Utilize these Snapchat demographic statistics to gain a deeper comprehension of your audience and construct a data-informed marketing approach.
Whilst we cherish the uniqueness of each Snapchatter like a rare and treasured bloom, acquainting oneself intimately with the vast community of 800 million monthly users on this app is a daunting task for any average social media manager. This is where the Snapchat demographic statistics step in.
These invaluable figures offer us a broader insight into the audience of this chat-and-photo-sharing platform, allowing us to bypass the trivial conversations.
Although Snapchat may not reign as the most utilized app globally—ranking as the 10th most popular social media platform—over half of Snapchatters engage with the app on a daily basis. This signifies a dedicated and enthusiastic clientele (primarily youthful… have we emphasized their youth?) that warrant recognition.
For those intrigued by integrating Snapchat into their business endeavors and desiring a profound understanding of their audience before delving into Snapchat advertising or pushing creative boundaries, this compilation of Snapchat demographics serves as the ideal starting point.
It is time to seize the moment.
Snapchat Age Demographics
The majority of Snapchat users fall within the 18 to 24 age bracket, constituting 38.5% of the app’s user base.
Individuals above 35 years of age are significantly less inclined to use Snapchat, as highlighted by Statista’s research.
Teenagers, aged between 13 and 17, represent 20% of Snapchat’s audience, providing a considerable platform for brands aiming to connect with a youthful demographic.
In the United States, an estimated 2.8 million Snapchat users are under the age of 12, despite the app not targeting users under the age of 13 specifically.
By the year 2025, Snapchat is projected to reach nearly 50 million Gen Z users, underscoring its popularity among this age group.
A notable 14% of U.S. teenagers admit to using Snapchat "almost constantly," with an additional 29% of teens revealing that they access the app several times a day.
- In the United States, 65% of adults under 30 utilize Snapchat, making it a crucial platform for social media marketers aiming to target Gen Z.
Snapchat Gender Demographics
Approximately 49% of Snapchat’s audience identifies as female, showcasing a balanced gender representation on this social media platform.
- In a near even distribution, 49.2% of Snapchat users identify as male, positioning Snapchat as one of the most gender-balanced platforms in the digital sphere.
(See Image: Distribution of Snapchat users worldwide, January 2024, by gender)
Source: Statista
Snapchat Income Demographics
Pew Research’s analysis of social media usage among U.S. adults reveals that Snapchat caters to individuals across various income levels, indicating a broad spectrum of users with diverse economic backgrounds.
The distribution of Snapchat users among different education levels is quite even, with 23% of college graduates admitting to using Snapchat.
Millennials and Gen Z, who dominate Snapchat’s user base, possess a combined spending power of $5 trillion, offering businesses an insight into the potential market value associated with these demographics.
- Snapchatters exhibit a higher likelihood (34%) of making purchases from advertisements on the platform compared to other social media channels, emphasizing the efficacy of Snapchat advertising strategies.
(See Image: Who uses each social media platform varies by factors such as age, gender, and level of formal education)
Source: Pew Research
Snapchat Location Demographics
India boasts the largest Snapchat user base among countries globally.
- The United States hosts over 106 million Snapchat users, significantly more than countries like Pakistan, the UK, and Canada.
(See Image: Leading countries based on Snapchat audience size, January 2024)
Source: Statista
- Bahrain holds the highest Snapchat penetration rate globally, with approximately 80% of its population engaging with the app. This statistic positions Bahrain as the leading country in Snapchat usage penetration.
After acquainting oneself with these Snapchat demographics, one can exude confidence in understanding the quintessence of a Snapchatter. For those seeking further insights to enhance their comprehension of a Snapchat user’s identity, additional pertinent statistics await exploration.