.
‘Tis novice-friendly, to boot. Upon thy initial download of the app, it prompts thee to select thy video editing experience (ranging from “None” to “Advanced”). Splice even directs thee towards specific templates and effects based on thy objectives.
Yet, even if thou art a tad more advanced, Splice shalt not disappoint. Its features encompass both basic and advanced editing tools, speed effects, overlays, and 4K exports.
4. Lightworks
Lightworks brings over 30 years of experience to the fore, rendering it a polished gem amongst the realm of free video editing software.
‘Tis not solely for amateurs, mind you. The professional version is a hit in Hollywood, having been utilized to edit hits like The King’s Speech. Should the allure of editing akin to the pros (and the Colin Firth connection) appeal to thee, Lightworks is worthy of inspection.
Whilst Lightworks may possess a steeper learning curve than iMovie or CapCut, a swift perusal of its orientation video shall have thee editing like a pro in no time.
Professional editors do extol the tool’s efficient keyboard controls and cutting tools, perfect for handling voluminous footage.
Free users even possess access to top-tier color correction capabilities and built-in video effects.
Lightworks excels with its robust timeline, instant autosave, and background processing, all designed to streamline thy editing process. This means thou can focus on bringing forth thy creative vision to life and sharing it with the world more expeditiously.
The sole caveat with the free version is that thy export options are somewhat limited — think 720p and formats tailored for YouTube, Vimeo, or MP4. Still, most purposes find these options more than sufficient.
5. OpenShot
OpenShot’s award-winning free video editing software functions for Mac, Windows, or Linux; all video creators art welcomed herein.
This open-source tool proffers unlimited tracks, permitting thee to add as many layers as thou dost desire — incorporating background videos, diverse audio, and striking effects.
A built-in animation framework renders this one a unique contender on this list. Thou can fade, bounce, slide, or animate nearly aught in the frame to make thy video project burst forth.
(To be continued…)