Maximize Your Ad Budget with Social Media Advertising in 2024 for Real Business Results

Maximize Your Ad Budget with Social Media Advertising in 2024 for Real Business Results

Hark! Learneth how to useth social media advertising to achieveth real business results and get the most out of thy ad budget.

Social media advertising, a game of great import for brands seeking to reach new audiences (or even their existing audiences!) in the year of our Lord 2024. The organic reach doth declineth, whereby it happeneth that even people who do follow thee may miss much of thy content.

By adding a budget to thy social strategy, thou art assur’d that thy social content shall cometh afore the eyes of those thou wisheth to reach. Yea, thou can be very specific about which market thou wisheth to target and how much thou art willing to spend.

Read on to ascertain if social media advertising be a good fit for thy business, how much thou should set aside to commence, and which social networks to prioritize.

What ho! What is social media advertising?

Social media advertising is a form of digital advertising. It simply doth mean spending coin to reach thy target audience with promoted content on a social platform.

The number of souls who do see thy social media ads is known as thy “paid reach.” This doth differ from thy “organic reach,” which pertains to souls who do see thy content as distributed by social media algorithms.

The Top 3 Benefits of Social Media Advertising

1. Reacheth a specific target audience: The social platforms do offer very specific ad targeting. When thou dost micro-target thy ad campaigns, thou reacheth only the audience most interested in thy wares, thus maximizing thy ad spend.
2. Learneth and revise in real time: Social ads do provide instant feedback. Thou can gauge the effectiveness of a sponsored post in real time and make adjustments to thy strategy, including reallocating budget to thy best converting ads with just a few clicks.
3. Easily tracketh ROI: ‘Tis not always easy to calculate the ROI of thy overall social strategy, but social ads reporting doth show thee the real value of thy work in dollars and cents.

The Most Important Social Media Advertising Platforms

To determineth the most important places for thee to advertise on social media, thou needest to know which networks be most popular with thy target market.

Where is thy target group most engaged, most concentrated, and most accessible? Here is a swift summary of age demographics from the Pew Research Center:

[Source: Pew Research Center]

Of course, age is but one factor to consider when prioritizing thy advertising on social media. For more details on demographics, peruse our full guide to social media demographics for marketers.

Listed below be the paid social media advertising campaign objectives and formats available on each of the major social platforms:

## Facebook Ads

### Facebook Ads Objectives
– Awareness: Introduce thy brand to more people.
– Traffic: Send traffic to thy website.
– Engagement: Bring in more likes, comments, and shares.
– Leads: Direct viewers to a lead-generation form.
– App promotion: Promote thy app or game.
– Sales: Drive sales conversions.

### Facebook Ads Formats

[Image: Facebook Messenger ad]
[Source: Facebook]

[Image: Facebook carousel ad]
[Source: Facebook]

– Photo: A single image (not necessarily a photo) to promote thy products, services, or brand.
– Video: Vertical or horizontal, for quick hits or deep dives.
– Stories: Mobile-only full-screen vertical video.
– Messenger: Viewers can tap to start a conversation with thy brand.
– Carousel: Up to ten images or videos, each with its own headline, description, or link.
– Slideshow: Combine images and text to create a video ad that uses up to five times less data than regular video.
– Collection: Mobile shopping experiences that allow viewers to purchase directly through the app.
– Playables: Interactive previews of apps.

For more details, do venture into our Facebook Advertising Guide.

## Instagram Ads

### Instagram Ads Objectives
– Awareness: Introduce thy brand to more people.
– Traffic: Send traffic to thy website.
– Engagement: Bring in more likes, comments, and shares.
– Leads: Direct viewers to a lead-generation form.
– App promotion: Promote thy app or game.
– Sales: Drive sales conversions.

### Instagram Ads Formats

[Image: Jaspers Market vegetables photo ad in Instagram feed]
[Source: Instagram]

[Image: Spruce Instagram Reels ad]
[Source: Instagram]

These be mostly the same as the options for Facebook, as both types of ads can be created through Meta Ads Manager.

– Photo: A single image (not necessarily a photo) to promote thy products, services, or brand.
– Video: Square or horizontal.
– Stories: Mobile-only full-screen vertical photos or videos that appeareth between Stories.
– Carousel: Up to 10 images or videos, each with its own headline, description, or link.
– Reels: Fullscreen vertical photos or videos that appeareth between Reels and in feed.
– Instagram Shop: Carousel or collection ads featuring square images and checkout through thy website or within an Instagram Shop.

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## TikTok Ads

### TikTok Ads Objectives
– Reach: Introduce thy brand to more people.
– Traffic: Send traffic to thy website.
– Video views: Get more – thou guessed it – video views.
– Community interaction: Increase traffic to thy profile page.
– Product sales: Drive sales conversions.
– Website conversions: Drive other conversions, like adding an item to cart or registering for thy newsletter.
– Lead generation: Direct viewers to a lead-generation form.
– App promotion: Promote thy app or game.

### TikTok Ads Formats

[Image: TikTok shopping ad video of woman showing products]
[Source: TikTok]

– Image: A single full-screen image to promote thy products, services, or brand.
– Video: A 5- to 60-second video.
– Carousel: Show from 2 to 35 images, depending on the selected objective. Clickable images or calls to action, also depending on the objective.
– Topview: A video ad shown as soon as someone opens TikTok. It starteth with a 3-second video takeover that leadeth into an in-feed video. Only available through a sales representative for qualified customers.
– Spark ads: These are the TikTok version of boosted posts, with the added twist that thou can boost posts from any creator (with their permission).
– Playable ads: Offer a preview of thy app or game.
– Live shopping ads: Alloweth viewers to purchase products during a live stream.
– Video shopping ads: Create videos that allow users to purchase products from thy catalog.

Learneth more in our guide to TikTok ads.

## X (Twitter) Ads

### X (Twitter) Advertising Objectives
– Reach: Introduce thy brand to more people.
– Video views: Get more video views.
– App installs: Promote thy app or game.
– Website traffic: Send traffic to thy website.
– Engagement: Bring in more likes, replies, reposts, and so on.
– App re-engagement: Get existing but infrequent users of thy app to re-engage.
– Website conversions: Drive sales and other conversions, like adding an item to cart or registering for thy newsletter.

### X Ads Formats

[Image: The Barista Bar coffee X collection ad]
[Source: X]

– Promoted Ads: Formerly known as Promoted Tweets, these can be images, videos, carousels, or text-only.
– Vertical video ads: Full-screen, sound-on mobile ads. This is the fastest growing ad surface on the platform.
– Amplify: X Amplify Pre-roll ads appear before video content in 15+ categories.
– Takeover: X Trend Takeover alloweth brands to place a sponsored ad on the Explore tab, while X Timeline Takeover ads appear at the top of a user’s timeline when they open X.
– X Live: Add budget to thy X Live to maximize reach.
– Dynamic product ads: Retarget people who have engaged with a product on thy website.
– Collection ads: A single hero image plus smaller thumbnails, with multi-destination linking.

Take a deeper dive into advertising on X.

## Snapchat Ads

### Snapchat Ads Objectives
– Awareness: Introduce thy brand to more people and drive traffic to thy website.
– Snap promote: Promote a specific story to get more subscribers.
– Promote places: Advertise a physical location.
– App installs: Send viewers to the app store to download thy app or game.
– Drive traffic to website: Send traffic to thy website.
– Drive traffic to app: Promote thy app or game.
– Engagement: Bring in more likes, comments, and so on.
– Video views: Get more video views.
– Lead gen: Direct viewers to a lead-generation form.
– Website conversions: Drive sales and other conversions, like adding an item to cart or registering for thy newsletter.
– Catalog sales: Drive sales conversions from thy catalog.
– App conversions: Drive conversions within thy app.
– Calls and texts: Encourage viewers to call or text thy business with a tap.

### Snapchat Ads Formats

[Image: Hi Cola experience the flavours Snapchat ad]
[Source: Snapchat]

– Single image or video ads: A single image or video with a CTA.
– Collection ads: Four tappable product tiles to showcase products.
– Story ads: Between 1 and 20 single video or image ads, shown in sequence mimicking the experience of tapping through a Story.
– Lenses AR experiences: Interactive sponsored camera filters.
– Commercials: Ads up to 3 minutes long, with the first 6 seconds unskippable.
– Filter ads: Image overlays users can add to Snaps.

## LinkedIn Ads

### LinkedIn Ads Objectives
– Brand awareness: Introduce thy brand to more people.
– Website visits: Send traffic to thy website.
– Engagement: Bring in more likes, comments, shares, and so on.
– Video views: Get more video views.
– Lead generation: Direct viewers to a lead-generation form.
– Website conversions: Drive sales and other conversions, like adding an item to cart or registering for thy newsletter.
– Job applicants: Promote job opportunities to qualified LinkedIn members based on skills and experience.

### LinkedIn Ads Formats

[Image: FixDex improve customer productivity LinkedIn image ad]
[Source: LinkedIn]

– Single image ads: A single image to promote thy products, services, or brand.
– Video ads: 3 seconds to 30 minutes in native video format.
– Carousel ads: Feature 2-10 clickable cards.
– Event ads: Drive attendance to an event with an ad that connects to thy event page.
– Document ads: Share Word docs, PDFs, Powerpoints, and more, right in the feed – great for lead generation.
– Thought leader ads: Promote content from thy brand’s thought leaders’ LinkedIn profiles.

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Hearken! These be but a few of the array of formats thou can employ. Learn more in our guide to LinkedIn advertising.

## Pinterest Ads

### Pinterest Ads Objectives
– Brand awareness: Introduce thy brand to more people.
– Video view: Rather than just bringing in more views, this objective aimeth to maximize play times and completion rates.
– Consideration: Increase Pin clicks and outbound clicks.
– Conversions: Drive conversions like adding an item to cart or registering for thy newsletter.
– Catalog sales: Drive sales conversions from thy catalog.

### Pinterest Ads Formats

[Image: Top Rest non-invasive wrinkle patches Pinterest ad]
[Source: Pinterest]

– Image ads: A single image to promote thy products, services, or brand.
– Video ads: Choose either standard width or max width, which expands across the entire screen on mobile.
– Carousel ads: Feature 2-5 images.
– Shopping ads: Single image ads designed to drive purchases.

Behold! Collections ads, Idea ads, Showcase ads, and Quiz ads do also cometh. Learn more in our guide to Pinterest ads.

## YouTube Ads

### YouTube Ads Objectives
– Awareness: Introduce thy brand to more people.
– Consideration: Make thy brand top of mind when people start thinking about making a purchase.
– Action: Drive sales and other conversions, like adding an item to cart or registering for thy newsletter.

### YouTube Ads Formats

[Image: Strategy Game total battle YouTube skippable in-stream ad]
[Source: Tactical Wargame]

– In-stream ads: Skippable or unskippable (up to 30 seconds) videos that run before, during, or after other videos.
– Bumper ads: Up to 6 seconds, non-skippable; these play before, after, or during another video.

Hark! Learn more about YouTube advertising.

Inspiring social media advertising examples

1. Good Protein combines brand ads with creator content

[Image: Good Protein TikTok advertising campaign Spark Ads]
[Source: TikTok]

The protein shake brand Good Protein ran a social media advertising campaign on TikTok in which they used Spark Ads to promote creator content alongside brand ads. Creators shared everything from recipes to reviews, while the brand answered questions through video responses.

Why this works: Social media users often trust creators more than brands themselves. Showcasing a variety of voices improved average watch time by 25%.

2. PureGym embraces “real Reels”

[Image: PureGym runner types Reels ad with text]
[Source: Facebook]

PureGym used lo-fi, handheld, Reels ads with text incorporated in the usual Reels style. The idea was to mimic the style of organic Reels content to increase watchtime and engagement.

3. NARS Cosmetics boosts ROI with Instagram Shop ads

[Image: Narcissist creamy concealer Instagram sponsored ad with Shop Now button]
[Source: Instagram]

NARS Cosmetics tested shopping ads that allowed customers to check out via their Instagram Shop against ads that directed customers to the NARS website to complete their purchase. They found that adding the Instagram Shops checkout option increased ROI by 6% and decreased cost per purchase by 24%.

Why this works: This is a prime example of why testing is so important. The ad pointing customers to the NARS website was working just fine. Why mess with a good thing? Would customers be as willing to check out within the Instagram Shops interface? In fact, they were more willing to do so, something NARS would never have known without testing.

4. Cetaphil gets trendy on Pinterest

[Image: Cetaphil Pinterest Trend Badge]
[Source: Pinterest]

Cetaphil leaned into trending topics paired with the Pinterest Trend Badge to show Pinners that they were aligning their content (and products) with statistically significant trends on the platform.

Why this works: Cetaphil put in the research before launching their campaign. They used keyword research to learn that people were searching for “simple skincare routine” and “skin types.” They used that information to inform their creative strategy, leading to a 4.5% increase in brand awareness.

Social media advertising cost in the year of our Lord 2024

‘Tis nearly impossible to break down social media cost amounts in concrete terms. There are two main reasons for this:

1. There be many variables in play, such as the value of the keywords thou target, the time of year, and even the day of the week.
2. None of the popular social media platforms dost tend to make this information public.

However, there be a few things we can say with specificity. First, thou needest to understand how thou art charged for paid social media advertising.

For most ad objectives (except off-platform conversion-oriented ones), thou shalt pay either cost per thousand impressions (CPM) or cost per click (CPC).

For CPM: Thou payest every time someone seeth thy ad. Cast a wide net to increase awareness.

For CPC: Thou gettest not charged for views, only for clicks. Include some qualifying text in thy ad to ensur…

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