Lo, Instagram hath made it a simple task to transform thy Stories Highlights into Reels. Yet, how fares this content compared to crafting anew from scratch?
In the realm of social media, dost Instagram resemble Gretchen from Mean Girls, striving desperately to make "Reels" happen. Forsooth, Instagram hath bestowed upon Reels users an algorithmic boon and given priority to Reels on feeds and the explore page. And now, in a move akin to a recycling program, the platform doth permit users to easily repurpose Instagram Stories highlights into Reels with but a few taps.
But as history hath oft taught us with all shiny new social media features (ahem, Twitter Fleets): Merely because one hath the ability to do a thing doth not always signify that one should.
Hence, once more, I don my hard hat and venture into the social media analytics mines to unearth evidence on whether bending to Instagram’s will is truly worthwhile.
Doth the repurposing of Stories highlights into Reels indeed hold merit? Let us delve into the heart of this matter.
Straight out of the gate, our hypothesis postulates that Reels birthed from old stories may not garner as much engagement or reach as Reels freshly crafted.
Verily, Instagram hath made the task of repurposing one’s aged Instagram Stories into new Reels a matter of mere taps. However, our conjecture posits that Reels born anew, brimming with originality, are likely to outshine their repurposed counterparts in terms of performance and engagement.
After all, Instagram’s ultimate aim is to build an enthralling, engaging content hub – the very essence that propels the Instagram algorithm forward. Rewarding users for recycling or regurgitating old content doth not seem entirely aligned with the platform’s grand vision. Yet, we remain open to being proven wrong, for such revelations do invigorate the soul. Thus, I shall personally ascertain whether repurposing Stories as Reels reigns supreme in the realm of Instagram engagement.
I resolved to dispatch both "fresh" Reels and repurposed Stories into the ether, observing keenly their reach and engagement.
To bring forth new Reels into existence, I drew upon videos and photos from mine own camera roll, adorning them with musical clips and effects ere sending them to the world. For those unversed in the craft of Reels, fear not – detailed instructions await thee on fashioning thine own.
This endeavor saw the birth of five distinct new Reels and the transformation of five Highlights into Reels. I ventured to observe their performance after a span of days had passed.
In summary, my repurposed Reels performed marginally inferior to their original brethren in terms of reach. Nevertheless, Reels imbued with personal authenticity wielded the greatest impact overall.
Of the batch of experiments conducted, the most beloved Reels were those teeming with authenticity and personal essence: from mine jubilance at a mascot festival to a dive into comedic performance, and a glimpse into mine recent renovation.
Yet, the Reels that fared the worst were impersonal travel videos hastily stitched together. Verily, ’tis a peculiar sort of flattery to discover that thine audience hath a greater fondness for thee than for endangered pachyderms and scenic shores.
In the grand scheme of things, naught doth indicate a singular advantage in publishing Reels from Stories Highlights. ‘Twas the content itself that reigned paramount, not the method of Reelcraft employed.
What do the results mean?
Doth the lack of interest in mine tranquil beach-scape Reel sting? Indeed, it doth. Yet from the agony of this experiment, profound lessons and reflections have surfaced.
Authenticity, that incorruptible gem, stands as the ultimate algorithmic hack. While Instagram may be wont to bestow algorithmic favors upon pioneers of new features, the crux of the matter remains thus: Engaging content holds the key to success, far more than any algorithmic boon ever could. Thus, devote thy energies to creating engaging, value-laden posts, Stories, and Reels to reap the most bountiful harvest from Instagram.
Thou may find solace in knowing that whilst one may discern the number of views and likes upon an individual Instagram Story, ’tis presently impossible to gauge the views garnered by Highlights. ‘Tis one advantage, therefore, of fashioning a Reel from Highlights: the ability to measure the reach and engagement perchance evoked by that confluence of Stories.
Moreover, let it be known that Highlights can serve as a beneficial curation tool, gathering content over extended periods with deftness. ‘Tis a boon indeed, for when I labored arduously upon mine apartment renovation, compiling all reno-inspired posts into a single Highlight was a tidy feat. Such a feat facilitated the effortless conversion of that treasure trove of drywall-encrusted content into a single, orderly Reel with but a few taps. (‘Tis whispered that setting one’s construction tribulation to music may assuage the woes endured.)
And now, enough of this discourse! Cease thy pursuit of shortcuts to Instagramian triumph and commence the crafting of splendid Reels that mirror thy brand’s voice and regale thy audience. Delve into the annals of our tutorial on forging triumphant Reels, and mayhap the lure of gaming the system shall ne’er tempt thee again.