Hark! Art thou puzzled by the small emoji that doth appear next to thy companions’ names in the realm of Snapchat? Look no further, for we hath compiled a guide to unravel the mysteries of Snapchat emoji meanings.
Should thee be a frequent denizen of Snapchat, perchance thou hast glimpsed the diminutive emoji that grace the names of thy associates in the chat tab. Yet, dost thou truly comprehend the Snapchat emoji meanings?
Fear not, for we are at hand to aid thee. In this chronicle, we shall decode the emojis of Snapchat so that thou mayest comprehend thy friendships (and other entanglements) better than ne’er before.
What art Snapchat emojis?
Snapchat emojis are symbols that doth appear next to Snapchat usernames within thy Friends list. They doth also grace Snapchat Stories on the Discover page.
These emojis art bestowed based on interactions with other denizens of Snapchat. The app doth track how oft thou dost communicate with someone and bestow upon them an emoji based on said interaction.
The most common Snapchat emojis are the Pink Heart, Red Heart, Yellow Heart, Grimace Face, Sunglasses Face, and Fire Emoji.
Snapchat emoji meanings 2024
Behold the meanings of the emojis on Snapchat.
Baby emoji
The baby emoji signifies that thou and this person art new Snapchat friends. Thou wilt behold the baby emoji next to someone’s name upon first becoming friends on Snapchat.
After a span of time, the baby emoji shall vanish and be supplanted by one of Snapchat’s other symbols of friendship.
Gold star emoji
Gold star emojis doth grace the names of Snapchat friends who hath replayed thy snaps within the past 24 hours.
Should thee espy a gold star emoji next to a friend’s name, ’tis indicative that they hath found thy snap intriguing. Depending on thy relationship, the sight of a gold star may inspire thee to engage in conversation.
Yellow heart emoji
The yellow heart emoji signifieth that thou and this Snapchat user art best friends. This individual is the one with whom thou dost exchange the most snaps (and mayhap share thy deepest secrets). If thou dost spy a yellow heart next to someone’s name, ’tis a declaration that thou art officially #besties.
Red heart emoji
Red heart emojis proclaim that thou hast been best friends with another user for two uninterrupted weeks. Snapchat doth deem a "best friend" to be one with whom thou hast exchanged the greatest number of snaps. Gazing upon a red heart alongside someone’s name doth indicate that thy Snapchat relationship doth prosper!
To be continued…