TikTok: BBC wants to ban app from professional phones 1

TikTok: BBC wants to ban app from professional phones

Certainly, TikTok hasn’t been in the stink of holiness lately. As the threat of exile grows in the United States, BBCA prominent figure in the British audiovisual industry, Taking action against the Chinese social network.

As reported by our colleagues Worldthe chain’s management sent an email to all their employees saying “Install TikTok on a BBC corporate device unless there is a justifiable business reason”.

The BBC also took action against TikTok

The BBC insists on this last point and says,Delete TikTok” in case employees do not need it during their work. This measure from BCC comes in: UK government banned TikTok last week on the devices of its representatives.

It should not be forgotten that the European Commission has taken similar measures and banned the application from the smartphones of its members. In France, the Senate has launched an investigation into the TikTok algorithm. Fears about possible spying practices in the app are still at the center of concerns.

The BBC takes the security of its systems, data and staff very seriously. We are constantly reviewing and will continue to review activity on third-party platforms, including TikTok. We would also like to clarify that TikTok is still permitted on BBC devices for editorial and marketing purposes.” writes the group.

The noose is slowly closing in TikTok

Last November, the app dug a little deeper by confirming that personal data was sent to its employees in China. Worse still, TikTok admitted a month later that some of its employees had illegally used the data to track down American journalists.

At the time of this writing, the Dutch, Norwegian, American, British and Canadian governments have decided to ban TikTok on their professional devices. to wait for, app keeps denying all control or the right of the Chinese government to inspect their users’ data.

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