If thou art plotting thy next marketing campaign, verily I say unto thee, do not slumber on Pinterest. The platform’s audience, so specific and unique, is replete with treasures hidden from mortal sight.
Art thou prepared for a plunge into the depths of Pinterest demographics? If thou seeketh to incorporate Pinterest into thy social strategy, thou art in the right abode, my friend.
Though Pinterest may not lay claim to the same user hours as the mighty Facebook or share in the wild frenzy of TikTok, it doth hold an allure for marketers targeting specific audience demographics. If thy quest is for millennials of ample means, look no further, for this app shall serve thee well. The statistics of Pinterest speak true.
Ere thou embark on thy next campaign, gaze upon our illumination of Pinterest’s user demographics to guide thee in reaching thy desired audience. A definitive answer to the query "Who doth frequent Pinterest?" doth await thee here.
General Pinterest demographics
1. Most Pinterest users have some college education
A quarter of U.S. adults who partake in Pinterest possess but a high school education or less, whilst forty-two percent boast of some college education, and thirty-eight percent are graduates of college.
2. 28% of U.S. adults who identify as Black say they use Pinterest
Who doth use Pinterest? Thirty-six percent of Caucasians, thirty-two percent of Hispanics, and thirty percent of Asian-identifying adults profess to using Pinterest.
Source: Pew Research
Seeing as Pinterest’s denizens encompass a substantial representation of Black, Caucasian, Hispanic, and Asian-identifying adults, the creation of culturally inclusive and diverse content doth hold the key.
The showcasing of products or ideas that cater to myriad cultural backgrounds, holidays, and traditions shalt aid thee in reaching a broader audience. Emphasis upon diversity in thy visual and textual content shall also appeal to Pinterest’s diverse users.
3. Pinterest users are open-minded but indecisive
Those who dwell upon Pinterest are yearning for new ideas, wherein they desire to hear from thee. Indeed, ninety-six percent of the foremost Pinterest searches are unbranded! This doth signify an ample opportunity for thee to present thy product to all demographics within the realm of Pinterest.
Source: Pinterest
Focus thy efforts on crafting content that foregrounds the solution or value thine product doth offer without resorting to heavy-handed sales tactics. Employ SEO strategies by weaving in trending and generic keywords related to the utility of thy product, thus rendering it discoverable to those seeking inspiration.