Sanctions follow each other and … look alike. Every day for a while Russia finds itself out of international service. Intel and AMD took the lead by stopping selling their chips domestically. Even today, other companies are doing the same, the latest being Netflix blocking access to its platform. Meanwhile, many big names in tech have had time to announce new ones.similar measures.
This Sunday, March 6, TikTok entered the dance. On Twitter, he said there is no social network “There is no choice but to suspend lives and the release of new content. [sa] time to examine the security impact of this law on the platform”. This law mentioned by the social network is the relevant law. The spread of fake news in Russia, who – officially – forced the country to block Facebook and restrict Twitter this weekend.
TikTok blocks Russians from posting content
In fact, this law spreading disagreeing messages With Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine and his criticism of the military’s continued action. Like this, “In times of war when the population is facing tremendous tragedy and isolation”, Fears for TikTok “Safety of its employees”. However, the application Maintain email support.
It is not yet known whether users will be able to watch videos broadcast from abroad. On the other hand, this decision is almost diplomatic crisis. While Russia’s historical ally, China, has not yet spoken out against the declaration of war, it seems that the practice is taking the lead. Moreover, at this rate, the country soon exclusive from all the biggest platforms on the web. In response, Russia is threatening to disconnect Europe from the internet.