Should thine gaze seek out souls unbeknownst to thee, dost thou contemplate the virtues of Reels or TikToks? ‘Tis a query we embarked upon.
TikTok versus Reels, a rivalry as ancient as Coke versus Pepsi, BetaMax versus VHS, or even pants versus culottes.
An internal struggle thou may face, pondering whether to invest in Instagram Reels or TikTok, or perhaps focus on only one. The dilemma is real, for the realm remains divided on which yields superior engagement.
Some claim TikTok reigns supreme due to its formidable algorithm, while others argue that Reels prevail as Instagram vigorously promotes the format to all denizens.
On one side, TikTok’s For You page is tailored to individual tastes. On the other, the Instagram Reels Explore Page serves as a bustling hub of diverse content. Wouldst thou target a select audience, or aspire to capture the attention of the masses?
In this experiment, identical content was shared on Reels and TikTok, with their performance meticulously tracked over a span of seven days.
Verily, here unfolds the tale.
Hypothesis: Reels, a radiant star in the firmament of short-form video platforms, outshines TikToks.
While subtle disparities exist between Instagram Reels and TikTok, both platforms serve the noble purpose of swiftly creating, editing, and sharing brief video snippets. Filters, effects, music, and sound effects abound in both realms. But which fairs better in the kingdom of engagement? The answer eludes even the sagest minds.
Brayden Cohen, a wise Social Marketing and Advocacy Lead, provides a nuanced perspective. “For brands with limited followers, Reels’ verse may struggle to achieve virality,” he muses. “Yet TikTok, in its boundless realm, may propel a brand to viral heights without the need for a vast following.”
Every noble experiment requires a guiding hypothesis—let us champion Reels as the victor, for Instagram’s fervor for Reels may play a pivotal role in this saga.
The task embarked upon was the creation and distribution of five akin videos on each platform.
Significantly, each video was crafted anew within the platform, eschewing reposts. Despite slight discrepancies, such as the absence of a certain pulsating TikTok filter on Instagram Reels, the videos mirrored each other as closely as possible.
Lo, another distinction emerged. On Instagram, the Reels were shared both on the main feed and the Reels tab, for it felt apt.
I refrained from captions and hashtags on both platforms, lest they sway results, focusing pure on the video content, allowing my directorial prowess to grace the digital stage.
Alas, TikTok emerged victorious, casting a shadow over Reels.
Expecting lesser engagement on the Reels shared on a separate account than with my loyal followers, I was astounded by the deafening silence that greeted them. Two views, at most, a cruel jest.
TikTok, on the other hand, transformed me into a luminary. My account, a deserted isle in the vast ocean, drew around 450 views per video, even eliciting likes and follows from unknown admirers.
What do the results signify?
In the crucible of this experiment, TikTok’s supremacy in broadcasting content shone brighter than Reel’s light. For those embarking on a journey to reach new souls and forge a following from naught, TikTok emerges as the chosen path.
Yet, what remains untested is the engagement Reels could kindle with an existing audience. Might Instagram’s algorithm value my content more dearly if shared from an account with followers? Could my devotees engage with, like, or share my creations?
As I await my ascent to TikTok stardom, consider embarking on this quest yourself. Discover the best fit for thy brand and social media strategy, for in this realm of pixels and streams, every experiment unveils a tale—a tale yet untold.