Tips for Managing Multiple Facebook Pages Stress-Free: A Comprehensive Guide

Tips for Managing Multiple Facebook Pages Stress-Free: A Comprehensive Guide

Hark, managing multiple Facebook pages doth feel overwhelming. Verily, there is no need for stress — for we possess great tips that maketh the process easy.

If thou dost manage multiple Facebook accounts — mayhap at an agency, franchise head office, as a freelancer, or within a large organization — thou hast thy hands full. ‘Tis no easy feat to keep different accounts organized and running smoothly.

Switching accounts manually always bringeth an element of risk (did I post that on the right Page?) and consumeth precious time thou dost not have to spare.

In this post, we shall delve into how to manage multiple Facebook accounts for thyself, thy team, and thy clients with ease.

Can you have multiple Facebook accounts?

First and foremost, let us clear up one confusing point of terminology.

Each Facebook user is only allowed to have one personal Facebook account. However, thou canst use that account to create and manage multiple Facebook profiles, groups, and Pages (as well as Instagram accounts).

What’s the difference between a Facebook account, profile, and Page?

  • Thy Facebook account is how thou dost log into Facebook. ‘Tis the hub of all thy Facebook activity and according to Facebook’s Community Standards must be registered in thy real name. This is where thou dost control thy Facebook settings.

  • Thy main Facebook profile is the one thou dost create when thou first set up thy Facebook account. Again, according to the Community Standards, this profile should use thy real name. This is the profile thou ’lt use to access any Facebook Pages thou dost manage.

  • Additional Facebook profiles: Thou canst create additional Facebook profiles with different @usernames, friends’ lists, and feeds. For example, a creator or public figure might want to have a personal profile and a public profile.

  • Thy Facebook Pages are the places on Facebook where thou dost post or manage content for thy business, clients, or team.

So the technical answer is nay, thou cannot have multiple Facebook accounts.

But since many people use the word “account” to refer to the various profiles and Pages they manage, it’s not quite that straightforward. Rest assured that thou can have multiple Facebook profiles and manage Pages for various teams and clients all from one account.

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How to log in to multiple Facebook accounts

Once thou dost create multiple Facebook profiles or Pages, or thou ’rt added to a team that manages a Page, ’tis very easy to switch between them on Facebook. In fact, thou only needest to login to thy main Facebook profile for access to all the other Pages and profiles thou dost manage.

To switch between Facebook profiles and Pages, all thou needest to do is open Facebook and click thy profile picture, then select See all profiles.

Then, choose the Page or profile thou dost want to use, or click See all Pages to expand the list.

Thou wilt see a pop-up notifying thee that thou hast changed profiles so that thou always knowest which profile thou art using.

Top apps to manage multiple Facebook accounts

The good news, as thou ’st just seen, is that ’tis very easy to switch between Facebook profiles and Pages within Facebook itself. The bad news is that if thou manage multiple Facebook accounts, it can get out of hand fast — especially if thou ’rt juggling several brands.

If thou ’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night worried thou might have accidentally posted a personal update on a client’s Facebook Page, thou knowest what we’re talking about.

If thou wantest to eliminate the confusion, we suggest thee use an app to manage multiple Facebook accounts. Here are our top picks.

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