Microphone Not Working in Facebook Search – What to Do 1

Microphone Not Working in Facebook Search – What to Do

Every time you have a problem with your microphone, it can be caused by various factors that you can easily control. Although the problem can sometimes be serious and require professional attention, it can usually be resolved within a few minutes.

This article will examine possible culprits that could interfere with your Facebook calls and prevent your microphone from working properly.

Your Microphone Is Not Corded Properly

This is both the most harmless problem and the easiest to fix. All you have to do is check if you have correctly plugged the external cable of your microphone into your computer.

People often plug their microphones into the wrong sockets on their computers. This is because two nearly identical sockets (one for your microphone and one for your speaker) are often located next to each other. Therefore, if you have plugged your microphone into the socket for your speakers, your microphone will not work.

Check the markings on the sockets, unplug your microphone, and then plug it into the correct microphone socket. Also make sure you plug the cord all the way into the outlet.

Mute Switch of Your Microphone or Headphones On

Some microphones and headsets have mute buttons that automatically disable your microphone when pressed. So, check if your microphone’s mute button (if any) is turned off and adjust if necessary.

Other Programs Are Currently Using Your Microphone or Camera

You may be experiencing Facebook search problems when two programs are using your microphone or camera at the same time. Sometimes such programs do not conflict with each other and your devices will work on both platforms.

However, this depends on the software itself. With that in mind, make sure all other programs that might be using your microphone or camera device are closed. The programs you should check are Skype, Team Speak, Team Viewer, Viber etc.

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Some websites may also use your microphone and camera device without you realizing it. If you have a website open in another tab asking for permission to use your microphone/camera device (or if you’re not sure if the website is using your devices), close it before calling a friend on Facebook.

The Hardware You Are Using Is Not Set By Default

Windows includes an option that lets you choose the hardware devices you want to use and set them as default. This feature has been added in case you are using multiple external devices at the same time and want more control over their configuration and overall usage.

You can set your current microphone device as default as follows:

  1. Click the Start button in the lower left corner.
  2. Select Control Panel.
  3. Click Hardware and Sound.
  4. Select Audio from the displayed list. This will open a popup window.
  5. Select the Recording tab. From there, you will be able to see the list of audio devices currently connected to your computer.
  6. Click on the microphone you are using.
  7. Click the Set As Default button located at the bottom of the window that opens.
    set as default

You can also enter your microphone’s configuration by selecting your microphone from the same pop-up window and clicking Configure.

Your Computer Might Be Missing Appropriate Sound Drivers

Drivers are software that controls how your computer’s hardware behaves. If you completely missed your sound drivers or you installed the wrong drivers (outdated), be sure to update your entire list of sound drivers.

You can do this like this:

  1. Click the start button.
  2. Type Device Manager in the search bar.
  3. Select the first option (Device Manager). This will open a popup with all the drivers installed on your computer.
  4. Locate and right-click on Sound, Video and Game Controllers.
  5. Click Scan for Hardware Changes. Your drivers will then be updated automatically or you will be prompted to install updates for your audio configuration.

There Might Be a Problem with Your Browser

A few things can cause your browser not to work. This will of course be reflected in the Facebook search feature. To make sure this is not the problem, close your browser completely and open it again.

This should fix browser issues. If not, clear your browser’s cache. This can be done by going into your browser’s settings and going to the Privacy section. From there, you will have the Clear Browser Cache option that you need to click on.

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Something Might Be Wrong With Facebook

There is usually a problem with Facebook itself. Developers may be upgrading the platform you are currently using, which could cause microphone issues. All you can do in this situation is wait and try again.

If others are having the same problem as you, there is nothing wrong with your computer’s sound configuration and the problem is with Facebook.

Enjoy Your Facebook Searches

Hopefully, some of the previously mentioned methods helped you fix your microphone issue. If none of these worked, check your computer hardware. For example, the cable of your microphone may be damaged. In some cases, your microphone may need to be replaced.

Which of these methods have you tried and did it work for you? Is there any other possible solution to this problem that we failed to mention? Let us know in the comments below.