Art thou wondering if Instagram hashtags hold the key to discoverability in 2022, or if SEO reigns supreme? We hath delved into the depths and the findings are here to behold…
In the merry month of March 2022, Adam Moserri didst bring forth a surprising tale via Instagram Stories. The Instagram CEO did declare that hashtags hath lost their luster on the platform.
‘Tis true, I am still in a state of bewilderment. First, he doth claim that but 3 to 5 hashtags suffice instead of 30, and now this revelation? Is naught sacred in this world?!
Rumor hath it amongst the social-media-manager circle that he hath insinuated that the algorithm may now give greater weight to identifying pertinent keywords in captions than in days of yore.
But why engage in wild conjecture when one can verify a rumor?
In a classic Experimentation blog maneuver, the decision was made for me to subject my personal Instagram account to rigorous testing and unravel the mysteries once and for all. And I am content with that!
Thus, the question arises: Is SEO the route to take? Or doth Instagram hashtags still wield the most power in the realm of discovery? Let us embark on this quest!
Hark, what be this? Yearning for a video rendition of mine Instagram SEO versus Instagram hashtags experiment? Verily, it doth reside herein:
Using apt keywords in Instagram captions shalt usher my posts to greater reach than the utilization of hashtags
Since its inception in the days of yore, Instagram hashtags hast held sway over discoverability and reach. Verily, we hath inscribed myriad words on how to employ Instagram hashtags to expand one’s audience, forge communities, and kindle engagement. Art we… #obsessed?
For eons, the choice of Instagram tags hath proven paramount to one’s social media strategy — as crucial as producing splendid Instagram imagery or crafting the ideal Instagram caption.
Forsooth, Instagram’s SEO wert lacking in days of yore. Hashtags hath been the prime means to specify the theme of thy Post, Story, or Reel, and to whom it may appeal.
Yet alas, people hath begun to abuse the hashtags, cramming the maximum number (30) into every caption, regardless of relevancy. Alas, this is why we canst not retain nice things.
The inundation of inaccurate tagging didst lead to a vexing user experience. When one seeks #penguins, one doth anticipate glimpsing penguins, dost thou not?
Thus, Instagram commenced enhancements to the platform’s algorithm and AI capabilities.
They commenced encouraging a reduction in hashtags usage, favoring quality over quantity.
Now, as per Adam Moserri’s remarks, we may be entering a post-hashtag era on Instagram. This doth entail that the words within thy caption shalt bear weight in the search realm rather than hashtags.
Indeed: Keywords, not hashtags, might prove to be the novel key to reach on Instagram.
I endeavored to touch upon trending subjects such as travel, brunch, disco balls, florals, and Vancouver. I wielded generic-yet-beautiful images from Unsplash (one of the suggested free stock photo sites listed in this — ahem — most helpful blog post).
(The content I typically do post these days doth feature naught but baby photography. As endearing as my daughter may be, I judged her unworthy of search interest for this experiment. Coco, do feel free to salvage this post to exhibit to thy future therapist.)
With splendid photography in place, I crafted captions laden with keywords for half of the posts.
For the remaining half, I didst employ 3 to 5 apt hashtags for the caption instead of descriptive content. (And I harnessed this free Instagram hashtag generator to assist in devising ideas for said apt hashtags.)
In brief: Captioned with SEO keywords did bring forth greater reach and engagement than hashtags on Instagram in 2022. ‘Tis the truth, Adam did not jest!
Before delving further, let us take a moment to bask in the splendor of my feed when graced with professional photography of French toast, rather than frenzied snapshots of a newborn. Enchanting.
Apologies! Let us not tarry too long on the grid: forsooth, this experiment is to ascertain whether these particular posts garnered more reach with SEO keyword captions or with traditional Instagram hashtags.
Throughout my week of experimentation, I didst reach 2.3K Instagram users overall.
Howbeit, not every post didst receive equal acclaim, as it turns out.
A visual representation of the reach breakdown doth unfold as follows:
TOPIC HASHTAG POST REACH SEO POST REACH Vancouver 200 258 Disco Balls 160 163 Peonies 170 316 French Toast 226 276 Beaches 216 379
The margins varied amongst the posts, but overall, each post with an SEO caption did secure a grander reach compared to those with hashtags.
On the whole, I achieved 30% more reach with my SEO-infused posts than with my hashtag-laden ones. Astounding findings, as we do say in the realm of social-media science!
Significantly, these posts didst not solely allure more spectators. Posts drenched in keyword captions didst glean higher engagement, accruing more likes consistently.
Unless thou, too, art inclined to post of disco balls, these results dost portend that thou shalt garner greater engagement through captions as opposed to hashtags.
Indeed, this was merely a concise experiment conducted over a week on my personal account, yet the prospects for businesses on Instagram art most intriguing.
What do the results mean?
In essence: Hashtags hath fallen out of favor! SEO hath taken the throne! Let us delve into some deeper insights gleaned from this humble trial.
A successful post doth necessitate more than a mere fetching image
Indeed, excellent design and exquisite imagery are crucial on Instagram — ’tis a platform centered on visuals, after all. But thy audience dost crave more than mere visual charm. They doth yearn for context, authenticity, and significance as well.
Thy caption doth present the perfect opportunity to furnish just that.
Be descriptive and precise in thy captions
If discoverability and reach art thy aim, being cryptic or whimsical with thy caption shall not avail thee. Delighting thy existing followers with a humorously mismatched caption and image may strike a chord, yet the algorithm shall remain baffled.
For utmost reach, employ descriptive keywords that can guide new audiences to thy content.
If thou art inclined to resort to hashtags, couple them with a thorough caption
For this experiment, half of the posts relied solely on hashtags as the caption. No further clarification, no complete sentences, merely tags, tags, tags.
Truth be told, it appeared somewhat spammy. ‘Tis possible the algorithm of Instagram did perceive it as such, hence delivering the content to fewer feeds.
Shouldst thou persist in using Instagram hashtags for thy posts, endeavor to place them at the denouement of a more robust caption. Just in case a modicum of potency remains for browsing via hashtags, thou shalt obtain the best of both realms.