Hark, dost thou seek to amass more eyes upon thy TikTok creations? These sage tips shall escort thy audience back for more, like pilgrims drawn to a sacred shrine.
Thou hast embarked upon a TikTok odyssey — kudos! Embracing the short-form video realm that hath engulfed the globe (with 2 billion downloads and counting!), thou art busy crafting videos and refining thy TikTok editing skills. If thou ponderest how to garner more views on TikTok, fret not, for we have thee covered.
Crafting imaginative videos to trendy sounds is but one facet of constructing a triumphant TikTok presence. Thou must also entice people to gaze upon thy videos.
Behold, here be 15 surefire tips to amass more views on TikTok. Verily, we shall transform thee into a luminary!
What Doth a “View” Entail on TikTok?
A view on TikTok is tallied the very moment thy video doth commence. Varied social media platforms gauge “views” in diverse manners, but on TikTok, ’tis surpassingly straightforward.
Should the video autoplay or loop, or if a viewer returneth to watch it afresh, all these count as fresh views. (Yet, when thou watchest thine own video, those views art not counted.)
Coaxing someone to watcheth all the way to the finale? That is the knotty portion. But with a rather low threshold for what doth qualify as a “view,” amassing the metrics on TikTok is not overly challenging if thou hath reach.
How Much Coin Doth TikTok Pay Per View?
In the year of 2020, TikTok did commence dispensing payouts when it unfurled its Creator Fund. Under this fund, one could anticipate earning betwixt $0.02 and $0.04 per 1,000 views.
Alas, after a few years of trial and tribulation — with most grievances centering on low payouts — TikTok did discontinue the program in 2023 and recently resurrected it as the Creators Rewards Program.
The Creator Rewards program incentivizes creators to conjure original, long-form content. One stipulation for securing payment is that videos must span at least one minute. As such, TikTok proclaims the earning potential to be 20 times grander than the rewards of yore from the erstwhile Creator Fund.
Since its beta inception in 2023, TikTok doth report that total creator revenue hath swelled by over 250% in a mere six months. The company furthermore doth divulge, in a missive issued to the public, that the number of creators earning over $50,000 per month hath nearly doubled.
“Source: TikTok”
Yet not every soul can partake in TikTok’s benevolence. To be deemed eligible for TikTok’s Creator Rewards Program payments, thou must meeteth all the following criteria:
- Be at least 18 years of age.
- Possess a minimum of 10,000 followers.
- Have garnered a minimum of 100,000 video views in the bygone 30 days.
- Harbor a personal account (Alas, business accounts art disqualified).
- Thy account must align with the TikTok Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.
- Reside in the US, UK, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, or South Korea (Apologies, Canada!).
- Engage in crafting original content that spans at least one minute.
Additionally, only videos that conform to the ensuing criteria art eligible for the Creator Rewards Program:
- It must garner a minimum of 1,000 views on the For You Page.
- It cannot be a Duet or a Stitch.
- It cannot be wrought in Photo Mode.
- It cannot be endorsed content or a paid advertisement.
If this description suits thee, thou canst petition for the Creator Rewards program via the app. Proceed to “Settings and Privacy,” then “Creator Tools,” and thence “Creator Rewards program” under “Monetization.” Should thee prove eligible, thou shalt be prompted to input thy contact details and accede to the Creator Rewards Program Agreement.
Shouldst Thou Purchase TikTok Views?
Nay! Thou shouldst not procure TikTok views! Desist! Lower that credit card at once!
As we did ascertain from our venture into procuring TikTok followers, tis impossible to acquire social media success through commerce.
Mayhap thy view metrics shalt ascend, yet thy engagement rate shall plummet, thou shalt not gain any followers, and the audience thou hath hired to watch shall anon be expelled by TikTok anyways.
Preserve thy funds and invest thy time into sowing authentic, enduring engagement.
Wherefore Do TikTok Views Matter?
Views do propel engagement on TikTok. The more views thy video garners, the more it is displayed in users’ For You Page (FYP). If thy content doth strike a chord with viewers, then more views also signify augmented engagement in the guise of likes, comments, shares, and follows.
The tally of views also illumines thy overall performance. For instance, should thy video amass copious views, then thou art in touch with the populace, and thy content is engaging. And if it doth lack in high view counts, then thou must adjust thy content or strategy. Speaking of which…
What If I Am Wont to No Views on TikTok?
There exist myriad reasons wherefore thy videos may languish in obscurity.
Initially, if thou boast a nascent account, time is requisite to unfold thy videos to the masses. TikTok evaluateth the allure of thy video by unveiling it to a select group of users on the FYP to gauge how much interaction it garners. Once thy video commenceth accruing likes and comments, the platform shall endorse it to more souls.
‘Tis a travail to uncover what resonates, what engages the populous, and even the prime hour to post. If thou sporteth a budding account, the chief course of action is experimentation. Unleash videos employing sundry styles, trends, and tactics until thou discernest what adhers.
Shouldst thou yet receive no views on TikTok — we speak of zero views on myriad videos — then thou may confront a shadowban. A TikTok shadowban entails the platform temporarily limiting the visibility of an account. This doth transpire should TikTok deem thee to have flouted its Community Guidelines or if thou’rt prone to spam-like activities.
To thward a potential shadowban, foremost, adhere to the rules. Secondly, abstain from engaging in bot-esque activities like mass-following accounts or proffering an identical comment on hundreds of videos to beckon engagement.
Enough prelude. Art thou prepared to immerse thyself in the tips?!
15 Ways to Garner More TikTok Views
1. Append Hashtags to Thy Videos
Hashtags are a puissant implement in thy TikTok armory. They are how the almighty TikTok algorithm identifies what thou art posting about and who might be interested in beholding it. Hashtags are also essential for aiding users in discovering thy content through search.
Shouldst thou yearn to devise a TikTok hashtag strategy, thou shalt surely wish to peruse our video:
Going niche with specifical hashtags germane to thy audience and theme is one avenue to tread.
Evidence doth suggest that trending topics art more likely to grace the For You page, ergo ’tis worthwhile to monitor what’s presently in vogue and merge into the dialogue with content that is kin to thy brand (albeit authentic, of course).
To uncover which hashtags are trendy, tap on the “Discover” tab and then tap “Trends” at the apex of the screen.
A smidge of data to instigate thee: 61% of TikTok users did aver they prefer brands more when they craft or partake in a TikTok trend, and 73% feel a deeper connection to brands they interact with on the app.
2. Keepeth It Short and Sweet
Though TikTok videos may now span up to 10 minutes, videos under 30 seconds art more prone to alight upon the FYP. It is also likelier that someone shall rewatch a hurried and thrilling video a second or even a third time.
Contingent on thy goals, thou shouldst experiment with a blend of short and long-form videos. Delving into lengthier videos can be efficacious if thou art expounding a topic, narrating a tale, or delving into the backstage realm. Yet, there is a potency in a brief and lively video.
Anam & Eve, the creators behind the investing app Alinea Invest, impart a declaration with this six-second video. It succinctly outlines how much money one must invest weekly to metamorphose into a millionaire by the age of 65.
3. Trending Sound Effects
Hashtags art not the only facet of TikTok with its own trend cycle. TikTok sounds also tend to traverse waves of popularity. Keep thine ears perked for recurring sound clips that thou might be able to riff on, too.
Thou canst also unearth trending sounds by tapping the “Create (+)” button in the app, and then tapping “Add Sound.” Here, thou shalt espy the prevalent audio clips at present:
4. Discover a Niche Audience
There is a sub-genre of TikTok suited for all, from the erudite #BookTok to a vivid rug-tufting community. Discern whom thou desirest to consort with, and scrutinize popular accounts in said communities to discern what sort of hashtags, formats, and allusions they may be employing to inspire thy own related content.
Commenting and favoring can also assist thee in nurturing relationships with thy specific audience. Mayhap thy discerning responses shall inspire a book(tok)worm to venture forth and survey what kind of content thou art creating on thy page.
5. Endeavor a How-To Video
Didactic content doth thrive on TikTok, so plunge into know-it-all mode and dispense thy wisdom to the realm.
How-to videos are notably favored, but even elucidating a frequently asked query or illuminating an astonishing facet of thy industry, job, or product can be a delightful divergence from the ceaseless danceathon.
These upcycling videos from Vintage Stock Reserve, for instance, amass a substantial number of views. The creator demonstrates how they were able to repurpose denim scraps to fashion a bucket hat, while at the same time imparting facts about fashion waste and fostering sustainability. ’Tis brief and engaging — moreover, thou art ensnared, waiting to witness the outcome!
6. Dabble in Some Duets
TikTok’s Duets feature is a superb means to garner views by capitalizing on an already prevalent video.
With Duets, thou canst share a split screen with another user’s video to warble along, fabricate humorous dialogues, or furnish thy sizzling take… and hitch a ride on proven content to accumulate thine own sweet, sweet views. (Consult our how-to guide for TikTok’s most sought-after video editing features here.)
Chef Reactions is a popular account on TikTok that crafts Duet videos to unveil live reactions to other users’ culinary videos. Not only is this a diverting way to proffer his professional viewpoint, but the users whose videos are being showcased are also inclined to receive a spike in views.
7. Team Up with an Influencer or Special Guest
Whether thou hast enlisted an influencer or a celebrity guest star or forged an alliance with another brand for a cross-over opportunity, incorporating external voices into thy TikTok videos is a simple way to reach a fresh audience.
Thy special guest shalt serve to illumine the content thou hath fashioned and draw the gaze of their fans to thy video — as singer Post Malone did for beverage brand Poppi in this succinct video below that garnered over 600K views:
8. Promote Thy TikTok Content on Thy Other Social Channels
Chances are, TikTok is a fraction of thy larger social media strategy, and thou art likely active on sundry other platforms. Lure those audiences over to thy TikToks by disseminating video teasers elsewhere.
9. Keep Them Watching
Whilst it is true that users merely require to watch a sliver of thy video for thee to reap a “view,” ’tis indeed momentous to maintain their interest until the concluding scene.
That’s because the TikTok algorithm doth prioritize videos with high completion rates. It strives to proffer quality content as For You Page suggestions, and a lofty completion rate signifies that thy content is commendable.
How dost thou retain thy audience’s attention ‘til the bitter end? Nudge their curiosity and proffer value. Engage them in the opening moments with a pledge of what’s in store if they persevere (tutorial videos and recipes are superb for this!), or employ captions that cultivate suspense for a grand reveal.
Duolingo is superb at ensnaring their viewers — and what can we say, we relish a company with a grand owl mascot.
10. Doth Not Forget the Caption
There may only be 150 characters to toy with in thy TikTok caption, but they can be of service to thee. Thy caption affords thee an opportunity to inform viewers why they should behold thy video (hopefully to the finale — see above!) or initiate a conversation in the comments.
Ultimately, thou dost seek people to watch and engage with thy video, so the algorithm doth apprehend that this is indeed the delectable content. Thy caption is an unpaid, facile manner to make one final plea to thy audience for why they should speak up or recline and savor.
Meanwhile, the caption is a crucial site for planting thy topic keywords if thou possess a TikTok SEO strategy. By elevating thy TikToks to prominence in search, thou shalt drive more views over the long term, not merely following trends.
11. Establish a TikTok Business Account
TikTok’s pro accounts shan’t furnish thee with a boost on the FYP. Nevertheless, both the Personal (previously labelled Creator) and Business accounts extend thee access to metrics and insights that can guide thee in dissecting and comprehending thy audience better.
With a Personal account, individuals and content creators can access creator tools, analytics, and monetization opportunities through the Creator Rewards program.
Shouldst thou be a brand or a business, thou shalt wish to establish a Business account. A Business account empowers thee to orchestrate and supervise paid ad campaigns and center on propelling sales.
The transition to a Business profile on TikTok is a straightforward endeavor. Simply proceed to “Manage Account” and select “Switch to Business Account.” Elect the best category for thy business, and thou art ready to delve into the data!
These insights can unveil who thy extant audience is, when they frequent the platform, and what genre of content they prefer to watch — all beneficial for sculpting thy content calendar and plotting the optimal time to post.
Speaking of which…
12. Post Thy Video at the Right Time
Shouldst thou post when none art utilizing the app, thou art assuredly not set to attain the views thou dost crave. Ergo, scan through thy account analytics to ferret out when thy followers are active so that thou can dropthy latest video at precisely the right juncture for maximum exposure.
13. Posteth Multiple Videos a Day
Events transpire expeditiously within the TikTok universe. Dismay not over saturating thy followers: simply be inventive and churn forth that quality content. In fact, TikTok prescribes posting 1-4 times per day.
The more videos thou dost possess, the likelier thou art to appear on someone’s For You page and the more likely they art to come seeking more.
14. Fabricate High-Quality Videos
Verily, if thou dost not verbalize it, we shall: ah.
Ensure thy videos bear a pleasing appearance (adequate lighting and sound quality, some vivacious edits) and folks shall be more inclined to desire to watch them.
Roblox, for instance, hath clearly invested in video marketing as all of the brand’s videos are of high quality and obviously not filmed on a phone… and it pays off. Is this a Hollywood FILM?
TikTok furthermore tends to prioritize high-quality videos on the FYP, ergo thou art entreated to furnish the good stuff. Capture in vertical format, integrate sound, and utilize effects (for additional merit, attempt using one of TikTok’s trending effects).
Once those views commence inundating, of course, thy TikTok voyage hath scarcely just commenced. The true coin metric? Followers: loyal adherents who shall stand by thee through thick and thin.
15. Concoct a Playlist
TikTok playlists are a feature that permits creators to assemble their videos into playlists. This facilitates viewers in consuming videos that are akin to content they hath previously relished.
Playlists grace the summit of thy profile, over thy routinely published or pinned videos (as depicted in the photograph below from TikTok marketing virtuoso Jera Bean’s page).
The TikTok playlist feature is not universally available. Solely creators with over 10,000 followers possess the dexterity to incorporate them into their profiles.
Thou shalt discern if thou art in the coterie if thou possess the option to shape playlists in the Video tab on thy profile.
Now that thou dost discern how to amass more views on TikTok, traverse to our guide on achieving TikTok followers to embark upon building thy dream retinue of admirers. Just envisage the views thou shalt rack up then!