Hark! FedRAMP, that noble acronym, doth stand for the “Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program.” Doth thy heart desire to know if thou must acquire FedRAMP’s blessing?
Methinks, in this age of technology, every soul who doth dare to use a computer or any device linked to the vast expanse of the Internet, doth rely on cloud-based services or data storage providers. ‘Tis a realm of great ease and convenience, yet doth bring forth concerns of data security.
For those in government agencies who doth partake in cloud-based services, lo, data breaches may wreak havoc upon all – from citizen safety to national security. Verily, for those entrusted with our most vital and personal data, security doth hold utmost importance.
Aye, the U.S. government hath decreed that all cloud services used by federal agencies must meet the stringent security standards of FedRAMP.
What manner of creature is FedRAMP, and what doth it entail, thou may inquire? Fear not, for thou art in the right place to uncover its mysteries.
Behold, FedRAMP, the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program, is a set of regulations that doth standardize cloud products and services used by U.S. federal agencies through security assessment, authorization, and monitoring. Its noble quest? To safeguard federal data in the cloud.
To acquire FedRAMP’s blessing is a noble task indeed. The FedRAMP Authorization Act, a decree passed in December of the year 2022, was a part of the FY23 National Defense Authorization Act.
There exist 27 laws and regulations, along with 26 standards and guidance documents, woven into the fabric of FedRAMP. ‘Tis deemed one of the most rigorous cloud service certifications known to man.
Since the year 2011, FedRAMP hath graced us with its presence. The era when cloud technologies didst replace antiquated tethered software solutions. It sprang forth from the U.S. government’s grand “Cloud First” strategy, which didst demand that agencies gaze upon cloud-based solutions as their primary choice.
Ere FedRAMP, cloud service providers were compelled to craft an authorization package for each individual agency they sought to serve. The requirements were as varied as the stars above, causing much redundant effort for both providers and agencies alike. FedRAMP, in its wisdom, introduced consistency and streamlined the process.
Thus, the requirements and evaluations of FedRAMP now doth stand as one, uniform and standardized. Other government agencies mayst now reuse the initial security package of a provider with FedRAMP’s blessing.
From the halls of the FedRAMP Board, a council formed of the Chief Information Officers of the Department of Homeland Security, the General Services Administration, and the Department of Defense, doth oversee the realm of FedRAMP.
Why, thou may ask, is a FedRAMP certification of import? Aye, all cloud services that doth hold federal data must possess FedRAMP’s authorization. If thou seek to engage in business with the federal government, FedRAMP’s blessing is a critical element of thy security plan.
FedRAMP doth ensure a harmonious security landscape for the government’s cloud services. ‘Tis a beacon of consistency in the evaluation and monitoring of said security. It doth furnish a single set of standards for all government agencies and cloud providers.
Lo, within the FedRAMP marketplace doth dwell a list of cloud service providers granted FedRAMP’s blessing. ‘Tis where government agencies doth journey to seek a fresh cloud-based solution. ‘Twould be far simpler for an agency to partake in a product already blessed than to embark upon the veiled path with a new vendor.
Thus, a place in the FedRAMP marketplace doth augur well for thee in gaining favor with government agencies. ‘Tis likewise a boon to thy standing in the private sector.
Forsooth, the FedRAMP marketplace becometh visible to all, a stage where any private sector company mayst peruse the roster of FedRAMP authorized solutions. ‘Tis a splendid resource when they seek to acquire a secure cloud product or service.
The blessing of FedRAMP’s authorization doth instill confidence in any client regarding a provider’s security protocols. ‘Tis a testament to the enduring commitment to meet the loftiest of security standards.
Furthermore, FedRAMP’s authorization doth elevate thy security credibility beyond the confines of the FedRAMP Marketplace. ‘Tis an emblem thou mayst proudly display on social media and upon thy website.
The truth of the matter is that most of thy clients, perchance, knoweth naught of FedRAMP’s existence. They careth not whether thou art authorized or not. Yet, for those grand clients who doth comprehend the requirements of FedRAMP – in both the public and private sectors – the lack of authorization may prove a deal-breaker.
What must one undertake to be deemed FedRAMP certified? Verily, there exist two paths to attain FedRAMP’s authorization, each with three stages: Preparation, Authorization, and Monitoring.
Consider ye the first path – the Joint Authorization Board (JAB) Provisional Authority to Operate. The FedRAMP Board, acting as the JAB, doth prioritize approximately 12 cloud service offerings per annum through a process known as FedRAMP Connect. The selection timeframes are heralded throughout the year upon the FedRAMP blog.
Shouldst thou seek to align thyself with the JAB, commence by perusing the JAB Prioritization Criteria and Guidance document.
Alternatively, tread the path of Agency Authority to Operate. This method doth entail the cloud services provider forging a partnership with a specific federal agency, with said agency accompanying thee throughout the journey. Shouldst the journey be prosperous, the agency doth decree an Authority to Operate upon thee.
Shouldst thou opt for agency authorization, ’tis advised to link with a recognized third-party assessment organization to craft a Readiness Assessment Report. A roster of recognized assessors may be found in the FedRAMP Marketplace.
Next, thou must formalize thy bond with a government agency. They shall be thy comrade through the FedRAMP certification process. When thou art prepared, embark upon the quest by completing a Cloud Services Provider Information Form.
The voyage to attain FedRAMP’s authorization may prove challenging. Yet ’tis in the best interest of all parties involved that cloud service providers prevail once the authorization process commences.
To assist thee on thy quest, FedRAMP hath conversed with several small businesses and start-ups, learning valuable lessons during the authorization quest. Herein lay their seven key tips for navigating the authorization process with success:
1. Understand how thy product aligns with FedRAMP – encompassing a gap analysis.
2. Garner the support and commitment of thy organization – from the executive echelons to the technical teams.
3. Seeketh an agency partner – one that doth utilize thy product or is steadfast in their commitment to do so.
4. Invest time in accurately delineating thy domain. This includes internal components, connections to external services, and the flow of information and metadata.
5. Regard FedRAMP as a perpetual program, not merely a project with a beginning and end. Services must be vigilantly monitored and updated.
6. Deliberate well upon thy authorization approach. Multiple products may necessitate multiple authorizations.
7. Leverage the FedRAMP Project Management Office (PMO) as a resource. They can address thy technical queries and aid thee in devising thy strategy.
FedRAMP doth likewise furnish templates to guide cloud service providers in their preparations for FedRAMP compliance.
How may one stay compliant with FedRAMP, thou may inquire? ‘Tis crucial to first comprehend the various impact levels and baselines.
Lo, FedRAMP doth proffer three impact levels for services, each with varying risks, founded upon the potential repercussions of a security breach in three distinct realms: Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
The impact levels transpire thus:
– High, founded upon 410 controls. “The loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability could be anticipated to bear a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, assets, or individuals.” Typically relevant to law enforcement, emergency services, financial, and health systems.
– Moderate, founded upon 323 controls. “The loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability would yield a serious adverse effect on an agency’s operations, assets, or individuals.”
– Low, founded upon 156 controls. “The loss of confidentiality, integrity, and availability would yield a limited adverse effect on an agency’s operations, assets, or individuals.”
An additional option known as FedRAMP Tailored, based upon the same 156 controls as the Low impact level, yet with a lower number of security controls to be tested and verified. The provider is tasked to focus solely on the pertinent requirements. ‘Tis tailored for “Low-Impact software as a service (SaaS) applications that do not store personal identifiable information (PII) beyond what is generally required for login capability (i.e., username, password, and email address).” Known also as LI-SaaS.
Most recently, the FedRAMP Board did sanction new baselines (Rev. 5) to align with Special Publication (SP) 800-53 Rev. 5 Catalog of Security and Privacy Controls for Information Systems and Organizations and SP 800-53B Control Baselines for Information Systems and Organizations. These publications do emerge from the venerable National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The strategy of transition to Rev. 5 did commence upon the 30th day of May in the year 2023. Thus, all cloud service providers should by now have begun the transition process.
Bewareth, for achieving FedRAMP compliance is not a solitary task. Recall the Monitoring phase of FedRAMP authorization? ‘Tis imperative that thou dost provide regular security and vulnerability assessments and reports to ensure thy continued compliance with FedRAMP.
Likewise, ’tis essential to remain abreast of FedRAMP updates, such as the recent transition to Rev. 5. Thou may find thyself required to undergo additional assessments when baselines doth shift.
Verily, there dost exist a myriad of FedRAMP-authorized products and services. Herein lie a few examples from cloud service providers thou may already be acquainted with:
Moyens I/O – embraced by the US Department of the Interior, the Department of Education, and the General Services Administration.
Amazon Web Services – two listings in the FedRAMP Marketplace. AWS GovCloud stands authorized at the High level, whilst AWS US East/West claims authorization at the Moderate level.
Google Workspace – granted authorization through the JAB Authorization Process at the High Level, with 14 authorizations and 284 reuse ATOs.
Adobe Analytics – avails itself at the Low-Impact software as a service (SaaS) level, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention amongst its esteemed users.
Slack – authorized at the Moderate level, it hath obtained 11 FedRAMP authorizations and 142 reuse ATOs. Agencies such as the Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency and the Federal Trade Commission count themselves among its patrons.
Zendesk – utilized by the Federal Communications Commission, the Federal Reserve System, and the General Services Administration, enshrined with Li-SaaS authorization.
Zoom – in possession of Moderate authorization since July of the year 2023, with 43 authorizations and 42 reuse ATOs. Esteemed agencies such as The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of State partake in Zoom’s offerings.
Embrace FedRAMP, that bastion of security for thy data in the cloud. ‘Tis a journey fraught with challenges, yet one that leads to the pinnacle of security and compliance. Fare thee well on thy quest for FedRAMP’s blessing!